12L Micro Tank

I like that wee lamp, it's very neat and tidy looking. It looks very adjustable, too, which is cool.
Are you still concerned about the blueys eating? 
Not now, fm. They are still all there as far as I can tell (no dead bodies anywhere!) altho therein lies a little tale! See next paragraph!
Put one of those astaxanthin pellets in this morning and there's one shrimp feasting on it - so if I see one shrimp with brighter colours than the others - that could be why!
I had a little panic when I saw what I thought were 2 shrimps eating the carcass of another behind a plant - oh no! One of them has died I thought. Turns out that once I'd whipped the lid off and turned off the filter so I could see, it was a single shrimp shedding its exoskeleton! Big phew! It's staying behind the plant presumably because it's feeling exposed. but also the exoskeleton keeps twitching so it could be eating it I guess!
Totally unrelated to the micro tank, but shrimp-related just the same, I've noticed that the mulm is accumulating in the 30L tank which no longer had any shrimp at all, so I'm in the middle of floating a couple of amanos from the 60L to act as clean-up crew. The pHs are identical so I'm only doing a ½ hr temperature float this time. Hopefully they'll get it all sorted once they are released. 
aah that is a relief with the exo sceleton i know they do eat it so dont worry about that but i am thinking on geting amano shrimp for my 88l tank to get rid of my hair algse how gd are they at doing it and how many should i get? they wont be temorsry im thinking they can be a perminant resident
Sorry just realised I didn't answer half your question - I guess the number would depend on how bad the algae is (perhaps also looking at CO2 and ferts which I can't advise on), but will also depend on what other fish the tank holds. For instance I've read that whilst angel fish can't actually get them in their mouths they can rip them to bits.
Sorry if that's a bit vague, but there are lots of resources out there on the web - as I'm sure you know it's a case of reading some and then checking on here if you get conflicting advice.
hahaha na thats cool the algae is alot if i left it, it would cover the entire tank inca week or two i recon.

only other fish i have is 1 pleco, 6 CPD's which i plan to have near 20 of them , and maybe some corries but may change that and have the shrimp instead :S

if my tank stats are good by next week i may get some
Sorry for making you consider blue shrimp
  - I certainly had no idea when I started this tank that's what I'd be getting. 
It's amazing how things develop and change! 
Dragged myself out of bed at the unearthly hour of 7am (especially since I'm on holiday this week
 ) The last delivery arrived at 7.15am and I didn't want to be caught out again. Of course, sod's law has applied itself and the delivery hasn't arrived yet so am sat here trying not to nod off! lol
Hopefully, the LED light will get here soon and I can relieve my poor torch of the abuse it's had over the past few days! 
Mamashack said:
Sorry for making you consider blue shrimp
  - I certainly had no idea when I started this tank that's what I'd be getting. 
It's amazing how things develop and change! 
She made me do it too, Zikofski!
Just trying to embed a video here not sure if it will work tho!
EDIT: Oh well at least the link works!
Not sure what the moving white specks are but they seem to be loosely attached to the tank wall and are moving slightly under the influence of the filter flow.
Biofilm maybe? Hopefully not the start of an algae explosion!
Looks like he's eating just fine and he's a lovely shade of blue.
Those wee white specs are more likely some sort of copepod - pretty harmless I'm sure.
Thanks, fm! Yes I'm happy it seems there's plenty to sustain them on the 2 sources of moss so I won't feed them every day. Maybe every 2nd or 3rd day. Have removed the majority of the astaxanthin pellet as it was really mushy and the shrimp have shown no interest in it so far today.
I may have wasted a day's holiday waiting in for this bloomin' light. No sign yet altho Parcel Force website says they do deliver up to 5pm tho typically before 1pm so not sure how to interpret that. Wouldn't mind but I paid an extra premium for 24 hr delivery in the end so I'll be rather miffed if it doesn't come today!
Just off to look up copepods!
Well! Talk about 11th hour! The light was finally delivered at 5.27 pm with 3 minutes to go before home-time for the driver. I actually felt for him as he'd picked it up at 6.40 am and was going to carry on til he'd finished delivering rather than stop at 5.30 pm! Above and beyond the call of duty, but boy was I grateful!
Anyway, fm, as requested here are some pics of it in situ:
 US fissidens growing nicely!        ​
Phew! What a day! Feel drained and stir crazy after staying in all day.
Just got back from seeing How To Train Your Dragon 2 so at least I've seen outdoors for a short spell! lol                                      
If you're using split timing, try to do it in 4 hour chunks as the plants will waste energy 'warming up' for anything shorter.
Zikofski - there are currently two Fantasy Blue shrimp at the Bracknell branch of Maidenhead Aquatics.  I've been told I can order more if I want them.  The shop seems to be wary of stocking too many expensive shrimp until they've gauged interest.
Thanks, daize I'll adjust the 2nd session up to 4 hrs from 2.5 

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