12L Micro Tank

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They look very similar to mine in colour, fm!
What are you planning to feed them on?
I'll try to get some pictures later - they seem to be out of sight at the moment!
Yep Mama your thread exploded :lol:
I'm strongly tempted to order the Fantasy Blue from Shrimpland.  I might copy Fm and get some of the cheap whites for my other tank too ;)
Currently I've got two juvie platies in my 35L.  I finally managed to catch one today who's been getting bullied for months in my 120L and I thought I was never going to catch him, so he's recuperating in the 35L for now.  I want all the fish out of there before I consider getting any expensive shrimp - they're going to have the whole tank to themselves!  Not taking any chances!  :)
I don't blame you, daize! I bitterly regret putting mine in with the betta - HUGE mistake as it happens but the micro tank wasn't quite ready when they arrived.
Heyho - lesson learned!
I'm still catching up with all the posts - am sure I've missed some! lol
Just a couple for now - got 2 others that won't send properly from my phone so I'll keep trying

They are bloomin' fast and it was difficult to get them in focus!
Lots of free swimming going on too rather than walking or marching round the tank!

This is the best close-up so far:

Last one for now!
They are lovely!  They do look a lot like blue jellies though.
I need to think about whether I would be better with a lighter blue shrimp, although I love the look of the Fantasies up close, I wonder if the blue pearls/jellies might be more visible due to the lighter colour.  Your phantoms seem to show up very nicely.
Thanks! I'm hoping they'll go a deeper blue as they mature. Yet to get in touch with K.T. re usual diet. Will do that later.
How big were the ones you saw in the LFS, daize? I reckon these are about 1½cm long SL (tho that's using a ruler outside rather than inside the tank.)
About the same size as yours I think, 1.5cm juvies.
Well have emailed him and hope I get a reply soon.
Got to go out now  for a few hours but I'll be back on later with more updates and photos more than likely.
Mamashack said:
They look very similar to mine in colour, fm!
What are you planning to feed them on?
I'll try to get some pictures later - they seem to be out of sight at the moment!
They are awfully similar yeah, I was expecting yours to be mega BLUE, hopefully as they mature so will the colour.
I've got various food stuffs for my little fellas. TertraMin flakes, although that was while there were CDPs in with them too, which I've now removed. I've got some Shirakura baby food, Shrimp King Complete pads, Ebi Dama pads and also some Cholla logs. As an additive I also have some Glas Garten Bacter AE which is supposed to contain other micro-organisms, amino acids and enzymes which contributes to healthier water conditions and improved biofilm. Might experiment with some colour enhancing food at some point, too. 
What's your feeding plan?
I couldn't find any info about Blue Phantoms, it seems that Kesgrave is the only one selling them under this name.
About a year ago somebody suggested these shrimp might be the same as blue pearls (I doubt I can link to the site where I read it)
I'm starting to think their deep blue sales picture might be misleading.  Maybe you could ask him why they aren't the same colour?
Just look at the eBay ad and if you look at the second pic, looks a dead ringer to blue pearls to me. I believe the female (same as RCS) will be a deeper colour and the males lighter.
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I'm a bit confused myself here, too. I can't see anyone other than Kesgrave selling them as blue phantoms. Some liberties are taken with naming conventions I reckon. However, perhaps they're stressed in transit and will colour up given time to settle.
Blue Pearls are supposed to be related directly to Snowballs and should be Neocaradina zhangjiajiensis, but these phantoms are advertised as N. heterpoda, which is odd.
Time will tell if yours colour well, Mama, but I must say, I'm not all that convinced you'll get THAT blue colour in the ad. 
I thought maybe Blueberry is the more usual name and found this http://shrimpery.com/shrimps/item/blueberry-shrimp
The picture looks quite similar to Kesgrave's second photo with the spotty marbled effect.  However this one seems to be classified under N. palmata not heteropoda.  I can't really see any spotty markings on Mama's shrimp either (at least not yet).
I emailed asking about their diet and their colouring and his answer focussed on the diet and only mentioned that they purchase them as Blue Phantom. Don't know what made me think that they actually breed them. He didn't mention the colour at all so I think he was avoiding the issue to be honest.
We'll see what happens as time goes on. If they don't darken I doubt I will get any from them again.
They are lovely just not the lovely dark blue I wanted.
When I emailed to say I was ordering some more Blueberry shrimp, daize, was the time I got the response about R.O.water and Salty Shrimp that made me panic so clearly they don't consider them to be Blueberry ones ( so why put it in??)
It's just a confusing advert really when all is said and done - what with the picture and the 2 different names.
Perhaps I should have stuck with Shrimpland. May yet order some Blue Velvets form S'Land and see what happens re offspring.
Well this speaks volumes!!
I emailed a shrimp website to ask which if any of their foods would be suitable for blue shrimp to help with their colour. I didn't mention the variety of shrimp - just that they were pale blue and I'd been expecting dark blue.
The reply started with "are they Blue Phantoms from Kesgrave Tropicals" as they'd heard a lot of complaints about the pale colouring!!
They did however suggest some that were blue starting with the palest and going thro to solid dark blue.
Blue Pearl were the first and palest on the list then Blue Jelly (which they reckoned was what mine were like), then the Blue Velvet and lastly Topas Blue Garnele (sigh!)

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