Juwel Rio A New Begining


youve now got the fun task of scrubbing a marine tank for tropicals in weather like this :sick:

i did not enjoy cleaning my 400 but it was worth it

good luck

atb bae
Well, you just have the one focal point, so I didn't have to say anything. :p You ever going to cover the wood with moss?
It was my paint masterpieces you said about :lol: :lol:

I tried with riccia and failed but I'm gonna try to cover them with moss lol just gotta buy it first :lol:
all abit blury but theyll do :lol:

i got a fx5 yesterday as my aps2000 started to pull air and lost flow so i added a small powerhead to counter act the problem but may remove that as the fx5 is abit stronger lol so gotta send the filter off to get it fixed and sell it

i swapped some moss on here and tied that to the wood

I also added a apple snail :drool:

and added some carpeting type plants a few weeks ago and seems to be doing well and the vallis and crypts and fern are all doing great the neons are growing the shrimp are breeding and the khuli loaches are non stop :rofl:

any way heres some blury pics bear in mind glass needs cleaning

the fx5 :drool: love this filter its great

blury close ups



moss on some of the wood other sticks are also covered

right hand side

left side

full tank shot

enjoy bae :lol:
Yep certainly looking good Bae :good:
I was thinking of getting an apple snail too :drool: but I've read they will eat all your plants :crazy: any advice as to which one to get.
Well I've never heard of them eating plants and this guy hasn't even gone on a plant yet I got a big adult golden but if I do see it eating plants it can go in my parents tank which is plastic plants:lol:

And thanks it's getting there and is growing so that's good :hyper:
thats coming on nicely isn't it! I like it Bae, the plants look very healthy. That FX5 is a beast isn't it, they are more like a dustbin with a pump in the top. The apple snail will be fine, they have been known to starve to death in a planted tank.
A dustbin :lol: pretty much what it is really lol but i can't sing it's praises enough it's great lol

Glad about the apple snail not eating the plants cheers it shouldn't starve as I feed algea tabs and other tabs for the shrimp and fish so should be ok I hope

And yeah it's coming on well and seems to be very healthy at the minute :hyper:
ps That Koralia needs a good clean! lol
Yep it's got tights wrapped around it and the second I clean it it cloggs again :crazy:
Well picture less update :crazy: I'll get some later

The plants are growing (the vallis melted due to the filter change the flow altered completely)
But are growing back now

The yellow snail died yesterday but it had got to be the biggest apple snail iv seen like 1.5-2inches it was huge so it may be down to old age I'm unsure I have a purple apple snail in there too he's still fine

I now have a baby bristle nose about 3/4 inch big he's tiny

And a single male end Er live bearer as he was gonna go in a planted project I've yet to show :hey: but decided it was to small so I popped him in here quite fun to have a tiny fish that appears on occasion

The shrimps are breeding

And to my joy and suprise the assassin snails have bred as I spotted a baby about the size of the top of a pencil

And the tetras are great and the khuli loaches are doing great also

And my tank is not quite perfect and has some algea :rofl: couldnt resist LlJdma06

But the algae is a small amount of surface algae on the rocks

And it's not perfect in my eyes as it's not stocked yet and the plants havnt grown out yet

Atb bae
Well added two amazon swords plant to add more in the future spanning the length of the tank and added java fern spanning the length of the tank

And all the original plants are going great And are duplicating

I'll get picks soon bae
Well picture are here

I'll apologise for the quality lol there pretty blurry

Theres a fair bit of growth If you jump back a page when the plants first went in :hyper:

full tank shot

from the right

from the left

neons in the plants


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