Juwel Rio A New Begining

thanks do you think all the plants listed will be ok under 3 40w t8's as im probably not gonna go with t5's now

also i really like the lilaeopsis i think ill go with that as it looks very cool

canit be trimmed down

also with the java fern id like it to stagger how would i achieve this or am i asking the impossible the only way i can think is start with larger plants at the back to start with
yes, it can be trimmed like grass. To be honest, it doesn't get to tall anyways, you may not need to trim it.
ahhh even better then thanks for the imput

have you any idea on the lights
the T8's should be fine, until you go with T5HO the isn't much of a difference between T5 and T8 apart from the size of the tube.
ahh thanks then so if i ever did go for the t5's theyde be 0k still
T5s will be fine. What is it with everybody and diagrams and schematics... BigC started something, huh... Looking forward to this one. Did you finalize the stocking yet?

dunno truckasaurus did one a few years ago and i did one a year or two ago for my 2ft planted

heres my two previouse planted tank efferts


also thanks about the lighhting
These are great! Nice and lush. People can scape and arrange all they want, I'll still rather see lush and healthy growth. Looking forward to the new system.

Yes, I remember that member being diagram crazy. Schematics can be fun.
would 2 54w t5ho make me need ferts or anything
With the HO, I's say yes, you'd have to adopt ferts and good CO2. Bae, stick to the T5 or T8, don't spend the extra money to cause yourself more work and money down the road. You are not growing anything that would require T5 HO lighting.

Just my two cents... This is a big tank, keep it simple. Look at Simonas with his big tank, already thinking pressurized and mixing ferts. Not that that's a bad thing, but do you want the extra work?

If it were me, I wouldn't.

thanks for the reply the only reason for my question is theres a setup near me for 35 bid or 50 buy but if its gonna cause problems/more work ill stick with my existing light and upgrade to a better looking one later on cheers again all i gotta do now is sell my live sand and stop looking at swapping my 5ft for a 4x2x2 (i keep thinking my wished scape will look better but its really not feasable lol) :lol:

oh (missed it earlier) and my intended stock currently is

50 cardinals
15 peppered cory's
2 whiptais
14 otos
10 dwarf neon rainbows
cherry shrimp
5 sparkling gouramis
5 khuli loaches
in the past couple of weeks iv drained the marine scrubbed and cleaned it

added a brace bar as i broke one wheni first bought the tank and it had started to bow

ive added a filter (that i extended the spraybar on so the spraybar goes the length of the tank ,wich im hoping will help with dead spots still gonna add a power head tho)

siliconed in the juwel 3d backing added the under substrate and the sand

and added the hardscape but the tiny pebbles may not be in there finale place yet not sure

the pics wich make the wood look flat to the back but its not also the rocks have changed from two at the back to two at the front as i didnt like two at the back

enough waffling here goes




ive stil gotta cover the intake with sponge get some more media for the filter and sort the lid/lighting out but it is moving

atb bea
I love the pebbles' layout. I am not too sure about the branches though. I think I would like to see them longer and of different lengths. It looks a bit too man made for me at the moment...

When are your plants coming? I am sure things will look fine once you have planted everything. I just have problems imagining how it would look like with the plants and the wood together.
yeah i know what you mean but the pictures make it look that way in actuallity it doesnt but hopefully the plants will change this also havnt ordered the plants as of yet

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