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    8 Gal Stocking

    U could have a calico telescope goldfish
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    Help Guppy Food

    Well I bought two guppies today and got home put them in and started to feed everybody and realized i hadn't bought food for them and I was wondering if I could feed them something else till I go to the store I have betta pellets, bloodworms, goldfish pellets, algae tablets, and bottom feeder...
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    My Betta Fish

    I've noticed that one of your fish astro is a half moon which do terribly with a filter because of their large fins which make them fight the current even if it doesn't appear to make a current at all I rescued my twin tail half moon betta ember from a tank with some other fish at petsmart after...
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    Help Wild Betta With Regular

    No this will be the only wild one I have
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    Help Wild Betta With Regular

    K thanks what kind of live food
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    Help Wild Betta With Regular

    Ok thanks but I thought the rule was three
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    Help Wild Betta With Regular

    Help I need to know soon if I can put a female smaragadina with my two regular female bettas I'm getting a new tank and I need to know soon
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    Wild Bettas With Regulars

    I want to get a smaragadina female and put it with my two regular females and I was wondering if the sma. Would kill the others
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    Females Help

    Can I put a wild female betta with my two regular female betta I have two regulars I bought from the store and would like to purchase a wild one from a professional breeder
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    Is This Fin Rot?

    Use aquarium salt
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    Help! Betta Eating Problem

    Well I feed them goldfish pellets and and sinking pellets and betta pellets
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    Help! Betta Eating Problem

    Ok so I rescued two female bettas from Walmart and put them in my five gal with some other fish and they are not eating the betta food that floats on the top will they eat the other fish food and be fine?
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    New 80 Litre Fish Tank, Advise On Which Fish To Have

    you could try a calico telescope goldfish and a clown loach
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    I Think My Betta Is Sick - Urgent Help Required

    Ok here is the treatment for fin rot u need to purchase a bottle of fish medicine called melafix and use it every morning and get some aquarium salt too might be able to save it I'm in the middle of having Bettas with fin rot also I lost one yesterday oh also go purchase blood worms they might...
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    Help...stocking Advice Wanted...

    well i dont know about the other fish but i do know u could have 2-3 guppies with room for more fish
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    25 Gallon Tank

    2 maybe 3 calico telescope goldfish
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    I Think My Betta Is Sick - Urgent Help Required

    is he raggedy on his fins because he could have fin rot which is common in bettas also the brown places could they really be red tey to look closer tell me if he is showing any of these signs
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    Help...stocking Advice Wanted...

    i would help but i only know gallons if u could convert the liters to gallons i could help u
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    Setting Up A 6 Gallon Tank

    why do you think those are bad recommendations just asking
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    Absolute Beginner

    you could depending on how big the tanks is you could put in a calico telescope goldfish or a twintail halfmoon betta but NEVER TOGETHER!
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    Quick Help For Me Please Re Corys

    i don't know where you live and you are saying liters instead of gallons so you are probably not from america like me but i have some peppered cory cats and i purchased them at petsmart
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    Am I Overfeeding My Fish?

    you should feed your fish twice a day not too mention i agree with dbanner about how they are only a treat or for fin regrowth after fin rot
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    Setting Up A 6 Gallon Tank

    maybe a small black kuhli loach that grows to be 4 inches and some small cory cats maybe ask at petsmart or wherever u are purchasing your fish not that im reccomending petsmart
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    Entering The Fish World 2

    ok ill start with my story i have nine fish i half-moon twin-tail betta, a half-moon betta, and a blue betta. I also have two peppered cory cats, one calico telescope goldfish, a clown loach, a plecostamus and a kuhli loach.
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    Entering The Fish World 2

    hey guys this is a place where u can ask questions and hopefully have them answered about your new fish so dont be shy
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    Entering The Fish World

    Hey guys today I moved my blue Betta to a huge fish bowl and removed the divider in the old tank so my half moon can hav the whole thing. I would recommend what I'm using for a fish bowl I'm using a terrarium bowl it works perfect and there huge
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    Houston We Have A Dying...

    One of your fish may be cannibalistic my grandmother had a tank full of six tetras and they died off one by one and then when they floated to the top they were chewed up with tails and fins missing so you may a bully fish
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    Betta Tank

    I agree about the frog but the rule is an inch of fish per gallon
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    New Here, Need Help With My Tank

    Ok for one thing the whole if u don't get a huge tank your fish,s guts are gonna explode thing has been taken to an unesicary extreme and goldfish r just messy fish so u need a good filter and try some pleco's to remove algae. Your size is good they will adapt to the size of he tank and should...
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    Entering The Fish World

    Ok I would lik too know if there is a fish to help keep a goldfish bowl cleaner maybe a sucker fish of some sort
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    Entering The Fish World

    Hey guys I would like to start a forum for people beginning with everything fish because I myself am beginning and would love advice about my fish
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    Getting New Fish, Help?!

    I totally understand your budget problem and if u want more fish I would recommend a kuhli they very pretty and look like eels
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    Did you check in the gravel around your plants because I had a half moon Betta and in a half gal. Tank that was divided for two so she had a very small space and one plant. She loves too hide in the plant and stick her had in the gavel. Well I couldn't find her for a whole day and so the next...
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    Help! Anyone With Experience With Bettas Please Give Me Advice&#33

    Question? How long has she not been eating. Because my Betta who always hits his food like a shark. Just up and stopped eating one day too. But that only lasted two days and he started back up again so make sure u arnt feeding her too much
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    New Betta

    Hey guys I'm new here and to the fish world I am 12 and and have just got my first two fish. A pearl white half moon Betta and a blue male Betta. I am excited to enter the fish world and plan to get plenty more. I also have to keep a budget .so if anyone has tips on tank buying or anything...