Greenish things


Fish Fanatic
Apr 2, 2003
Reaction score
Austin, Texas
I got a green and purple zoanthid rock today, on one side of rock there is a pile of small green things in one of the holes. They are like threads, very small, greenish color, with dark stripes. The seem to crawl/stretch all over the rock, wiggleing around. If I get near it with my hand they all pull back to the hole. Anyone know what this is?
Sounds very intriguing! Any chance of a picture though? NOt sure what it can be.


p.s. Evanescence Rocks! :cool:
They sure do B) I am trying to borrow a camera, the one I have does not take good closeups. This thing is freaking me out, I have posted this on other forums and no one has any ideas. I did many searches on google, got nothing. I even read through some 'hitchhicker FAQ' and nothing sound/looked like this thing.
Could it possibly be like a small piece of green star polyp or the like? Maybe your frag was next to another colony of something and you got a free piece of something?

I have been doing more searching, it looks something like Loimia medusa. I will be looking around later and see what I find.

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