Fishheaded's Nano Tank

love the salt and peper sand was thinking about it for my tank .
NOT TRYING TO HIJACK your thread but what does every one think about that sand.
Can anyone PLEASE help me!! I'm really scared for my clown right now, I fed him last night and he ate, and he was swimming openly around my tank, but now he's just on the opposite side of my powerhead, and he just stays at one spot, with his mouth opening and closing consistantly...what could be the problem???
I also tested my water right now and it reads:
nitrite 0
nitrate 10
ammonia 0
ph 8.3
sg 1.024

Here is a video link: Can someone please help me... :-(
Noooo, I've been reading up and it seems my ocell clown has symptons that it will die... :-( Top fin droops, was active for 2 days, and now is in one spot, gasping for air. I have no doubt about it that he will pass on. :-(
My clown fish is still alive but is barley hangin in there. Well it seems as if he has the disease called Brooklynellosis. So tomorrow, I am going to try and treat the little guy and see if I can cure him. Hopefully he will make it till tomorrow, when all the stores are open. :/
My clowns open there mouths all the time lol. Lucky you got a big clown. I got tiny clowns :D . But anyways if its breathing rapidly then it might be bad. But if it just keeps opening its mouth a little its nothing to worry about.
That black spot is probs just the shrimps internal organs.. As for your clown if hes out in the open most of the time being active i wouldnt worrie too much. But if he hides but comes out only to scratch himself hes got ich, opening and closing his mouth wouldnt suggest something to be worried about and plus with this top fin being down all the time may be just how he is reacting to captivaty( Maybe thats just what hes doing)

good luck :good:

- Matt
from what i saw in the video your clown looks fine :D
if he starts lying on his side flicking against your rocks and loses colour and has exsessive slime then that is the time to worry
prob just acclimatising itself
Ahh, thanks guys, I really do hope my clown is ok. But he is not eating, and he only stays in one spot, breathing hard. :/
Well anyways my cleaner shrimp:
I believe its called moulted? :/



Thats crazy! The first time my shrimp molted I thought it was
Lol. I love my shrimp he's cool :D He always cleans under my fingernails when I try and feed everyone. Now I gotta go clean it up and do my weekly water change. :)
Ok, as I was passing my tank, I noticed some type of red leg on my LR. It looks as if it was one of my hermit crabs leg. I looked at the only two scarlet reef hermits I have and they are moving around with all there legs. I have no idea what this is, can someone help me id it?
Here is a picture:

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