RedSea Prizm Skimmer


New Member
Jul 20, 2004
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I have a newly set up 190L corner tank with LR and 2 clowns. Everything seems to be going well so far except that my prizm skimmer isn't skimming :/ It's flowing and bubbling but nothing is spilling into the waste chamber. If I turn up the flow, the bubbles do rise as high as the chanber but I then get a haze of 'microbubbles' in my tank. Any ideas what's going on? It's been in operation about a week.
Turn the flow back until the bubbles stop entering the tank and then stop. This is setup just right. Any higher on the flow and these bubbles will end up in the tank rather than i the cup.

Jut be patient, If there is nothing in the water to skim then it simply wont skim. Prizms are notorous for underskimming anyway so if its low in nutrients then the priz probably isnt sensative enough ot collect it yet.
Did you read the instructions? :p The water level should be just below the o ring, thats what I do. If you get it just right it will work great(for its class), most people that say they suck because they don't read the directions or have any patience.

i've adjusted the flow so the water level is in line with the bottom of the collecting chamber. it took a while for the bubbles to rise, but it works great, i get really dry foam,

i've had two skimmers before and i never managed to produce dry foam no matter how much i adjusted them.

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