87L & 24L Planted Soil Tank Journal

Guess who turned up today!!! :D
He still has no name but I'm working on it lol.






I ended up having to take the black background off while he settles in as he did nothing but flare at it as soon as he went in :/
Anyway, most recent tank pictures :lol: I used two different camera settings and still neither of these pictures show how it truly looks light wise XD


I am attempting what could be the impossible too. I now have Dwarf Hairgrass in this tank lol.
Blondielovesfish said:
He is gorgeous! Well worth the wait! 
Tank looks good, bit more grown in now
Thanks! I was so excited to receive him :lol: I was bouncing in my seat hehe!

And yeah, that's mainly because i have random cuttings from my bigger pants scattered around now though till they grow enough for me to do something with them XD
Haha! I just picked up my new Betta today, was bouncing in my seat too! It is so exciting! :lol:
I know XD I have a use for the polybox he came in too :) I can use it to make an incubator for my corn snake breeding next year :)
I am so sorry for the lack of updates! I hope to update later when I get home. My internet has been keeping me off TFF till this weekend because I'm at my boyfriends but have no pictures to share :/
Well here's your update..... XD Bit different to what I was hoping to put up :p
My new babies for my tank.
As you should know(if you've read this whole thing) I was going to get Brevibora dorsiocellata(Emerald Eye Rasboras) but my wonderful boyfriend had these in and despite their small size they are already spawning in the tank lol. The males are showing off and the females are nice and round.
Please excuse my tannin stained water, it does not help when taking photo's of fish that are fast and dart away to the back lol.
Also, excuse the water spots on my glass XD I've got rid of them now lol.

Ooh, WCMM? (I'm terrible at identifying fish LOL).
They look great!
Glad they are spawning, they must love your tank!
Sounds like a good BF too ;)
Blondielovesfish said:
Ooh, WCMM? (I'm terrible at identifying fish LOL).
They look great!
Glad they are spawning, they must love your tank!
Sounds like a good BF too
I love them. I'm not usually a fan of WCMM but these are a lot more colourful and striking than normal so I was like "Hmm.... Maybe I could fit a group in my tank?" hehe.
The pictures aren't very good because they were taken not long after they went in lol.
Thanks, yeah they've been spawning over the bit of moss

He is
Thanks :) They seem to be really healthy. All eating and none of them skinny and underweight. Happily spawning still :lol:

They are so fast it's hard to get pictures of them but here's some attempts :)



Also, here's a picture of each mode on my LED lights on my tank :) I always use Blue & White as the plants seem to prefer it to White Only for some reason.



My camera seems good at picking up blue lol, it's not that bright blue :) When it's on Blue & White it's just a hint of blue and when it's on Blue Only it's a nice blue not a bright blue like that :)
I need help! In approximately 1-2 weeks I have to move both of these tanks from my room upstairs to a van and then from a van to my room in a new house but I cannot remove the substrate, wood or plants from the tank. I can remove the water and fish but not the substrate, wood and plants.
How can I do this without cracking the bottom of the tank?
My small tank already has a sealed crack on the bottom so that's actually going to be worse to move than the big 87l

My best idea so far has been to get a piece of wood cut to size for under the tanks so that I can lift them and carry them while they are sat on the wood so that the bottom of both of them is fully supported.
Having wood on the bottom for support is the only way I know of.
Sorry I can't be more helpful :/ might be worth starting up another topic.
Good luck!
Lights look nice BTW.
I think we're going with the wood underneath to support it all, thanks any way :)
And thanks :) I like them, they do me good lol.

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