Finally Sterbai Eggs

I don't think there is any problem from the admin linking to articles. It is when the articles are attached to a forum that it becomes a problem.

So another interesting read from NEON! We are looking forward to the news.

BTW I vote that you spend some of your windfall fry money on a digital camera. :p
OK That's good. Because I think someone can benefit from some of the articles on the link I listed. I personally like to read those since they are the experience from the breeders who did right. Instead of cookie cutter date sheet you usually get from many site.
I'm sure you will hear from me in a few days if any eggs hatch. They were still in the confinement this morning. whew no escapee.
What windfall fry money! I haven't made any money from the frys that they have not moved out yet although it is getting crowdier although the parents don't think so. :rolleyes: I know I can take to some store but I prefer to find the right home since they seem they don't like moving. I probably take some to my local aquarium society.
So about the digi camera, you all have to wait. Beside I have this old comp with not much capacity. I probably have to get better one before even think about uploading some program nor image.
whoaa!! :hyper: they finally decided to spawn.
- do you think the peat bag helps a lot (in making them more comfortable)? How are you making your bags?
- also how do you manage to get 6.8ph without co2 in our area?

Yes, they finally did left me some eggs.
I'm not certain since they must be many generations away from the wild specimen but their natural habitat is listed below in the link.

And it seems they prefer the acidic water 6~7.6 ph so I don't think it won't hurt to be kept in lower ph water.
I make my peat bag by putting peat in the nylon stocking(short one since no need of long) and just tie it up and put in the HOB. I do wash them or soak them in the old tank water to make sure there are nothing bad come off it.
I'm sure the peat lower the water ph as well as some wood I have in the tank. But probably more peat than wood. So that is probably contribute to lower the ph.
So last night I noticed that 3 eggs from the first batch hatched. They are so small compare to the Panda fry. It may require extra TLC to grow them. And make me wonder if that is the always the case for the Sterbai or just because my group is still young and still growing. And they may produce bigger eggs as time goes on. I don't know. We'll see.
So it took about 2 1/2 days to hatch in 82~83 F. I would expect the rest of the eggs hatch around tomorrow night. The 3 hatched didn't have much egg sack anymore in this morning. So I changed the water and put some Java moss and squat some infusia water.
And of course, I fed some breakfast for the parents since they like breakfast. :shifty: And maybe they can get some work out after that.
:fish: :fish: more :fish:
I just collected 16 more eggs although 2 looked much darker and I suspect I missed from 2 days ago. Yes, they made eggs after the breakfast. They sure like to do some work out after breakfast. ^_^
Found 2 on the front glass on the corner. 2 on the bogwood(I think she missplaced instead of the Java Fern) and 10 in the spawning mop and 2 more on the frogbit. I only found it because I saw her place on the frogbit this morning. There maybe more but I don't want to inspect all the frogbit.
I still don't know if I am getting all these batch of eggs from 1 female or multiple females. I know I got 2 males and 2 females and another not certain yet but I think female.
So overall, I have 3 hatched and about 20 more soon to be hatch and 14 I just collected.
It kind of nice I have these after all the time I waited since last November. :cool:
Now if only at least half of them make it to the adult, I would be happy.
I see the female placing eggs this morning after I fed them breakfast so I should collect this afternoon after I run some errands(include get more caulks for aquarium project I have).
I also communicate with Sterbai breeder on another forum who is happened to be in same State and got some tips. He told me he only get eggs from his Sterbai between November~April. However his area have bigger temperature movement and less rain(Seattle is known for Rain and coffee) than my area during the year so we'll see if I can get any eggs after April. Also he told me he get about 8000 eggs from 9 breeders he has and 1000 will reach to the sellable size. So that is 1 in 8. And he sounds like doing several year so I imagine I get same ratio if not worse. And I am not surprised that because I was surprised by the small egg size and it means small fry. They will need some TLC. My first born of 3 used up egg sack so I start feed some walterworms yesterday. And I see about 7 hatched from 2nd batch and about 15 coloring up from the 3rd and should hatch in tomorrow night to Monday. And I should have another 15~20 this afternoon.
Although I can't be feel good until I see them grow to 1/2". Which probably takes 2 months. But it is a start.
Collected 18 little beads. I didn't mean to but left 1 for the janitor, darn gravity. At least, I know the janitors and I'm sure he/she recycle it.
9 on the glass near outlet from the powerhead, 2 on the leaf of the Anubias near surface, 2 in the Java/X'mas moss and 5 more on the leaves of the Java Fern.
I think I am getting eggs from the 2 females, judgeing from the preference of the eggs placement. This one prefer the near the surface and the other one was not as picky.
Since Sunday, I got eggs every the other day and I don't mean to complain but I am considering if I should move them to another tank and set up. I don't want to mess it up but I noticed today that the caulk on the corners seem to have weak spots. Which I never noticed before but the thin part of caulk line show some many dots without caulk. I am wondering if the caulks melt away or something. I don't think temperature of low 80'sF would do that but maybe the acidic water did it I'm thinking.
Anyway, I don't want any leaking and set the tank without any snails( I have many tiny ramshorns) since I am start getting eggs.
I guess there is always something to do when you have fish tank(s).
I guess they really liked brunch today that they decide to do some nooner. I was planning to do some water change today anyway. So look for the eggs at same time. Unfortunately I only found 5 eggs, 2 in Java Moss and 3 on the glass. I guess it was quickie.
Now I am curious if I get any eggs tomorrow. I remember I got eggs for the first time, the morning after I did the water change(last Saturday). But tomorrow would be 3 days in a row.
I guess we'll see how it goes tomorrow.

P.S. BTW their first born of 3 and second born of 5 is doing good. They used up their sack lunch and now getting some walterworms. And first batch are coloring up. They have the color of zebra, black and white alternate. And 3rd batch is start to hatch this evening. So far so good.
I got more eggs today. 23 of them although 1 must be from another time since it was darker. I guess they really liked the new water. The female that layed eggs really prefer the spot near the surface and where the water current is good. I found almost all but 4 within the 1" from the surface. I found 4 on the leaves of Java Fern on driftwood near the surface, 16 on the glass near the current from powerhead outlet go through and 2 on the plastic of outlet. And 1 on the Frogbit(floating plant).
Now I am really wonder if any female lay some eggs tomorrow.

P.S. My first and 2nd batch is doing good. I still have 8 frys and they are salt and pepper colored. And about a dozen from 3rd batch working on the sack and 4th batch try to break eggs. And of course, 5th and 6th is working on their tans.
:hyper: That is just brilliant. I wish my Sterbai would get their groove on. Wow, you've got a nice little baby making factory going there.

Got any pics of the fry?? They sound too adorable.

Good luck.

:hyper: That is just brilliant. I wish my Sterbai would get their groove on. Wow, you've got a nice little baby making factory going there.

Got any pics of the fry?? They sound too adorable.

Good luck.


Be careful what you wish for. You might have to stick your hand in the tank every other days or more looking for eggs everywhere. :rolleyes: Change water twice a day and feed as often as possible with small amount. Then again, I can't complain to see this small eggs change to little living creatures. I think it is one of the best aspect of this hobby.

Sorry I don't have any pictures since I don't have good Digi Camera nor high capacity Comp that can handle big data. Yes they are pretty little things.

The oldest are week old today and rest are progressing as well. Which is great since I was worried about initially since everything from eggs to frys are smaller than Panda's. But so far so good. Knock on the wood.
Aaaw, they sound so cute. Pity you aren't able to get some pics up. I've spawned and raised bronze cory, Trilineatus cory and panda cory fry before, so am used to looking after the fry. With the pandas, they'd wait till we got up to go to bed every night and then decide to start. So I'd end up way past bed time with my arms in the tank collecting eggs off the java moss log with tweezers!! :hyper: We ended up with loads of fry, sold off the last lot last month. The Trili's weren't too bad collecting eggs from, but the bronze would lay hundreds all over the place and while you're collecting from one side, they're spawning and laying the other. Great fun.

Good luck with the babies and look forward to hearing more about their progress.

You are having quite a gay time with your early Easter egg hunts!
Yes. The Easter came early this year for me as a matter fact it came since last November. Also I need to egg hunt this morning since I saw the Pandas were hiding eggs last night. :shifty:
Although lately I am thinking about making the tank set up simplified. Since I take many Panda babies to my local society tonight, need to re-seal the tank the Sterbais are in(haven't leaked but seals look worn out) and need to find the good home for group of Melanotaenias(trade for some baby Pandas) and some white cloud minnows.
So late tonight and tomorrow, I need to move things around.

Yes, Pandas seem to lay egg almost always at night time. Sometime even after the lights are out. In the beginning, I used to watch for a while to see if they ever finish. And end up wait for 2 or 3 in the morning. But now day, I just collect eggs in the morning. Beside the eggs are too soft if I try to collect it immidiately anyway.
And Sterbais, it seems they prefer after breakfast or nooner. So I collect them at evening. It is still a small batch since they are just matured but I am collecting eggs every other days so far. I had 3 days in a row also.

Unfortunately I lost few frys this morning. I don't know if either some bacteria got them or I overfed them but lost 3 out of 8 from first 2 batch. :( But I also have another 12 or so ready to eat and another 6~7 working on the egg sack and another 20 or so eggs working on their tan. So I can't complain. Hopefully I can raise as many as possible to 1/2" mark and I would feel much better.
After change water and fed the frys I also gave little balls of whiteworms which I obtained from local aquarium society meeting last night, to the Sterbais. And it took little time for them to find but they enjoyed it. and few worms flew over when the cory ate and those were gladly picked by Diamond tetras.
And I knew they will lay some eggs after the breakfast.

I managed to collect 30+ eggs. It could be laid by 2 females although I am not certain.
There were 12 in the spawning mop another 7 in the Java moss and about 20 on...get this...she decide to stick them on small plastic(less than 1"x 1/2") piece from airflow controle knob from the powerhead. She put them on like 3 layer eggs on eggs like bunch of grapes. So I decide it is easier to put the plastic in the hatching container than try to remove eggs from it. And I can't even really count so I think it is about 20.
So it is a good thing that more eggs are keep coming. ^_^
I collected about 37 eggs but 5 are darker so I must missed from last batch. Found 27 on the leaves of Java Fern, 3 on the glass and 2 on the Java/Xmas moss. This female prefer natural plants.
It kind of funny that not always eggs are found at same place. So I am pretty sure that I am getting eggs from more than 1 female.

It is hard to see the dead fry but I lose 1 fry here, there. So I figure some frys are just not fit and strong enough to grow. I have about 12 frys that are about 1/4" TL but they are still skinny and look like todpoles. And have more than 50 eggs need to hatch. Once again, some were not good enough to hatch that they will cover by fuzzy fungus. But most of them turn darker and hatch.
Now question is when I should move them to bigger home but small tank. Right now, they are still in the small container with airtube only. Although, I do change water each time before I feed them.
I probably move them to 2~3 G tank/container with sponge filter which I should get from another tank after do some shuffling things around. I just have to make sure the water quality stay high but they still be able to find enough food to grow. Of course, I also need to find the small but reliable heater.
I would be happy if I can manage half the eggs to be fry with adult marking, that would be good. Still long way to go. But you have to start somewhere, I guess. This ain't bad, considering I just got them last November and didn't had single eggs until 10~12 days ago.

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