Fishheaded's Nano Tank

I havn't read all the posts so I don't know if someone already told you but, you got ripped off on that Aquaclear 30 man. You paid $32 for that and I paid $30 for the Aquaclear 110 :nod:
Yes, hermits moult. You might need to add a selection of more shells, slightly large then their current shells, so if they want, they can grow into some bigger homes. ;) Is the black mark on your shrimp gone now he has moulted?
Hey guys, well my clown is doing a little better, :) he still stays in one spot, with hard breathing. But sometimes he goes around and swims against the current of my powerhead. He also goes everywhere, when the lights go off. Why is that? Is it because he doesn't know where he is? And also, I only have frozen reef plankton to feed everyone in my tank. What kind of foods should I buy for my clown, I'm going to vary up his diet, so hopefully he can fight through the disease (if he has one) himself. Please advise, on what to feed my clown, i'm going to get some goods tomorrow. :)
i feed mine frozen mysid every other day and a few flakes of a good quality dried food in between they seem to be doing very well on it

if you get frozen cut the cube into small pieces one cube should last you well over a week if you feed dried 2 or 3 flakes will do
hope this helps glad to see your clown fish is doing ok :good:
My clowns like mysis, spirulina enriches brine, omega one marine flake, and hikari marine pellet. Every now and then they get a treat of fish roe (from an asian market) or silversides :)
so for a 17 gallon if i had say a pair of the smallest clowns ever (emphasising that point so the clownfish police dont come and get me) with one neon goby and a full CUC consisiting of 4 red hermits, 1 scarlet, 3 cerith, 2 astreas. and id eventually have zoos, shrooms, a leather and a hammer coral and on the live rokc i could posibly have a feather duster. With this full tank how many times would i feed a day / week. also id probably feed on mysid shrimp, cyclopeze, flake and another meaty food.

wow i seem to have my livestock all planned out considering im not getting my tank for like another month (35 days i think till crimbo) oh and also i know to add slowly and corals are a no no for like 6-12 weeks. The hammer would be the last coral and no more would be added. also i would not by any non zooxanthelle algae feeders because im lazy and i like letting other stuff do work for me.
I havn't read all the posts so I don't know if someone already told you but, you got ripped off on that Aquaclear 30 man. You paid $32 for that and I paid $30 for the Aquaclear 110 :nod:
Really, where'd you get it from?
I would give you the exact link to the item but my internet isn't working very well at the moment :no:
so for a 17 gallon if i had say a pair of the smallest clowns ever (emphasising that point so the clownfish police dont come and get me)

A 17 gallon is ok (not the greatest), so nobodys going to jump you, but eventually small fish grow, so regardless of their original size, you have to accomodate a fish thats going to get bigger somehow! :nod: :good:
Thanks everyone, gotta get my clown some more foods.
Well I got home from work today and turned on the lights. My clown was a little slow at first, but now he picked up the pace and is all over the tank right now. He is mainly near the top of the tank. He also sometimes sticks his above the water line to get some air. :(
I tried to feed him and then he became extremely active, he did eat a tiny bit. Only type of food I have for him are frozen cubes of reef plankton. He will see the pieces I put in there for him and swim for it but as soon as he puts it in his mouth, he quickly spits it back out.

Well got some questions:
1) Is he spitting it out because he does not like the food?
2) How much should I feed him, (I also have a cleaner shrimp who eats the foods too)

Good news :D and bad news :(
Clown is currently swimming around, with his top fin up, bottom fins out, and has the normal clown wiggly swim back. :) Bad news is he still seems like he has a hard time breathing and he goes to the top of the tank for some air. :no:
IMO your clown is hungry he doesn't like the food your feeding try some frozen mysid or good quality flake only feed a small amount one frozen cube should be cut up into about 6 bits and feed one bit every other day dried flakes about 2 or 3 flakes at a time

my clown fish bob their head above the water every time i lift the lid and look in they are just being nosey and waiting for thier dinner :D :D
Well finally got some mysis shrimp, and my clown ate today! :D Yay, and also he's no longer breathing hard. I did a 10% water change on sunday and did the best I could, but I still believe he is still fighting off the disease. :/ I also got these flakes but, my clown wasn't going for them. Here is a pic:

Okay well I got some questions:
1) I've heard of people feeding their clowns with there hands (fingers), I tried it, and he won't go near my hand. How would I get him to eat off of it?
2) My clown has 2 TINY white dots on his black stripe, could this be another ich now? He seems to be doing fine, swimming around the tank. (I would take a picture but it would not be visible)

Thanks guys,
1) just keep feeding him consistently. My clowns nibble on my arm now after 7 months of life in my tank. They just have to get comfortable with you and used to you. As for the food, try mixing it along with feeding mysis. They may grab some flake with the mysis, decide they like it and get hooked. Thats how I got mine to eat krill :)

2) tough to say, if it isnt spreading rapidly then just keep him un-stressed and well fed :)

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