54 litre freshwater aquarium diary

This was an exciting day! I didn't want to wait anymore so I bought 2 Neocaridina davidi var. "Yellow" with golden back stripes from a local dealer. Yeah, just 2 were of my liking unfortunately. But this can be a good thing too. I could add a selection of another few good individuals from a completely different source and increase the genetic viability of the offspring. Lets hope that will happen very soon too!

I recently missed out on a deal on them from a local breeder though I replied to him in under 20 min from his post. He had received 33 likes by the next morning when he replied finally saying that all yellows were already reserved! I was disheartened. And another breeder hasn't answered and 1 more lives way too far, 3-4h train travel away! But I try to encourage myself with that those shrimps would have been wrong ones for me in some way, though they would have been nearly 10 times cheaper than the shrimps at the store. It's been difficult to obtain these yellow striped shrimp and have had to do some waiting, so I hope and pray things will be perfect with these 2 that I got now!

I also bought some weeping moss, Vesicularia ferriei, in order to make the tank more suited for shrimps. I placed it in the shadowy side of the tank, under the Amazon sword. Hoping to get a carpet out of it. I didn't want to put it in the light side not to encourage algae growth on it. It looks nice, fluffy at the moment, coming straight out of Tropica baby plant plastic box, but its look will change I assume. I chose it out of many mosses, because it should remain low, compact and its colour was darkest: therefore bright yellow shrimp should stand out best from that moss. Java moss would have been too stringy ans sparse for my liking. Christmas moss, which I was first interested about was sold out, but perhaps the weeping one suits me better by being shorter in height.

Pictures tomorrow! Aquarium bed time already and mine soon.
Round bellies! Happy, fat, well fed Macrotocinclus having a rest on the right.

Have you seen all Oros resting at the same time before? I gave them one gel stick in the morning and added another afternoon, but they just hang around it: being too full I am guessing, so I removed it. Happy to see Otos being FULL! :D Makes me happy! I intentionally wanted to fatten them before the Christmas vocation, seems it's working. :)

Another news: both yellow Neocaridinas are alive after the introduction yesterday. One I barely saw, is hiding away, another has been on the open. They're colour is pretty stark, not light. The picture I had here before as an example of the breed was a lighter color example.

And the best news: the silent breeder finally replied this morning and I get some more of them tomorrow! From a different patch! Will be a nearly 5 h trip back and forth. Termo bags with me, it's around -2 Celsius outside (28 F). But most of the time I will be travelling in warm busses.



Weeping moss on the back right under the Amazon sword. Grassy look atm and still a small plant now but it will cover this section in the future!


  • IMG_20241211_150252636.jpg
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Newcomers unwrapped! Increase quality to HD.

dripping introduction.png
All active and well, through freezing weather. Now under dripping introduction nearly 2h. (right pic.).

PRICES: I counted about 12-13. (EDIT: there were 14.) Including travel costs it makes the price 3.34 € each. Not bad. Travelling about doubles the price. The local shop where I bought the first 2 big Neocaridinas two days ago, sold them for 12 € each. From there I had no travel costs. Despite higher price, I think it's important if possible to add some genetical variability. It's a low cost in the end for the health of the stock.

Now... It's itme to move them to thier new home! 💛🧡❤️😍
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Wow I'm speechless!
These new Neocaridina davidi var. Yellow, golden backs are way more than what I knew to hope for! They are perfect and I like their look allot!
So, I've had a change in plan. I've already separated the earlier two out from the main aquarium now not to mix them and will find a new home for them fast. Their looks are just very far apart. The previous two are almost orange, compared to these and their stripes are far less uniform or thick. I know what I said about genetic diversity, but I wish not to mix these ones. I want to keep these new guys looking as they are, and their offspring.
Here's a couple pictures for a comparison.
Anyway, now I'm a very happy and satisfied shrimp keeper! Cheers!:wub:


The newcomers have taken a liking to the sunken wood and its hiding spots and tunnels.

Most of the 14 have been hiding today. Wonder if the reason is the environmental change? Yesterday evening when I introduced them, they were everywhere. Wonder if the water change has made them start to moult? How big water changes would you dare to do to a shrimp tank?
I do 25% weekly water change on my shrimp tank.
Some surprises and changes again today.

2 shocks happened in the morning: aquarium water clearly darkish and filter flow extremely low.

I started looking for a canister filter to upgrade to fast, but decided to try something first. I removed the black nylon sock asap which I had added last night to prevent shrimplets from going into the filter and did a 60% water change fast to clear the water. Also removed half of the Seachem Purigen, to help speed the flow and added fine layer of filter cotton between intake holes and filter cartridge to make it shrimp safe. I assume I'll need to replace it regularly for the cotton not to clog the flow as well. But all's well now! Flow sped up and water is clearer.

I also made a fast sale of the previous 2 shrimps and they were picked up tonight.
Peace back in the aquarium. The person said he wanted shrimps just like those were, though he checked what I kept also, but didn't fancy them... so it goes: everyone has their own favourites. I'm happy from the behalf of the shrimp and that man.

Todays water change mixed up my fertilization and water test cycle.


I hope the shrimplets get braver little by little. They're holding back to hiding mostly today. But I got one awesome closeup. I don't get it: how come my phone is capable of doing this only very rarely? Target is about 1 cm.


Peace back in the aquarium. I leveled out the weeping moss stems and a piece of java moss as a carpet to the front right. Wood would still be floating, wonder how much longer must I keep it pressed down. It has lots of nice hiding holes for shrimps!

Have a peceful Christmas season!


On the second day after arrival I already saw 9 of the 14 out on the open, doing their shrimpy businesses.

IMG_20241217_154324 Shrimp have accepted the Otos spirulina-meat-gel food on the stick.jpg

Otocinclus gel feeding stick has been an hour in front of the Shrimp-Estate and finally 2 of them have discovered it and accepted it as a food source!

I want to fatten my shrimp as well, before the vocation day after tomorrow.
Other news: some of the new leaves of Tiger Lotus keep melting and are significantly malformed. I googled it being probably an insufficient CO2. Any ideas what it could be or if it's CO2?

Water Parameters:

Test: (recom.)CO2 (5-15)NO3 (15-20)NO2 (<0.1)PO4GHd (4-8)KHd (2-4)pH (6.5-6.9)Fe (0.4-0.8)K (8-12)Mg (5-9)Conductivity (under 450)Water change afterward
25 November 2024​
02 December 2024​
09 December 2024​
13 December 2024​
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2nd update today: I've been dreaming allot lately!

...of an used electronical canister filter
Which is such a delicious goodie to me with adjustable constantly maintained flow rate for this smaller aquarium, different day and night flow rates and an even stream regime to choose from which changes flow rate back and forth between set flow rates every 10 sec up and down a bit. 😅:thanks:
It's funny btw... when I kep on searching for the best silent canister filter options I briefly prayed "God, surprise me!" And now I'm amazed by this available option.

...of an used Sera CO2 system that I could get for a bargain price in February! 😮 With magnetic disconnector valve to activate it with the lights switching on and off... ugh I feel so spoiled!

...of clearing aqua water from nearly all underwater electrical devices with an in-line heater and a temperature change alarm device in case of system failure of some sort. Alarm would be sent by email to wherever I happen to be. 😯

...of replacing my dimmed LED to light up the aquarium properly, which is also an investment.

This is some heavy dreaming and needs a financial plan. But it feels good to dream! 💛
Ugh, I'm kind of glad I didn't have a chance of getting all those things at once. Plans have a little changed or refined and tuned down a little. I calculated all the costs of all the options for a canister filter side by side and the most appealing option right now is actually a brand new Eheim 4+ 250T canister filter with a heater. So that should be a more reliable heater with no need for an alarm device or inline heater. Flow wouldn't be adjustable but it would be roughly around 500 litres/h max with all the media installed. That flow rate should be tolerable in my tank and it would always be possible to tune it down a little with other means like the outflow pipe. And it shouldn't have too much unused media space since it's the smallest canister.

The greatest reason why I'm considering this model though is that it was measured by someone to have under 15 decibel noise level at 1 cm distnace from the canister. Whereas one size bigger model had it at 16-19 decibel. Oase seemed to have around 40+ decibel, so that I can’t consider at all. The quietness is the reason why I consider it above all other options, to play it safe, even though for example Pondguru in his youtube video was disappointed in this 4+ and 5e series of Eheim.
Any thoughts and ideas?

I'm also conidering adding one male Honey Gourami to my tank. There's some unused space in the upper section of my tank especially.
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