22 Litre Betta Tank

Ha ha that fish is mad!

I was concerned as he was sleeping but against the filter intake :/

RCA just popped online briefly whilst feeding little one - will get to inbox soon :)
greenmumma141 said:
holy cow, that would scare me too lol. 
What would, "Shelster" poking you in the night, like she did to Vadar or my fish sleeping on his head?
Shelster said:
Ha ha that fish is mad!...
Yup, that is Mr Rude - he is actually called "Herbert" but Mr Rude is better for him, as he is the rudest fish I own, no thanks for anything! Then he sleeps like that as if to give me a scare ;)
Alright, alright - it was more of a gentle touch than a prod or poke :/
RCA said:
holy cow, that would scare me too lol. 
What would, "Shelster" poking you in the night, like she did to Vadar or my fish sleeping on his head?
Shelster said:
>Ha ha that fish is mad!...
Yup, that is Mr Rude - he is actually called "Herbert" but Mr Rude is better for him, as he is the rudest fish I own, no thanks for anything! Then he sleeps like that as if to give me a scare

lol well probably both, but I meant seeing my fish sleeping on his head. hahaha  Nothing against you shelster ;)
Thanks for the clarification greenmumma - yup he is indeed a crazy and rude fish.
Yet, I would also hate to be "poked" or given a "gentle touch" when in a deep sleep - will leave you alone now Shelster apart from...
RCA said:
So Shelster, please enter Vadar's current tank in TANK OF THE MONTH - do not delay - do it NOW

We all 
it and since you are considering a change of home for him, do it this month before it is too late ...
... just thought you may have missed this ;)
+1 Shel!
It really would be a very worthy entry - do seriously consider it!
Just checked something in the TOTM rules and look
3) You may nominate another TFF member's tank for entry. Please seek their permission first, as nominations will not be accepted unless the nominee's agreement can be verified.
How to nominate another TFF member's tank:-
13) To make a nomination, please seek permission from the tank owner first, then post details of the tank. The nominee must then confirm their agreement for the tank to be entered, or the nomination will not be accepted. Once the nominee's agreement is confirmed, the same two photographs must be provided as for a self-entry as described above
So Shelster I will be asking your permission via PM, feel free to tell me to "bog-off", politely of course as I am sensitive :) 
rofl! nice find RCA didn't know that was permissible!
A happy Vader leaves a monstrous bubble nest under an anubia leaf :D


Vader enjoying his IAL


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