Reducing Current

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Fish Fanatic
Jul 29, 2004
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Howdy folks,

Right now I'm cycling a 10 US gallon tank, and for filtration I have a penguin 100 running. However, I want to stock this tank with African dwarf frogs, and right now the filter is causing a huge amount of current (which would be really bad for the frogs). Is there an easy way to reduce the current in the tank without getting a different filter? I tried reducing the filter intake by partially blocking the intake tube, but that had the unfortunate side effect of stopping the bio-wheel from turning. Anyone have a better idea?
Hi, Is the penguin a hang on back type with a waterfall type outlet? What is the flow rate?

If it is HOB could you get a piece of rigid plastic and have it as a kind of baffle where the water flows in so that the water has to flow behind and then spread out as it enters the tank. I guess you could glue the baffle to suction cups to stick it to the glass.

I just sketched this up. light blue=tank, purple=baffle, green=filter, blue arrows=water flow


Hope this helps.
Yeah, it is a HOB. I think I might try something like what you suggested, dylema. I'll see how it goes! Thanks!
i had the same problem. what i did was take a pop bottle any size, cut off the top and bottom so all you have is the middle. then cut it down the side verticaly. then tape it to the top of the filter so that it curls around the bottom of the filter. here is a little sketch i drew up

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