looks like one of the cold snails moved last night, so still watching the other two, and may need to pluck them out... added the 1st dose of Bacter AE, to the nano last night... shrimp looking good today
had to try it... was told no... one juvenal male sunset, sailfin, platy, found it's way into the nano, during water change today... sponge filter is rated for 20 gallons... this one bred here WHAAT
takes a little patience... 3-4 weeks, and the Hoya vines have started to root... these are both approximately 24 inch long vines, that are now starting to root in the tank...
not wasting any time getting to know each other... these are from my breeding tank... I've got 8-10 extra, I'll have to see if the local dog groomer wants to trade frozen food for a bag of these...
plucking pest snail eggs out of my nano tank, and dropping them into some sanitizer we had in the kitchen ( because the bleach is all n the laundry area...
then saw a few snails... one close to the bottom, under the spider wood... I didn't have a tweezers handy, so I had to let that one go for now...
saw another little one I could reach, but put it back, as I'm 99% sure it was a baby Blueberry snail... I should have grabbed a picture, but was shocked it wasn't a pest snail... the blueberry snails are live bearers, and have one baby at a time... this is awesome... 1st new life in my nano... the mother or father...