Planted Juwel Rio 180 Journal

OK so my test results showed ammonia has dropped to around 2ppm but my nitrite was still reading 0. Does that look about right at this stage? Thought I should be showing nitrite once the ammonia starts dropping?
So tested again today and the results are the same.....

Is this usual?
Got a nitrite reading yesterday, things are moving forward! Made some additions to the tank as well...


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Tested again this morning, ammonia at 1ppm and nitrite over 2ppm so it looks like the second does is imminent. It's a very tedious process this cycling business, I can't wait to get some fish in there now!

Which brings me on to stocking. I thought fish selection would be relatively easy with a 180 litre tank because its bigger than I've ever had before, but actually I'm struggling to decide exactly what I want.

I like the idea of having as many different species as possible, obviously taking into consideration ideal fish numbers and water conditions. But then again I don't necessarily want the tank looking like a fish jumble sale either.

I really wanted some galaxy rasbora but I know they're small fish which might be in danger from something bigger and I would like a few decent size fish in there.

Good news is I moved house a few months ago and only last week I realised I'm only 10 minutes away from a really great LFS, great selection of fish and plants, crystal clear water and not a single dead fish in sight on both of my visits so far!

They had some beautiful Orange Venezuela Cory's which caught my eye and I'm 99% sure I will get 6 of these when my tank is ready.

A question I have is how many fish should I be looking to get on initial stocking once the tank is cycled? I was thinking of the 6 Cory's and maybe around 10 of a shoaling species to start with, will that be sufficient to maintain the bio load? Or does it not really matter anyway?

The fish I'm toying around with in my head so far are: -

6 x orange Venezuela cory
10 x Congo Tetra
3 x Oto
2 x Neon Yellow Panchax

Thinking of starting the tank with the Cory's and Congos and possibly the oto's.

Any thoughts on the stocking list so far? Think that would have me around 75% capacity, leaving room for a 'centre piece' fish - which is where I'm struggling! Any ideas on something that does well alone or in a pair and is reasonable sized and really colourful. A few types of Dwarf Cichlid have caught my eye but I don't want the tank re arranging and I don't want anything that's really aggressive!

One final thought, any comments on how the tank is looking now? I'm quite happy with it but I feel its lacking cover, could do with some caves but I'm running out of floor space, it doesn't have to look perfect but I don't want it looking to crowded either. I've made pits in the sand under the bog wood so there are a couple of hiding spots.

Not hopeful of many comments as my journal doesn't seem to be getting much love on this forum but if there is anybody that would like to help out or add any comments I'd be grateful!
Ok, so, tank finally cycled.

Yesterday I went to the LFS for some initial stock - I intended to come back with 6 orange Venezuelan Corys however I thought they were a little expensive for the initial stock, would have cost £30 for the 6, so I will get them a little further down the line.

I did make the mistake of taking the wife and daughter, so I couldn't really take my time. They both liked the Harlequin rasboras, so I got 6 of those along with 2 ottos. I did ask the guy in the LFS if those would be ok as initial stock and he did say yes after a little hesitation. I've since learned the Harlequins may not have been the best choice as initial stock. They do seem ok though so far.

Anybody got any thoughts on further stocking? Thinking I may get the Harlequins up to 10, but not sure what else would go nicely. I did like the look of German Blue Rams for my centre piece, anybody have any experience with those?

Will add some pics later - tank has changed a little over the last few weeks
I may have missed it but what are your water parameters? (pH, GH, KH).
The danger of impulse buying (i.e. taking your wife and daughter along) is you may end up with fish not ideally suited to your water.

FWIW 180 liters is a nice size for a community. I started mine thinking I'd like a variety, but have ended up reducing the number of species and going for bigger groups. I actually dropped the idea of a "centrepiece" because IMO 30 tetras shoaling together makes a far nicer display than any single (more expensive) fish as a certrepice.
I may have missed it but what are your water parameters? (pH, GH, KH).
The danger of impulse buying (i.e. taking your wife and daughter along) is you may end up with fish not ideally suited to your water.

FWIW 180 liters is a nice size for a community. I started mine thinking I'd like a variety, but have ended up reducing the number of species and going for bigger groups. I actually dropped the idea of a "centrepiece" because IMO 30 tetras shoaling together makes a far nicer display than any single (more expensive) fish as a certrepice.

I did check on my phone in the shop that they would suit my water parameters -

PH 6.8
Unfortunately the test kit I have doesn't have anything for GH / KH but according to the water provider report for my area the water is very soft - hardness Clarke 1.47.

Didn't intend to take the fam but it was one of those days, rainy, toddler going stir crazy, mrs looking like she was contemplating hard liquor and a tub of sleeping tablets, it was necessary :D

Agree about the number of species, at first I was all about getting as many different species as possible, now I'm starting to think less is more. Although I wouldn't mind something relatively big (for the tank size) and brightly coloured that stand out a little more. Possibly something that does well in a pair.

Must admit, the whole thing hasn't gone to plan since I began. I had all these ideas of grand aquascaping and really specific fish choices, and since day 1 I've not been happy with the way I scaped it, and now my first fish were not even really in my plans until I went to the LFS yesterday, despite the shortlist I have been keeping on my phone! Well, I always wanted the Oto's actually but not the Harlequins.

That said, I enjoyed the Harlequins yesterday, they seem to like swimming up to the filter outlet and riding the current back to the other side of the tank. Fun to watch!

How long should I leave it before adding some more stock? I was thinking this weekend, all being well in the tank.
Few pics, tank seems to have clouded up a little since adding the fish, hopefully that subsides soon.

Any ideas on how to improve the look and actual habitat of the tank. It feels a bit bare to me but I don't really want to crowd the floor too much. My eye isn't spotting good places too add rocks or any more plants.

I am contemplating trying to source a tall piece of bog wood for near the middle of the tank. Was thinking of decorating it with java Fearn. And maybe some twisted valiss to fill the background out a bit more.



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Additional pic


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Wow, 380+ views and only 2 people have bothered to offer any input (thanks guys). Is this forum dead or do you need to be in some sort of elite club before anybody gets involved with you?
It's been a while, thought I'd upload a picture of how my tank has evolved in the last few months since adding stock. Current inhabitants are 10 harlequin rasbora, 2 otos, 6 shultzei Cory and 2 german blue rams. No deaths / disease or illness to date (touch wood). Plant life; Cabomba, various crypts, amazon sword, java fern and also another sword type plant over to the left hand side. Pleased with how it has evolved since the beginning.


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Hi! I am by no means an expert in planted tanks - just wanna say that in the beginning!

I love the look of your tank! The rocks look amazing opposite the wood and the moss balls have perfect placing too! I dont see any corries unfortunately... But I know they kind of blend into the sand sometimes. :)

I think you should be super proud of how it turned out. Have you had any algae at all? I am starting up a 29 gal planted in the next couple months and I am just doing a ton of research and seeing how others have been doing.

Also, did you buy the rams together and get a mated pair? I am looking at either german or bolivian rams as a sort of centerpiece fish.
Also, are you overall happy with the harlequin vs getting a different rasbora or schooling fish?

Hope your having a great day! Thanks for all the pics ^_^


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