Pictus is chasing its tail?


Devils Advocate
May 24, 2004
Reaction score
My pictus swims around the end piece of a chunk of driftwood in my tank. I wouldn't be worried about that normally but he goes at it full throttle and he swims in tight circles for up to ten or twenty minutes at a time. He'll go around in circles at one spot then turn right and start swimming around the wider part of the driftwood. I know they're supposed to be crazy and shoot up the sides of the glass, but he doesn't seem to do that much anymore and when he isn't doing his circles he's either roving around the bottom (which is normal) or he's just kinda sitting there (which is not). He doens't freak out nearly as much now when I feed the guppies like he used to, he only flips if I put sinking pellets in now. Is he just mellowing out or is something wrong?
haha, i have only recently owned this fish myself. mine do the same thing... i had an internal filter turned sideways, and they would (for hours) swim round and round the bottom of it. i have since taken that out, and now they swim around a plastic plant near the side. i can only assume it's normal, maybe he thinks he's going somewhere, and not in circles?
My corys do the same thing around my heater and thermometer. Makes me dizzy if I watch them more than a few minutes. :blink:
Pictus cats do this when they are kept alone, they are a schooling species and should be kept in groups of three or more.
Nethius Posted on Jul 19 2004, 04:13 AM
haha, i have only recently owned this fish myself. mine do the same thing... i had an internal filter turned sideways, and they would (for hours) swim round and round the bottom of it. i have since taken that out, and now they swim around a plastic plant near the side. i can only assume it's normal, maybe he thinks he's going somewhere, and not in circles?

Lol, im glad yours are as crrrazzzy as mine :)
I thought (as CFC) stated; that it was because he was on his own.... i will be getting 2 more soon:)

I think these are great fish, and equally as batty.
I wouldnt worry about your fish, sounds like they all have a screw loose ;)

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