Fishheaded's Nano Tank

I would take back the scooter blenny as soon as possible. He might seem fine now, but it's not an appropriate permant home for him. Why wait to take him back when he "doesn't seem fine"? I'd think it's better to take him back before you get really use to having him.

As for the ceriths, I've never heard of them being escape artists, but I suppose anythings possible. I know my astreas hang out near the top of the water line most of the time. Occasionally, they'll even go above the water line. Same for my nerits, but they stay closer to the bottom for the most part. If the ceriths are active, and seem to be eating, I would think they'll be ok.

Some snails will try and sneak out of the tank. Just make sure there aren't any big enough holes for them to make a grand escape. :D
Thank you, I'll return the blenny this weekend. Aww i'm going to miss the little guy :-( . Well, anyways with the snails...I already found one in my filter. :lol: I have a canopy and a lid to close off the big holes, but I dont use it because the temp gets too high. And they could sneak out the small holes too. What should I do? What do other people that don't have lids do to make sure no snails get out? I'm so worried that one of them might get away :no:
Hey everyone, got some more questions:
1)Can anyone tell me what bioload means?
2)Are these fish active swimmers like clowns? Bicolor Psuedochromis, Royal Gramma, and Sixline Wrasse

1)Can anyone tell me what bioload means?

The term bioload refers to the waste products expelled by each creature added to your tank, and the amount of biological waste the bacteria in your LR and other filtration methods can safely remove.

2)Are these fish active swimmers like clowns? Bicolor Psuedochromis, Royal Gramma, and Sixline Wrasse

This term includes all creatures that actively excrete waste products into your aquarium, including fish.

Some fish exert more bioload on aquariums than others. Heavy eaters and predators create the heaviest bioload becasue of their digestive habits, and the large quantities of foods consumed, but fish like clownfish, Pseudochromis', Gramma's, and the Sixline wrasse all contibute small amounts of waste to your tank.

Are you looking at one or two of these fish to go into your nano? IMO a Sixline wrasse is not suitable for a 10g.
Agreed, a sixline isnt exactly an ideal fish for a 10g. Bicolors and royal grammas can get a little aggressive too. You might want to consider a psuedochromis springeri. Similar fish, motors around the rockwork all the time, small, and not too aggressive
oh yeah, they're suitable fish, but dont try putting much of anything else in there with them, cause aggressive fish in a small space will kill less aggressive ones ;)
Ahh, thank you thank you. They are beautiful fish :D They also are open swimmers correct? Or do they stay stagnant like firefish do?
They tend to buzz around rock formations like hummingbirds. Move, stop, move, stop, move, stop
They tend to buzz around rock formations like hummingbirds. Move, stop, move, stop, move, stop
Thank you, I probably will check them out at my lfs and see how their personalities are. :)

Well ill update on my tank, since I haven't for awhile. 2 of my snails died. :-( One margarita and one astrea, no idea why either. The rest of my clean up crew is doing perfectly fine, cleaning up all the algae :D Though I barely see my nassarius snails anymore, saw one the other day, but I think both of em like it under the substrate, And my scooter blenny is doing great as well, still has plenty of food to eat, he's very active now too. :D I also tested my water today and seems like things have spiked up a bit:

ph 8.3-8.4
ammonia 0
nitrite 0
nitrate 10
sg 1.024

Can anyone tell me how to bring my ph and nitrate lower? I also just took out my margarita before I tested the water, maybe thats why my nitrate is a little high. But can someone tell me how to bring down my ph level.
Also I was planning on getting a ocellaris clown tomorrow, but since water params aren't perfect, should I wait a little?

Margaritas and Astreas have difficulty righting themselves if they fall and tip over upsideown :(. They are also favorite targets (along with cerith snails) of blueleg hermit crabs, so if you have any, they may be fat and happy.

Nassarius burrow in the sand and wait till they smell uneaten meaty foods. Then they pop out, motor a round for a bit. Eat what they get their undersides on, and then sneak back into the sand :).

Leave the pH, I know plenty of reefers that run kalkwasser or calcium reactors and push things up to the 8.5-8.6 range. A nitrate reading of merely 10ppm in a nano is a very good accomplishment. Go ahead and add the clown, but watch your nitrate in the next couple days :)
Margaritas and Astreas have difficulty righting themselves if they fall and tip over upsideown . They are also favorite targets (along with cerith snails) of blueleg hermit crabs, so if you have any, they may be fat and happy.

Nassarius burrow in the sand and wait till they smell uneaten meaty foods. Then they pop out, motor a round for a bit. Eat what they get their undersides on, and then sneak back into the sand .

Leave the pH, I know plenty of reefers that run kalkwasser or calcium reactors and push things up to the 8.5-8.6 range. A nitrate reading of merely 10ppm in a nano is a very good accomplishment. Go ahead and add the clown, but watch your nitrate in the next couple days

Yay :D I'm so glad to hear such great news, that was a really quick response, thank you Ski! :D Now i'm excited to add my clown. Also with the snails, I believe were upsidedown for awhile. :/ Wasn't always on top of it every time they tipped over. I love my cerith and trochus man they move around everywhere, fabulous addition. And the only hermits I have are 2 scarlets, they are nice guys too.:D took your advice (ski) and didn't add any blue hermits :) Well got 1 more question, should I get an ocellaris or perc?

Personal preference really. The two species are nearly identical in size/behavior/etc. Minor differences, but I'd get what you like :)
Hey everyone, went to my lfs and bought my ocellaris clown yesterday. :D Along with him I bought a cleaner shrimp. :D They are absoutley gorgeous. Got a couple of questions though:
1) My clown usually swims more towards the top half of the tank, is this normal?
2) The clown is always trying to swim against my powerhead, if not he's always at the opposite side of where my powerhead is located...Should I change the direction of the powerhead?
3) Also my cleaner shrimp has a black smudge on his side, I have no idea what it is, can anyone tell me?
Here are some pics :good: : They are pretty blurry, sorry horrible camera...

Shrimp w/ black spot on side:



Scooter Blenny with scarlet:

FTS (looks empty, but will be adding more when I get money):
The clown is ok at the surface, as long as its not "gasping" for breath, they sometimes swim at the surface because thats where the food comes from! Remeber the "The Claaawwwwww" sketch from Toystory, :alien: LOL).

As for him swimming against current, he wouldnt if he didnt want too. Just leave it. :good:

I have no idea as too that black spot, but the shrimp is very pale. The mark might come off when he moults next.

A Scooter blenny eh? Did you see if he was feeding on frozen foods when he was in the stores tanks? If not, your going to try and wen him onto frozen foods. They will pick at your LR for pods and other food, and you deffinately dont have enough LR to support one ATM. Hope he is feeding on frozen for you, they are cool fish. :nod:

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