One ODD Clown Loach...

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Jan 18, 2005
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I recently (about a month ago) bought two young Clown Loaches for a 4-foot-long livebearer tank of mine. I love them both to death. At first, they both had fun schooling with the 3 cory cats I had in there already. Lately, however, one of them has kind of broken away from the herd. Instead of hanging around with the other bottom feeders, he apparently enjoys hanging around the swordtails instead. He now seems to spend more of his time swimming mid-level than at the bottom, following them around everywhere! He even takes his supper from the surface now with the rest of the livebearers now--and I know it's not for lack of food down below.

I'm wondering if there is any logical explanation for this--could it be that he is attracted to like colors, seeing as a few of the swordtails are orange, too? But if that's the case, why isn't he sticking around the other Clown Loach like most "normal" Clowns would probably do? Perhaps it's just the curse of that particular fish room--almost all the fish I put in there seem to end up being WIERD.
That was normal as it tend to like its tanks mate. Mine r under stress even I have 5 atm. As long he doesn't do any stupid thing just let him be. as matter effect I like clown swing up for food rather let food sunk to bottom:).
Nah..don't worry about it. When I drop frozen bloodworms in the tank, both my clowns streak to the surface. You'd be surprised how much animals will adapt to get food. SH
I have a clown that used to follow a lone orange platy I had around everywhere. I don't know if the clown thought it was a platy or the platy thought it was a clown, but those two were usually together. :p

I wouldnt worry about clowns acting weird. As long as it doesn't look like an illness, it's probably just its funny personality acting up. :D

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