12L Micro Tank

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Thanks Zik! I don't know what went wrong last night - only that Firefox somehow prevented me from replying or posting at all so I abandoned it and I'm using Google Chrome at the moment. Fingers crossed - I've got the edit toolbar back so that's something! It's amazing how much it was missed even tho I hardly use it! lol
How about some details for you new tank! How big is it? What are you planning to have in it? Cherries or something a bit more adventurous?
hmm strange with the browser,

but tank is the ADA 60H (45) its 60x45x45 and i plan to try and do one of those iwugani setups, and stocking il have blue shrimp what ever ones are darker blue, and only one species of fish i was thinking neon green rosbara but im wondering if it will be to green with a carpet or cuba but i may add a twist and at the back have a red plant, but im doong a test with this tank and have bought mostly ADA stuff 3 types of substrate even the addatives to see of they work in comparison to my other tank

but what was the conclusion regarding the darkest blue shrimp? my lfs dosnt stock them and i would love a dark blue shrimp :)
I think the consensus was that I have the equivalent of the blue jelly shrimp. So if you want the darker ones try Shrimpland 
The blue velvet seem to be the darkest blue available in the UK altho the shrimp guy I spoke to @ keenshrimp said that there are even darker ones available from Germany and they are the Topas Blue Garnele - I think they cost around 10 euro each plus shipping. He was getting some for his own tank to see for himself what they were like.
The different grades of blue are described in http://www.fishforums.net/index.php?/topic/432894-12l-micro-tank/page-7#entry3676898 (I hope)
The Blue Velvet from Shrimpland look promising at £6 each, but nobody on this thread has ordered them to know for sure yet.
I've seen the Fantasy Blue in my LFS and they are superb.
I've checked a couple of other sites.  Sharbrook Shrimp has Blue Velvet Dream for £7 and Fantasy Blue for £12 (note they are two different species on this site unlike Shrimpland).  This is probably a good indication of what the two species should really look like. http://www.sharnbrookshrimp.co.uk/category_s/1820.htm
What have you decided to get, daize or are you still deliberating?
Judging by the Sharnbrook shrimp site, I'm starting to think that the Blue Velvets are classed as a mid-grade, Fantasy Blue is high-grade and blue jellies/pearls are low-grade.
I'm leaning towards trying to do a deal with my LFS on the Fantasy Blue.  They are priced at £9 each if I buy 3+ and I was hoping to get at least 6.
Yes I'm inclined to agree about the grading, daize. I will still love my little low-grades tho! lol
Can't wait to see your if you go ahead with the Blue Fantasy ones!
I'm slightly concerned about the Shrimpland Blue Velvets because although the picture looks good, the price is more what you would expect for a mid-grade shrimp rather than high grade.  It seems you get what you pay for with shrimp!
Seems to be the case, daize! I was almost tempted to ask the guy at keen shrimp to order me some too, but thought I'd wait and see how he gets on first.
Also want to let my tank and its new occupants settle down a bit first before adding new ones.
Good news from the micro tank larder - the super-forte spirulina seems to be a hit with at least 2 of the shrimp - they even climbed inside the plant-pot to get to it which is something I've not observed them doing before!
To go back to Zik's question about whether they are nocturnal - I tend to see mine first thing in the morning and just as I switch the light on - have to keep turning it off as it throws out quite a bit of heat and in this weather it needs to be off more than on from that point of view. (Note to self - have another look for an LED lamp!)
Don't think I've seen all 4 out at the same time since the day I put the 2nd lot in tho I have seen 3 at the same time.
I was worried that the tank might not be mature enough after what daize said, but I'm relaxing a bit now tho still keeping a close eye on things.
hmm that is very interesting and thank i think i would defiantly want to get the fantasy blue shrimp but i won't get them until i know my tank is 100% ready. 
with regards to your lighting if u are turning it on and off during the day at random times and intervals u most certainly will have algae and I'm sure your shrimp are having an all u can eat buffet in your tank :D so i wouldn't be to worried about them not eating the pellets u put in as to the shrimp pellets are like a sandwich where as fresh algae in tank is a 5* meal :D
i thought i shall just give u a snippet of wants to come in my new tank inspired by you mama with that picture in your signature reminded me of those japanese style tanks Iwagumi's so I'm doing one of them :D
the tank is an ADA high clarity glass tank 60cm x 45cm x 45cm

i then have a full set of substrate 3 layers to play with

and 30kg of rocks to try and find a nice look with more rocks than i need but i may rescape my current tank with some of these too tbh

so thank you mamashack :D 
one question for Daize where about in the uk are you, i wonder if your LFS is within driving distance for me to come n look at those shrimp u speak of
Am looking forward to see it in progress, Zik!
I'm afraid I don't have any design vision, I tend to veer towards the functional rather than the aesthetic which is something I really do regret!
Are you going the whole hog with CO2 and ferts? Have to admit I'm a bit of a dimwit when it comes to that.
Daize has given me some helpful pointers tho I've not dared go hi-tech yet.
If I had money to spare I'd look into it, but am on a tight budget - hence this thread in the first place.
Feel free to post a link here to your project if you decide to do it as a journal 
yes i will be injecting co2 and dosing EI ferts and thank you i will be doing a journal for mine but i need to make my LED lights first and awaiting the arrival of my lily pipe's and filter
I AM SO JEALOUS! I need my wife to give me the ok's for tanks lol. Sucks! Beautiful start already OP.

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