OK, nano tank... totally not me, but maybe my journey into betas, maybe Killi's, white cloud minnows???

I got about a dozen cherries in 2 swipes of the net, that are now n the Nano tank
3 of the Cherries, at 1st light this morning... there are enough in there now, they are easy to find... ( actually 4 shrimp, one blurry in the foreground I did't notice )
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I can understand the concerns about the "snagging potential" of the spider wood... I think before a splendens gets added, I'll pull the wood out to my wood work bench, and grind off the small pokey pieces, and soften / round off the other parts that stick out... I've not scaped it yet, but I'm sitting 6 feet away from it right now, and can watch the cherry shrimp swimming around...

I should have culled one, that is translucent red, not the deep cherry red... I'll pull that one out, but I have several large deep red shrimp in there now, and several babies, I can also see swimming around from 6 feet away...
the Blueberry snails arrive this week ( if shipping is reliable )
So, I have 3 Blueberry snails arriving this week...

I found these videos on them ( they are newly discovered, & there is not much info on them out there, yet )

but they look like a natural for my Nano sitting in the window... anyone else have some of these???
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these are live bearing snails, who have one baby at a time, every few weeks to a month... so looks could be deceiving, in this case
3 smallish blue berry snails, added to the nano... they came with quite a bit of hair algae on their shells... literally 1 minute after adding them a Cherry was grooming it...
water level has dropped a little over an inch, since I filled it a little over a week ago, to half way down the top radius... the plants are only going to use more water, as they grow out, so I'll likely be adapting the jar lid, sooner or later...
just watched a mostly mature Cherry shed, in this tank... I'm really going to like it's placement, though I'm sitting at the dining table, rather than a recliner... easy to see 5-6 Cherries at any time I glance over from 6 feet
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The snails are not in a good spot to take pictures right now... but, should I be concerned that this is black beard algae, on the snail shells???



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shrimp are doing a good job of grazing on the algae on the blueberry shells...

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