Finally Sterbai Eggs

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Let me know when you set it up. For now, I'll try to grow as many as I can so fill that badboy with lots of fish. :lol:
Actually I might get some Sterbai soon! Theres a fish auction here in the Twin Cities on April 21th, last time I went I saw a bag with Sterbais, hopefully there will be some there this year!
We have auction in April also, think 14th. And I am looking forward to see if I can find some deal for something I need and something I can't pass up. I probably should set a tank or 2 just in case if I come back with some new fins. ^_^
Well happy Cory hunting then. :p

BTW, I just collected 45 eggs(10 on the glass, 15 in the spawning mop , 1 in the Java moss and 19 on the leaves of Java Fern.)
And I saw not only 1 but 2 T's at the same time. So I guess 2 females were laying eggs and 2nd male get lucky also sometime.
Hi Neoncory,

I have five sterbia corys. Just today, for the first time( i think), a female and a chasing male has spawned. I see the male chasing but not really fertilizing the eggs the female is placing all over the place.

They are in a community tank so those eggs don't stand a chance. They must be happy since they are spawning.

Good luck with your raising of the fry. I may eventually try to follow your lead.

I found 14 more eggs today(2 in the Java moss, 3 in the spawning mop and 9 on the leaves of Java Fern). I think those came from the 3rd female since I saw 2 females making eggs yesterday.
Hi Neoncory,

I have five sterbia corys. Just today, for the first time( i think), a female and a chasing male has spawned. I see the male chasing but not really fertilizing the eggs the female is placing all over the place.

They are in a community tank so those eggs don't stand a chance. They must be happy since they are spawning.

Good luck with your raising of the fry. I may eventually try to follow your lead.


Hi aquamike,

What water parameter(temp, ph., etc), tank size and what are their tankmates. Just curious.
And I think they rarely lay eggs without the attempt of fertilizing the eggs from the male. And when the male is chasing female and they should form the T-position. It is still a big debate when exactly and how they fertlize the egg(s) but I am pretty sure they are fertlize sometime around when they form T.
The Corys do not fertlize the eggs like Angel or Discus which the male go over the eggs to fertlize after the female placed the eggs.
Thanks, I think I see more frys come out the open as they grow instead of hiding under the sponge filter.
Yeah you should. It won't take much supply to raise the fry but some effort. All you need is some 10G for the breeder to be in so You can collect most of the eggs before get eaten. And maybe 3~5G to raise the frys. And some small food for them like waltewarms/microwarms, vinegar eels and/or BBS. And some heaters and filters(sponge is good so fry won't be sucked in)

And water quality maintenance which is important.
And I think they rarely lay eggs without the attempt of fertilizing the eggs from the male. - Quote edited by Coryologist
Hi. A small point. Corys will frequently throw their eggs without spawning. If the males are uncooperative, or if there are none at all, the female will dump her roe to prevent becoming eggbound. - Frank

P.S. Contrary to a popular old wive's tale, they do not reabsorb their eggs.
Thanks for the correction Coryologist,

How about that you can learn new thing every day. I did not know that.
Although I doubt that to happen in my Sterbai tank, well at least for a while since all my 2 teenage male Sterbai do is try to get laid. Patroling and hovering all over the tank looking for agreeable female. From morning to night(I don't know after dark). But it seems only the time the female(s) let the male form T is after the breakfast. :D
Hi Neoncory,

I have five sterbia corys. Just today, for the first time( i think), a female and a chasing male has spawned. I see the male chasing but not really fertilizing the eggs the female is placing all over the place.

They are in a community tank so those eggs don't stand a chance. They must be happy since they are spawning.

Good luck with your raising of the fry. I may eventually try to follow your lead.


Hi aquamike,

What water parameter(temp, ph., etc), tank size and what are their tankmates. Just curious.
And I think they rarely lay eggs without the attempt of fertilizing the eggs from the male. And when the male is chasing female and they should form the T-position. It is still a big debate when exactly and how they fertlize the egg(s) but I am pretty sure they are fertlize sometime around when they form T.
The Corys do not fertlize the eggs like Angel or Discus which the male go over the eggs to fertlize after the female placed the eggs.
Thanks, I think I see more frys come out the open as they grow instead of hiding under the sponge filter.
Yeah you should. It won't take much supply to raise the fry but some effort. All you need is some 10G for the breeder to be in so You can collect most of the eggs before get eaten. And maybe 3~5G to raise the frys. And some small food for them like waltewarms/microwarms, vinegar eels and/or BBS. And some heaters and filters(sponge is good so fry won't be sucked in)

And water quality maintenance which is important.

They are in a 135 gallon tank. My temp is set at 81 degrees. The ph is 6.4. I have well water. Sorry, i can't give you a reading on the hardness. I never tested that yet. Ammonia 0, nitrites 0, nitrate kept around 25mg.

Their tank mates are 9 juvenile koi angelfish, 2 medium adult angelfish ( a spawning pair also) and 7 glowlight tetras and a gold nugget pleco. The angelfish eat the eggs as soon as they lay them just about.

I have seen them form a T. They get active spawning late evenings during their one time daily feeding.

Yes, sooner or later i will mess around with trying to hatch and raise a batch of eggs. Those breeding pair of angelfish i have would be cool to try also in a breeding tank.

WOW that's a big tank aquamike,

Wish my floor can support that big tank. On the other hand, takes forever to collect most of the eggs. Then again, can have so many fish.

But you sound like need smaller tank to seperate all those egg makers.
I also collected 24 more eggs this evening. I'm pretty sure they came from the 1st female since 12 eggs were on the glass, 3 on the spawning mop and 6 on the leaves of Java Fern and 3 more on the leaf of Anubias.
And most of the eggs were placed higher part of the tank.
I was suprised to count 73 eggs(68 eggs in the spawning mop, 2 in the Java moss, 2 on the Anubias leaf and 1 on the side of the container). Now I have no idea if 2 or 3 females work on the egg production. I think they know the Easter is coming and crank up the production. :lol:
I collected 52 more eggs. 12 on the glass, 1 on the plastic of powerhead outlet, 4 on the leaves of Anubias, 21 in the spawning mop and 14 on the leaves of Java Ferns.
I know I did 50~60% water change yesterday but they are really cranking up the production for the Easter. ^_^
Oh and as usual they make eggs after the breakfast around the nooner. :rolleyes:
:fish: :fish: more :fish:

I think I have about 150 eggs in 3 container since they take about 3 days for them to hatch in the temperature I keep my parents. But they are so small, it doesn't look that many. And I think about 2/3 can hatch(hope the hatch rate would improve but my breeders are still young and it seems some eggs are just not fertile). So I hope I get about 100 todpoles in 3 days.
Then again, I shouldn't count before they hatch. We'll see.

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