Thank you dude, which part in Malaysia are you staying? I am in Puchong, I got the shrimps from the LFS here. They do sell red cherry, amano, crystal. I really like the red cherry as it is small in size and after they moult, they look even redish. Nice to see them moving around the tank, very active.
While amano shrimps, they are bigger in size, I got them to help me to clear the algae for me.
Will post the pictures tomorrow...
You are most welcome
I'm at Penang, there isn't much fish stores around here, only two major ones and I have not seen any other shrimp apart from 'algae eating shrimp' (amano?) being sold at those places.
Penang, a nice place.
I have heard from my neighbour, she is from Penang too, she said that there is a wholesaler in Penang which has variety of fishes to sell there. You could just ask around...
As promised, I have taken some pictures to share with you guys...
I still haven't checked out the name for my new plants yet...
This is a full tank shot;
Some molly and the "hair grass" plant, is this plant called Hair Grass?
Another new plant. the leaf looks like yam plant;
The third new plant at the back, is this called Java fern? It is readily attached on a piece of drift wood;
The red cherry shrimp is peeping from the drift wood.
The Amano shrimp, can you see her?
Red cherry shrimp again, the red is so sharp and attractive.
As you can see, there are some algae on the plants and drift wood, but I noticed that the shrimps and otos are started clearing it.
Leave me a comment to help me improve. Thank you guys...