Search results

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    Protein Skimmer

    Try and find a better skimmer if you can, seaclones are so so but can be improved with some modifications.
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    10 Gallon saltwater

    Check out
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    Running a Nano WITHOUT a skimmmer or filtration

    I had a ten gallon nano with no skimmer and a marineland bio wheel 125, ran just fine for 2 years. Then I got a 65 gallon tanks and moved everything. I had some xenia, zoos, kolts for coral. A clown and damsel, few snails and crabs and a rock anemone.
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    Removing scratches?

    I forget the name, its some kind of compound people use on telescope lenses, do a search on google or go to some telescope site. I have no tried it, but its the only way I know of.
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    hermit crabs

    Depends, land hermits will go to tidepools to drink water and bathe. So a picture could help. :)
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    me and Terri Clark

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    Dyed my hair blue again

    lol, interesting color, but looks cool. I like my jet black hair though, it almost looks like a metalic blue/purple in the sun because its so shinny.
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    yes, do tons of research before even considering getting one. Out of the 15+ LFS here only 1 has octopi, the are about $30. I don't know of many people that have kept any, but it has been done. Here is a good place to start reading if you are up for the work...
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    Greenish things

    I have been doing more searching, it looks something like Loimia medusa. I will be looking around later and see what I find.
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    Greenish things

    They sure do B) I am trying to borrow a camera, the one I have does not take good closeups. This thing is freaking me out, I have posted this on other forums and no one has any ideas. I did many searches on google, got nothing. I even read through some 'hitchhicker FAQ' and nothing...
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    Greenish things

    I got a green and purple zoanthid rock today, on one side of rock there is a pile of small green things in one of the holes. They are like threads, very small, greenish color, with dark stripes. The seem to crawl/stretch all over the rock, wiggleing around. If I get near it with my hand they all...
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    Cleaning an old tank...

    Just rinse everything well with regular water. Don't use any chemicals. Clean any intake tubes for filters with an old tooth brush to get out any debrie.
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    RedSea Prizm Skimmer

    Did you read the instructions? :P The water level should be just below the o ring, thats what I do. If you get it just right it will work great(for its class), most people that say they suck because they don't read the directions or have any patience.
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    SG for live rock?

    Well, the SW inverts on LR are like most SW inverts, they like a higher SG (1.024-1.025) I don't think they could surive at anything lower than 1.020.
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    beach snails

    I never had luck with them. The live in a cup for until I got home(2 days) when I put them in my tank, they went under the sand and I never saw them again.
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    Red Sea Prizms are good and usally go for about $70
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    new here!

    Do you have a skimmer? How big is the tank?
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    Newbie (@ marine)

    I have a 10 gallon, no sump. It has an anemone, hermits, 2 fish, tons of feather duster, xenia and some zoos. Its been running for almost 2 years. But since its such a small tank, it is a lot of work.
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    Wierd Yellow-Tailed Blue Damsel

    Fish need friends too :D
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    Yellow tang question

    Some tangs do this, most don't, so it looks like you got lucky ;)
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    how long can a 10 gallon tank last with no filter?

    My 10 gallon has been running for 2 years with only a UGF. I never do water changes I only replace evaporated water. Maybe I'm just VERY lucky :o
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    Live Rock

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    brine shrimp
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    Rio 800

    I don't know what they are worth some are in good condition others, not so good. I'm using them right now for mixing saltwater, and I will have to drian my tank soon, to add a sump under it. This army will be helpful in draining and filling :P
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    GO FOR IT! B)
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    Does any one know about setting up a saltwater???

    Well you will want to have a sump/fuge for filtration a skimmer takes excess nutrients out of the water as well as fish waste and other bad stuff.
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    Does any one know about setting up a saltwater???

    Do you have MSN, Yahoo or AIM?(This would make it easier/faster well for me to help) What is the wattage on the lights?
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    Does any one know about setting up a saltwater???

    What do you plan on keeping? Just fish fish w/ live rock only coral fish with coral
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    feather dusters

    Its hard to tell from that pic, it almost looks like Aiptasia. Take a closer look, does it have a tube? Wave your hand around it and see if it pulls into a tube.
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    Cool, how much was he?
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    Tank being filled tomorrow finally!!!!!!!

    Cool, I just got a 60gallon. I can't afford the liverock right :angry:
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    LOL, thats great. Do you have any pics?
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    Rio 800

    When I went to go pick up a 20L tank the guy threw in 5 rio 800 pumps for free Any ideas for what I can do with them? I put 1 my 10 gallon nano, and it blew all sand around. I just set up a 60 gallon but I don't know if these pumps in there would do much.
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    Powerhead too strong?

    Is he being pulled tward the intake? I have 1 in my 60gal and my chromis has no probs.
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    INTENSE lighting, micro-food and specific calcium levels.
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    Skimmer for 40 gallon

    DIY Skimmer
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    10g little LR with Filter?

    I have a 10 gallon with tons of xenia, zoos, 2 hermits, 2 fish ( I did have 3 but moved one to a bigger tank) feather dusters and a flower anemone. I don't know how many pounds of rock I have in there, but it was not 'live' when I got it. They were just some old 'dead' rock. Now its full of...
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    Skimmer for 40 gallon

    You would have to stock your tank lighty. Or you can always build your own skimmer.
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    10g little LR with Filter?

    If I understand corectly, I don't see why not.