22 Litre Betta Tank

I don't personally recommend adding anything to the tank.  Keep his water warm and clean and his fins will heal.  Try placing interesting things outside his tank.  Brightly colored objects work very well. Getting  him to flare occasionally with a mirror is another way to combat boredom.  Some bettas just bite which is why it is good to keep the water as clean as possible.  Some hardwood leaves (like oak) or IAL are good for the tank as well in these situations.
Definitely going to get a pingpong ball BEFORE I get mine! At this rate it could be next year, plakats aren't readily available locally and need to find online outlet that has some in stock.
Will search the betta forum and post if I can't find anything

OO OO OO!! Just got an email from Finzntails and he's going to send me a video of the one they have!  Will post if I can manage to transfer it!
Thanks for the comments :) his new future tank arrived today SO may look into setting that up.

Will get hubby to cut another Perspex lid to size though as not keen on the gaps around the one it came with, don't want to see him on the floor one morning :/

Thanks wildbetta, I'm sure I can find something for outside the tank :)

Cheers 'Z'
Just realised I posted that last comment in the wrong thread! Was meant to be in Journey to bringing imported HM home - soz Shelster!
Haha, well, err ping pong balls kinda relate to here too lol
Meant the email bit of it - was automatically added to previous comment. I thought I'd moved threads but hadn't - silly me!! lol
Ooh that's exciting Mamashack, although I nearly referred to you as green mumma, must be something in the water today!
mumma, mama what's in a vowel? I don't mind but greenmumma might! lol
Stunning setup and beautiful fish - Vader is a great name!
Sorry, I only just found this journal.  It's given me some great ideas 
Thanks smoked paprika - keep your eye out for a new journal in the future - his 35 litre is ready and awaiting establishment :D

I'm torn as I also love this tank :/
So Vader managed to scare me last night!

Gave him a nice big water change yesterday - we are away for a long weekend so ensuring all tanks get a fresh supply of water before I go - when I was watching him whilst in bed swimming around quite happily, then looked again and saw he was motionless by the filter intake!
I shot out of bed took a closer look, he was right against it, me panicking took the glass lid off and touched my finger on his 'body' and startled him - he swam away at high speed!
I will take a pic of how I have pump to show you, needless to say he is ok this morning and swimming around happily :/
Vader the Trickster :)  
I startle my cories all the time bc one will be resting on a leaf or something silly and it scares me lol
Shelster said:
So Vader managed to scare me last night!

Gave him a nice big water change yesterday - we are away for a long weekend so ensuring all tanks get a fresh supply of water before I go - when I was watching him whilst in bed swimming around quite happily, then looked again and saw he was motionless by the filter intake!
I shot out of bed took a closer look, he was right against it, me panicking took the glass lid off and touched my finger on his 'body' and startled him - he swam away at high speed!
I will take a pic of how I have pump to show you, needless to say he is ok this morning and swimming around happily
Poor old Vadar, sleeping quietly then a big "monster" came and poked him

You will soon get used to their motionlessness, one of my boys sometimes sleeps on his head!

So Shelster, please enter Vadar's current tank in TANK OF THE MONTH - do not delay - do it NOW

We all 
it and since you are considering a change of home for him, do it this month before it is too late ...

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