Clown Loach Flicking

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Oct 4, 2008
Reaction score
Suisun City, CA, USA
As the title says, i've seen my clowns flicking a bit this evening

water stats:
Ammonia: 0ppm
Nitrites: 0ppm
Nitrates: 10ppm
pH: 7.8
Temp: 76 F

No signs of Ich

55 gallon tank
5 clown loaches (2x 3", 3x2")
1 Salvini
2 Convicts
1 Pleco

I am scheduled to rehome these clowns but i dont want to it there is something wrong with them

I did my last water change Monday, do 20-40% every week

I had been treating with MelaFix for fin rot issues on the convicts, which have been resolved, havent added any since Saturday

any ideas? or ar they just trying to stress me lol

Thanks in advance!
When you say a bit what do you mean? As fish do sometimes flick against object's or the floor......Imagine you having an itch and someone pinning your arm's down, what would you do :lol:
I agree with Nelly -- unless the loaches are really flicking quite a lot, there is probably nothing to worry about. When I had clowns, they would also flick occasionally against the substrate, but showed no signs of illness.

Clowns love worrying their owners.
agreed. its either the beginning of ich, or nothing at all. just keep an eye on them.
Thanks for the replies guys...yea i think they were just messing with me, i've seen one do it a couple times this morning, but yesterday i didnt see it once...
And a bit i guess is more than what it sounds like lol, enough to worry me...

Thanks again!...

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