Thanks for the help sukie and ski.
Well firstly, I use the Saltwater Master Liquid Test Kit. I tested my params and they seemed where they were suppost to be. I brought some water from my tank to my LFS and the guy tested it and said everything was fine, but the ph was 8.8. Well I think HE did something wrong. Only because I justed tested my water and everything was where it should be.
ammonia 0
nitrite 0
nitrate 0
ph 8.2
So everything was ok but then all hell breaks loose. Let me start off by telling you what happened after he told me my ph was too high. I asked him what should I do, and he said do a water change with RO water because I told him I used distilled. So I told him, well I don't have a RO unit so i'll just buy some here. Then he went to the back and was filling up the container but then I changed my mind and told him just give me premixed SW. Well I didn't change the water I purchased from them until tonight (note: I bought the water on Saturday). So I siphon out 20% of my water, then right before I go to add the water I got from my LFS, I test it with my stupid hydrometer. (Boy, I should went with the refractormeter)

Well when I tested it, it read 1.032. So then I thought that he had just given me RO water and not the premade. Well I grab my salt and add 2 cups and mix it up. Then I added it to the tank. Then I checked it again with my hydrometer, but it still read 1.032!

So I go and dab my finger in the left over water I purchased from my LFS and put it in my mouth, and there is absolutely no way RO water can be that salty.

So basically he really did give me the premixed SW, and there is way more salt then there should be since I added more salt that wasn't needed, and I realized the dumb hydrometer broke and now my aquarium is all cloudy, water spilt all over the place, and I now need to get a new hydrometer.

I would get a refractormeter, but I honestly can't afford it at the moment.