Just make sure you keep that inlet strainer clean
Thanks Ski, I definitely will.
My tank temperature is at 86 degrees

and my heater is set to 68, (lowest possible temp on heater) and I can't seem to lower the temp. Should I just unplug the heater? I also purchased one of those cheap thermometers, to see if my digital coralife therm. was accurate, and they both read 86 degrees.
(I also haven't been running my lights on throughout the day because I have work and aren't able to leave them on, so all I have running is my powerhead and aquaclear filter, still at 84-86 degrees.)
Ok, I got home a couple hours ago, and my lights were off and I found this in my LR (looks like a worm?):
As soon as I turned on my lights, it got skinnier and went away.
I have no idea what it is, can someone help me identify it.