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  1. Fish are AWE

    Keeping Axolotl's Water Cold In Summer.

    Hi I was wondering how can I keep my axolotl's water cold in the summer. Where I live is very hot in summer and i would appreciate it if someone could please help me on this problem. Thank you!
  2. Fish are AWE

    Project Acidity

    Thanks for the reply. I have dozens of lemons at home so that is pretty good. I guess that baking soda (bi-carbonite of soda) can be used as a alkaline buffer in the water. But I have learnt that some people can have a reaction to it. Is there any other things that I could use as substitute...
  3. Fish are AWE

    Project Acidity

    PLZ I NEED QUICK REPLY. Sry if this is the wrong section
  4. Fish are AWE

    Project Acidity

    Hello im doing a project on acidity of water in the oceans and i waas gonna do a test where i got 2 containers of water. One will be acidic and other alkaline. If i drop in fish food will the acid water make it detoriate quicker? I tthink thats what will hapen, but how do i make the water acidic...
  5. Fish are AWE

    Bloated Goldfish

    My goldfish got bloat recently and idk what to do. I've put epsom salt in the tank and checked the ph often. The ph a few weeks ago was neutral but then now the water became acidic again. What should i do? My tank is about 100litres and it has 4 goldfish. The bloated one is alive but just...
  6. Fish are AWE

    Cory Mouth Infection?

    I have gravel and i do weekly water changes. the ph is slight acidic so they like it. I am using gravel and i do weekly water changes. I have the water slightly acidic for them. I am using gravel and i do weekly water changes. I have the water slightly acidic for them. Lol sorry for the reapeat
  7. Fish are AWE

    Pollution In Our Ocean

    What river was that?
  8. Fish are AWE

    Saltwater Hermit Crab Research

    Hi, I'm doing a project on the oceans and how we affect it. But i also have to make a side project. So i decided to do it on about saltwater hermit crabs. I would appreciate any help from anyone about any info. I've researched on them but most of the websites just tell me about their care. If...
  9. Fish are AWE

    Cory Mouth Infection?

    I used melafix but he has gotten worse. The kinda lost his barbels
  10. Fish are AWE

    Pollution In Our Ocean

    I didnt know where to put this post so i'll just post it in here. I would like to know any other forms of pollution is happening to our ocean instead of Carbondioxide, oil spills, garbage and toxic waste. Thank you
  11. Fish are AWE

    Fish Stuck To Filter Intake

    My fish got stuck in the filter intake, he died afterwards.
  12. Fish are AWE

    Vegetables For Corys

    Bloodworms and blanched zucchini is good. But Algae wafers are a source of veg if you cant get any.
  13. Fish are AWE

    I Am Back With New Cory Cats

    I would love to live in there is I were a cory
  14. Fish are AWE

    My Psychopath

    Lol but is she a great pet to keep for you?
  15. Fish are AWE

    Hardy Plantsz!

    I've heard that anubias might not survive with plecos and i have BN plecos.I love the anubias but will they al so survive with goldfish?
  16. Fish are AWE

    Cory Mouth Infection?

    I have realised people ignoring this post and im kinda worried
  17. Fish are AWE


    Plecos are pooping machines. The poo is definitely the pleco. In my tank i see the pleco pooping 24/7 (maybe not.. lol)
  18. Fish are AWE


    i would also like to see his tank thank you!
  19. Fish are AWE

    New Tank

    AWESOME TANK! AND I LOVE YOUR CORIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  20. Fish are AWE

    Quick Heater Question

    how many litres is your tank, 1 watt should heat 1 litre. But the heater and the fish will probably be fine
  21. Fish are AWE

    Fry Not Growing

    What foods are you feeding them and what tank size?
  22. Fish are AWE

    Crazy High Ammonia Levels?

    Ammo-lock just basically prevents the ammonia from harming your fish, but doesn't remove any ammonia from the water.
  23. Fish are AWE


    he is amazing and welcome to the forum! I'm sure you'll have much curiosity in finding out different aspects of fish keeping.
  24. Fish are AWE

    Filter Death

    I wouldn't try fixing it, it could do some harm with you trying to fix it.
  25. Fish are AWE

    Crazy High Ammonia Levels?

    If your ammonia levels were that high your fish would probably be dead. The test kit is by API. Api makes alright products but most of their products aren't satisfying.
  26. Fish are AWE

    Hardy Plantsz!

    Hello, im planning to put plants into my tropical fish tank and I want a hardy plant that will tolerate low lighting and still grow? Any help will be appreciated.
  27. Fish are AWE

    Hardiest Marine Fish?

    Probably its gonna be heavily planted with corals spread around the whole tank. Substrate will be coral sand and tank size is about 300L probably. If more is required then so be it.
  28. Fish are AWE


    What foods are you giving them?
  29. Fish are AWE

    Unknown Plec Id Please

    So many scientific names are confusing....
  30. Fish are AWE

    Two Silly Betta Questions

    Bettafix isnt as strong as melafix, it is designed for betta's but its more of a water conditioner than a med.
  31. Fish are AWE

    Here Are My New Babies

    AWESOME looking fish you got there.
  32. Fish are AWE

    Unknown Plec Id Please

    It could be a peppermint pleco
  33. Fish are AWE

    Not Quite Sure

    i think its a BN
  34. Fish are AWE

    Two Silly Betta Questions

    Hmm melafix is a great product to use. Yes i also need to know the tank size. Reccomended fish are Neon Tetras Groups of 6 Cory Catfish Groups of 5 Bristlenose Catfish 10 Gallons Probably solo because on your other fourm your tank was 5 gallons i think
  35. Fish are AWE

    How Much?

    yeah one bag, but only use a thin layer add more if required.
  36. Fish are AWE

    Betta Not Eating/choking?

    Try giving him live foods (brine shrimp) to stimulate him.
  37. Fish are AWE

    Adding Substrate?

    Yes. Though not to stress the fish add your substrate slowly and remember it has to be clean for the fish. How'd you even lose substrate in the 1st place?
  38. Fish are AWE

    Cory Mouth Infection?

    Today i looked at my cory catfish I saw a mouth infection or something, it looks really bad. He/She has a fungal kinda thing on top of his mouth. :-( Im really worried and idk what to do....
  39. Fish are AWE

    Longfin Bristlenose Catfish

    In my aquariums i have a few female bristlenose catfish, they dont seem to bother any fish but my biggest one is really peaceful. Will any of my other fish (Betta, Cory, Tetras, Khuli) harrass it? Most of my fish are peaceful, but the cories can be REALLY annoying to my other fish. Especially my...