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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. G

    Catfish Stocking Question

    Hi all, I have a 30 US gal. tank with a pearl gourami and 10 harlequin and false harlequin rasboras. I'm a big fan of catfish, and I am ready to add some. I am either going to add 3-4 upside-down catfish or 2 striped raphaels. (I know the raphaels might eventually get pretty big to both be...
  2. G

    Upside-downs Vs Raphaels

    Thanks for the help! Seems like either choice will be pretty much OK. I've kept kuhli loaches before, but this time I definitely want to try out a new catfish.
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    Upside-downs Vs Raphaels

    Right now I have a 30 US gal. with a pearl gourami and 10 harlequin rasboras, and I need something for the bottom. I don't really want a cory or a pleco, and I figure with the way my tank is stocked, I should be OK with 3-4 UDC's or 2 striped raphaels. I'm not really worried about not seeing...
  4. G

    Peppered Cories Dying

    I'm in the US
  5. G

    Peppered Cories Dying

    There is plenty of aeration; I use a bio-wheel filter and the water level is still at least 1.5 inches below where I usually keep it. I will treat with some melafix in case it's bacterial. Thanks!
  6. G

    Peppered Cories Dying

    Howdy all, I have a 30 US gallon tank, which originally only had 6 harlequin rasboras and a marbled gourami in it. The fish had all been there for the better part of a year and have had no problems, and I have kept the gourami in one tank or another for at least two years. I got 6 small...
  7. G

    Clown Loach Flicking

    I agree with Nelly -- unless the loaches are really flicking quite a lot, there is probably nothing to worry about. When I had clowns, they would also flick occasionally against the substrate, but showed no signs of illness. Clowns love worrying their owners.
  8. G

    Fluval 205

    Howdy all, I'm passing this question on from a friend who's newer to the hobby. She has a fluval 205 canister filter for a 55 gallon (currently understocked), and set up the filter a few days ago. There are three sections in this filter: one has a bag of carbon, another has the filter...
  9. G

    Mary's Cichlid

    Howdy folks, I was at my LFS the other day and was asking about small non-agressive cichlids that were easy to breed. What I wanted to see was their current stock of bolivian rams or kribs, but I was pointed to a species I'm unfamiliar with. The fellow at the LFS, who I know is very...
  10. G

    Mary's Cichlid

    Howdy folks, I was at my LFS the other day and was asking about small non-agressive cichlids that were easy to breed. What I wanted to see was their current stock of bolivian rams or kribs, but I was pointed to a species I'm unfamiliar with. The fellow at the LFS, who I know is very...
  11. G

    Dojo Loach

    If you're putting these guys in a 60 gallon tank, you have plenty of room for the dojo loaches at least. I reccomend at least 3, with 5 being great. Odd numbers are slightly better so that you don't have isolated pairs. They usually appreciate cooler water, although you never know exactly...
  12. G

    African Dwarf Frog Dead

    The other four are still acting normally, and are the only things in the tank. There are a few different places for them to hide, although most of the time they just float in some anacharis at the top of the tank. I'm not ruling out the possibility that this one was just sick when I got it...
  13. G

    African Dwarf Frog Dead

    Hi, I just finished cycling a 10 gallon tank and have started off with five African dwarf frogs. I had planned to get around 10 when all was said and done. However, on only the second day of having the frogs, one is dying. When he first caught my eye he was on his back at the bottom...
  14. G

    Reducing Current

    Yeah, it is a HOB. I think I might try something like what you suggested, dylema. I'll see how it goes! Thanks!
  15. G

    Reducing Current

    Howdy folks, Right now I'm cycling a 10 US gallon tank, and for filtration I have a penguin 100 running. However, I want to stock this tank with African dwarf frogs, and right now the filter is causing a huge amount of current (which would be really bad for the frogs). Is there an...
  16. G

    Hong Kong Pleco

    The Hong Kong Pleco, or Hillstream Loach (this fish is called by all kinds of names; I like that one the best). feeds mainly on algae, and I hear they're partial to algae wafers. However, I've also heard of them eating sinking pellets, frozen bloodworms, zucchini, and even flake foods. This...
  17. G

    What Shrimp Is This?

    He looks very small at the moment, so I wouldn't expect him to damage any of the fish yet. If you tried to keep him in the long-term, though, there would probably be some problems.
  18. G

    What Shrimp Is This?

    Yeah. I'm 100% positive that that is a crayfish and not a shrimp, and the vast majority of crayfish grow to at least 5'' and don't get along with fish (they usually eat them). An adult redclaw crayfish wouldn't even be able to turn around in a 10 gallon tank, and usually should be kept in at...
  19. G

    Cherax Destructor

    To anyone who has experience with yabbies and/or with ordering aquatic invertebrates online: do any of you know of a place (preferably in the US) where I can order a Cherax destructor? They don't have them at liveaquaria right now. I was thinking of just checking AquaBid until someone offers...
  20. G

    What Shrimp Is This?

    Though I'm not too experienced with very young crayfish, that one looks a lot like Cherax quadricarinatus, the Australian redclaw crayfish. If that is the case, then that guy will grow to be around 13'' long. They're darned interesting to keep if you have the room.
  21. G

    Cherax Quadricarinatus Lifespan

    Howdy folks, This is a pretty simple question. I'm sure I've run across this information before, as I did plenty of research before buying my redclaw, but I'ce completely forgotten how long they're supposed to live. I know it's dependant of the teperature they life in and the availability...
  22. G

    African Butterfly Fish

    I looked into getting one of these for a while, too (though I never followed through on it as I do not have the right accomodations). African butterfly fish prefer warm acidic water. As they spend a lot of time at the water's surface, it helps to have some floating plants present and a...
  23. G

    "cory Quest 2005" - Success At Last!

    Polardbear, I have one cory just like yours in my tank -- again, he was labeled as a julii. I've researched them, and I believe they are corydoras reticulatus. I don't know if I've spelled that right, but planetcatfish has some info on it. They're really nice-looking cories though!
  24. G

    Albino Loach or Something Else?

    Your fish is definitely a kuhli mikev. If it's a little differently shaped from the others, it's just due to natural variation of individuals within the species.
  25. G

    Marine Substrate in a freshwater tank?

    I was looking for some crushed coral substrate to harden the water in my crayfish's tank. I can get some regular crushed coral intended for cichlid tanks, which I'm sure would work just fine. The LFS closest to me, however, only has "Florida coral substrate," which is marked for marine tanks...
  26. G

    Blue lobster color

    I tested my water, and it looks like the gH is a little under 150 ppm. My test kit ranks this in the "hard" range, but is it hard enough for healthy shell growth? Or should I pick up some crushed coral to push it up a little? Thanks a lot for your help SirMinion!
  27. G

    Blue lobster color

    I think the only source of calcium mine is getting (though I only got him on the 24th) has been his molt, which was conveniently in the tank when I bought him. Are there other good ways to get more calcium into this guy's diet? He eats anything, so I don't imagine it'll be too hard.... And...
  28. G

    Blue lobster color

    Howdy folks, I have a little australian yabbie (cherax destructor, I believe) that I got recently, and it's doing just fine. Hasn't picked off any of the feeders yet, but I'm sure that'll come soon. The thing I was wondering about, however, is the yabbie's color. Compared to...
  29. G

    Pleco Feeding

    Just cut a slice off of a regular cucumber (I remove the skin because there might be pesticides), and toss it in with a weight to keep it down. You'll be surprised how much fish love it!
  30. G

    Dojo Loach!!

    Dojos are known for eating anything and everything, and if you had eggs in the tank then you would have a problem. However, I've never heard of dojos being a threat to fry. I don't know, but I would think that the setup should be okay. Maybe someone more knowledgeable will come by and prove...
  31. G


    any ideas? Should I go ahead and just try to scrape it all off?
  32. G


    Right now I just have five white clouds in there. I tried for the first time today to scrape the algae off; now there are a few lines of white showing through the brown. It came off in little bits, which the fish took little bites at as they floated around the tank. I hope that it's just...
  33. G


    Howdy folks I have a 20 US gallon tank that's been up and running for around 4 to 5 weeks now. Nitrite and ammonia are staying at 0, and things are looking fine. However, on one decoration in the center of the tank, there's some kind of algae just taking over. I looked at the algae...
  34. G

    Bumblebee Gobies

    Howdy, I've been thinking of trying my hand at a brackish tank, so I might start up a little 10 US gallon one. I want to put some bumblebee gobies in there, and my other idea was sailfin mollies. However, on a website I just looked at, I read that bb gobies are "notorious fin-nippers." Is...
  35. G

    Can anyone tell me if this is a ADF or a CF

    Looks like an ACF to me. ADFs have webbing between the fingers of their front "hands." That guy doesn't look like he has any (what luck that you have a big image of his hand!). My bet's on clawed. :nod:
  36. G

    Root tabs & loaches

    Nevermind...I just got my answer over in the planted tanks section :D
  37. G

    Root tabs & loaches

    Howdy, My amazon swords are looking a bit shabby, so I am going to try using some substrate fertilizer. Would this cause any harm to my loaches? I don't want to put any chemicals into the water without checking that first. Anyone have any experience here?
  38. G

    Substrate fertilizers

    Howdy... I have some amazon swords in my tank that I've noticed lately aren't doing so hot. The newer leaves are pale, so I think I need to use some substrate fertilizer. I just want to make sure before I go ahead with this, as I'm very new to plant care, that the average substrate...
  39. G

    One ODD Clown Loach...

    I have a clown that used to follow a lone orange platy I had around everywhere. I don't know if the clown thought it was a platy or the platy thought it was a clown, but those two were usually together. :P I wouldnt worry about clowns acting weird. As long as it doesn't look like an...
  40. G

    ADF and ich do they get it?

    ADFs, in my experience, don't do well with ich treatments. My clown loaches had ich at one point, and an ADF was in the tank with them. The loaches are very sensetive to medicine as they are "scaleless" fish, but they did fine with the treatment, whereas the ADF died very soon after the first...