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  1. V

    putting molly in new tank

    Should be OK to move here in the other tank and move her back when fry are born
  2. V

    8 weeks and still no babies!

    They take awhile to give birth sometimes. Shes ready to pop! lol Hope you have a good tank redy cause your gonna have alot of fry!!! :D :lol: :hyper:
  3. V

    Ghost Shrimp Terror

    :no: My 14 guppy fry that are almost mature, three months old, are looking really nicely colored.(not inbred!0 and I noticed my dark green young guppy being killed by ghost shrimp! I removed the shrimp but im telling you dont have with small fish. I saw at walmart they were destroying neon...
  4. V

    Take a look tell me what ya think

    Wow VIP you have the best cichlid collection ive ever seen.Excellent fish and they look well taken care of. :kewlpics:
  5. V

    Why did God?

    Ask God.
  6. V

    Pictus is chasing its tail?

    Sounds normal to me. Fish do wierd things like for example my green spotted puffer swims around for awhile with a ghost shrimp in his mouth when i give him one lol
  7. V

    Why are my Platties so mean??

    I dont have an answer but that is very strange and uncommon. Never happened to me.Keep posting.
  8. V

    Breeding Green Spotted Puffer.

    thats not true godric I dont no how but a story on the internet said a LFS worker took a pregnant one home that was pregnated in the shop. And it is said to be possible i just wonder how to do it
  9. V

    Breeding Green Spotted Puffer.

    Does anyone know exactly how and has breed green spotted puffers?
  10. V

    Breeding Green Barbs.

    I have one male and one female and I want to know how to breed them.
  11. V

    my molly has a golden eye

    Probably just lucky to be born with it. Pretty strange I think but normal!
  12. V

    Balloon Molly Pregnancy

    My silver balloon molly has been pregnant for over a month whenshould it have them?
  13. V

    Hi everyone!

    How is everyone this evening? I'm fine. We need more people in live chat!
  14. V

    5 Gallon Behind Mom's Back

    add a puffer but if you do lose the heater. Puffers rock!!!
  15. V

    how big do black mollies get

    Hey gup gup! Your molly will be really fat and they usually have 10-40+ fry (babies) and they can have them any time of day and you may want to move her in her own tank if shes really big and remove her when she is done having babies.Good luck!
  16. V

    Absolutely horrid

    I agree with the complainers, bettas are delicate awesome fish that do not deserve to be mistreated. It may imuse you, but it is cruel to force them to fight. do as you please but please stop fighting bettas it is more fun to see a healthy betta that is NOT forced to fight.
  17. V

    Pregnant platy

    Hey little cherub. Platies don't get too big when pregnant and when their bout ready they should have visible fry through their stomach if they arent dark colored.all the platie fry that ive had hide in rocks.You will want her alone in a good tank and remove her when she is done birthing.Good luck!
  18. V

    Breeding Balloon Mollies

    Vetra70 here thanx for the help guys i really appreciate it!
  19. V

    what should I put in my 20 gallon long

    Hey daveo remember me? I would get puffers. They are active. Fun to watch when eating, and they can live to be 10-16+ years.They are brackish.
  20. V

    Breeding Balloon Mollies

    Does any body have sucsess in breeding balloon mollies. Mine wont breed. I had to buy one pregnant.Any tips?
  21. V

    Guppies with plattie fry.

    Anybody out there with yahoo chat?
  22. V

    they need sum cooling down

  23. V

    nervous corys

    Hey xbanditsx! I'm [email protected] and the fish are probably just not used to the tank. I had albino corys and they were a bit jittery you have nothing to worry about.this is common and they may act this way a while but they'll be fine i'm on yahoo right now if you need me
  24. V

    dalmation molly fry and guppy fry

    hey whiskerz check your email on yahoo and enter instant messaging! We can chat.
  25. V

    dalmation molly fry and guppy fry

    Sorry it took so long to reply. I'm glad I could help. You can email me at [email protected] any time and let me know how the fry are.
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    common pleco breeding

    I am interested in breeding common plecos. I have heard that several types of algea eaters are hard or impossible to breed in a home aquarium. any info?
  27. V

    new tank

    Hey Timmy.V the cichlids may also be a risk. Cichlids are known to be aggressive and are best kept with other cichlids and angel fish.Just thought i'd inform ya!
  28. V

    new tank

    I have to agree about tiger barbs. They also don't mix with guppies. My prized sivery blue bright yellow finned male guppie was nipped pretty good as was my black guppy and minor damage done to my red betta
  29. V

    dalmation molly fry and guppy fry

    Hey whiskerz. Justin of kentucky here. You can mix the fry together nicely but be careful moving them as they are very delicate. And mollies grow faster than the guppies and if mollies are in small containers while maturing they will not reach full size. In a couple of months the fry will be...
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    help needed!

    Hey Whiskerz. you have some inpresive bettas.Have you ever considered breeding? I myself own two males and used to have three females.
  31. V

    help needed!

    This is completely off subject. But if anybody needs any fish info or wants to talk about fish or something else, email me at [email protected] and give me your email. I have 2 bettas,1 striped rapheal catfish,19 guppies,3 balloon mollies, a greenpuffer,2 green barbs, a sword tail...