Juwel Rio A New Begining

do you reckon a golden nugget plec would do well with the above
what about this

50 cardinals
15 peppered cory's
2 whiptais
14 otos (lfs does buy 6 fish get 1 free)
10 dwarf neon rainbows
cherry shrimp amount depends whats on AC
gold nugget plec
5 sparkling gourami these guys i have in with cherry shrimp already so should be fine with that side of things
I thought about sparkling gouramis, but I think in a tank that size you cannot call them a centrepiece fish anymore. They are too small and relatively shy, so I doubt you will get to see them enough....

Why don't you set it up first without the gouramis, you will not be able to put everything in at the same time anyway, and then take it from there?
i just think the gouramis could do with a upgrade and its a perfect way of doing things
so far this is the planned stock

50 cardinals
15 peppered cory's
2 whiptais
14 otos
10 dwarf neon rainbows
cherry shrimp
gold nugget plec
5 sparkling gouramis

what about a small group of say five khuli loaches and a few apple snails if so that will be it for stocking then ill be onto plants
right ive got my stocking sorted with

50 cardinals
15 peppered cory's
2 whiptais
14 otos
10 dwarf neon rainbows
cherry shrimp
5 sparkling gouramis
5 khuli loaches

now its onto plants any suggestlions
right ive got my stocking sorted with

50 cardinals
15 peppered cory's
2 whiptais
14 otos
10 dwarf neon rainbows
cherry shrimp
5 sparkling gouramis
5 khuli loaches

now its onto plants any suggestlions
with this stock would this filter be sufficient

ahh good there will also be a 720lph powerhead with foam intake cover for shrimp
I'm going to be a party pooper, but I'm just stating my opinion. I think the tank is so cardinal dominant, that the rest of the species, barring perhaps the rainbows, are a moot point. I also that in a 400lt tank, you're not going to even see sparking gouramis most of the time. There are three varieties often marketed as "sparkling" or "croaking" gouramis. Trichopsis pumulis is the smallest at 4cm. Trichopsis shalleri has a more defined red lining to the fins and gets up to 5cm. T. shalleri is the prettiest, IMO. Even larger is Trichopsis vittatus, which gets up to 7cm. T. vittatus has a prominent "eye" spot right behind its gill plate, and the anal fin is lined with a thin band of white. Otherwise these species are often mixed up in the shops. T. vittatus will have the best chance of showing up in a larger tank. All three, and this is from my own experience, eat chrimp with much gusto!

Sorry, just my two cents worth.
yeah ill try to id but they need a upgrade and there in with baby shrimp and adults
well ive came up with a planting plan also would 2x 58w t5's be too much for this setup any way heres a overhead view but i am open to change to suit my lighting as i have no clue


heres a front view

now the plants i have in mind are

1:Java fern
2:redmoor wood
3:large pebbles
5 left:anubias plant
5 right: some kind of moss
6: amazon swords
8:red lotus
9:more java vern mixed with crypts

oh and i also want some kind of carpeting plants in thegravel are but i want some gravel uncovered for the corys to graze
impatient sod bump (im bored lol)
i like it, Bae. It'll need some thought about the front of the tank, maybe some small crypts like Parva or even some lilaeopsis.

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