87L & 24L Planted Soil Tank Journal

All fish are perfectly fine :) Acting like nothing happened!!! It was very stressful and very, very painful XD
Ugh!! Yeah I bet... I remember how it was just getting my tank into my house when it was brand new! I don't even want to think about moving it now with 150lbs of sand in it lol.
greenmumma141 said:
Ugh!! Yeah I bet... I remember how it was just getting my tank into my house when it was brand new! I don't even want to think about moving it now with 150lbs of sand in it lol.
Lol! I crushed three of my fingers, my friend crushed her hand....
Here's a most recent picture of Ori :) Just got some re-chargable batteries for my camera thanks to my lovely boyfriend so there will be pictures again :)
Tonight - Ori and the tank tonight :)

And the tank...
He's beautiful!
The tank looks great, I really do love that tiger lotus. I've been looking everywhere, and all I can find are red ones :(
greenmumma141 said:
He's beautiful!
The tank looks great, I really do love that tiger lotus. I've been looking everywhere, and all I can find are red ones
It's not a Tiger Lotus
Tiger Lotus are all red, this is a Nymphoides sp. "Taiwan" AKA - The Banana Lily.
You keep looking at Nymphaea zenkeri

And thank-you :D
Really pleased I won him and actually happy with my tank for once!! Hehe!
greenmumma141 said:
Well that would explain it
Yup, it would haha! :)
Yeah, the exact one I have is the 1-2-GROW by Tropica and it's Nymphoides sp. "Taiwan" :)
You can also get Nymphoides aquatica but I think I remember reading that it was rarer seen in the UK for some reason.
Thanks, I've been getting the aquabid itch so I'm sure Ill be placing an order after the Holidays :)
greenmumma141 said:
Thanks, I've been getting the aquabid itch so I'm sure Ill be placing an order after the Holidays
Lol, it's a very good grower :) I can tell you that! Doesn't need much encouragement :lol:
Anyway, updated pictures of BOTH tanks! Been a while since I put a picture of the BBG tank up because I've been very ashamed to show it... The LED light wasn't working very well for the plants and they all just died. And then the LED fell in the tank and so the BBG tank currently has a temporary light(a clip on unit with a household bulb in) because I have no money to by another light right now and the remaining plants need light. However, since adding the temporary light, the plants have shot up! They aren't dying any more, they are growing quicker than ever now!
I still need to move some plants over to fill it out a bit but nice to see the plants growing again!
So, pictures....
The 87l tank - Ignore the syringe on the front, it's for dosing the Easy Carbo and ProFito.

And the 24l tank.
I really love that plant lol I'm def going to have to get one :rolleyes:
Tank looks great!!!
Yikes! that sounds pretty scarey! Good thing it didn't short out and cause a fire or something!! It's funny how we spend so much to get the perfect growing situation for our plants, then you have these guys who just refuse to give up ;) 
Thanks :lol:
Yeah! I was shocked(no pun intended) that it didn't short out! Luckily it was only a small low wattage LED so it was OK and didn't short anything.
Had a scare myself yesterday!!! I'm still not sure how it happened, but I found the lid to my 10g sticking vertically out of the water... I literally yelled "Oh NOoO!!!!!" and went running over lol. everything was fine, and luckily none of the electronics were in the water or wet... phew ;)

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