OK, nano tank... totally not me, but maybe my journey into betas, maybe Killi's, white cloud minnows???

The shells are going to look ragged for decades.

I remember sanding snails with fine emery cloth and had great results (Yeah, I did that...)
i have lost a couple shrimp, just plopping them in neutral water, from a hard water tank, but there are still about a dozen that look to be going strong the snails are pretty much the best food source, in a new tank... but sitting in the sun, in the windows, it won't be long before I'm scraping algae...
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If your tank starts building algae on an unreasonable rate.

Buy 2 rolls of MakTac film.

Then cover 1/2 of the back of the tank in black, then put a layer of white over to prevent overheating from the back.

It would also make everything pops inside.
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Indeed, but how would one rate the provider from 0 to 10 ?

I didn't re-read the whole tread but, I think they where advertised as Exquisite...
I would be disappointed if I received those. Especially if they were advertised as exquisite like you say.
I know back when I was selling tiger striped nerites, I only shipped the best looking ones.
in the videos of those snails I posted earlier, a couple of them had them in with lots of shrimp... since they are new, and wild caught, they may have come in all covered in algae???

they are supposed to eat hair algae...

actually, what a concept, a self feeding critter
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Nano news today...

Cherries having supper...
I have 3 more Blueberries coming this next week... I think I'll put them in here... and move some later, if they start breeding or get too crowded...
The shrimp are doing a good job of grooming on the snails... most are only about 25%covered in algae any more... hard to see, but a snail right behind the shrimp
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Thoughts on a temporary resident or two... if nothing more than to add a little bio load, for the filter, and a little more color, and activity...

I have fancy, Sunset, high fin, Platy's breeding in my Cherry shrimp tank, so I have a lot of guppy sized juveniles... thoughts on adding a couple, until I get closer to adding a long fin Splendens??? at that point I would remove the platy's...
No. They have a high bioload and are too active of a fish
so I added the 3 cold blueberries to the Nano tank... these are not covered completely in algae... I'll just have to watch them to see if they survived ... I noticed my stalk of lucky bamboo is shooting out new roots, and I did get the air line, and heater cord tied to it, as well as the 2 Hoya vine stems... looks like I need to make up a little vacuum, as there is residue left from the shrimp food pellets...

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