help needed!


New Member
Jul 14, 2004
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I'm very new and naive to the world of fish. I just set up a 5 gallon tank for my fancy guppies (I've had them over a month in a smaller tank). They were doing well so I decided to add 2 mollies (unfortunately one male and one female). Now after looking over the nice set of info on this site, I realize I have 3 pregnant guppies and not sure what to do. I don't have room to keep the babies because its only a 5 gal. tank with 5 guppies in total already and 2 mollies... what I'm trying to ask is what to do with the pregnant guppies. I don't know if I should leave them in the tank to give birth or if that will stress them out and possibly kill them.
Also, should I add another female molly to help keep the male off the other one, or will that just over crowd my tank too much?
Any advice would be greatly appreciated... thank you in advance. :/
hello. I'm learning myself really. I'm not certain, but i'm pretty sure someone will tell you that that would overstock your tank. I think it's 1" of fish to 1gallon of water but I'm not entily sure. If you have got or put a lot of plants in a corner of the tank - java moss is said to be the best and from experience i'd agree - then when your pregnant guppies have their babies they can hide and be relaxed. I did this with my prego platties. they weren't stressed one little bit and there were 2 other platies, a plecol, a molly and a tetra.
If you don't want the babies (not room in 5g) you could just remove the java moss or whatever after they're born and let nature take it's course.

LIke I said, i'm no expert, but this is what i've read the experts say in heaps of other posts, and a bit of my experience. I hope it helps. good luck with your fishies and your fry if you decide to keep some.
hi shygirl0787

yup that is an over stock tank which i know can happen easy i did the the same thing about 4 weeks ago. so my advise to u is try to get a 2-1/2 gallon to put the fry in. which is easier to cycle fast. so this is what i did i took a 2-1/2 gallon set it up with sum plants and a under gravel filter with about 2 to three in" of sand then i ran it with nothing in it for two dayz. then got a cheap filter 6 to 8 dollars for a 2 to 3 gallon tank. i ran that in the tank for two dayz then i took out the 2nd filter and ran it in my establish tank for a week then put it back in the smaller tank. then i took a net full of gravel out of my establish tank. so i run the smaller tank with nothing in it for two week then test the nitrate, and the nitrite ph level when the tank was cycled i was set to put the fry in it. so i think u should try it, it only took about two weeks to get my tank cycled. just in time for my fry to arrive. if u don't do somthing quick your fish will get stressed and get sick or even die.

keep me posted :byebye:

I'm kinda like Sushi, im no expert and im also still learning...
My guppy had fry awhile back and i just kept the fry in a 2.5 gallon tank (they are not expensive) So if u would like to keep the fry u could always go out and buy a 2 1/2 gallon (or bigger...its up to u) then when they get older u can do what i did, give some away and keep some for yourself, most of the time some of the fry will not guppy had 19 babies and i think out of that 19 i had about 13 fry left, i gave some to my mom to put in her tank, and i gave a couple to my friend to put in his, and i kept a couple for myself. :nod:

that's about all i can answer for ya, i hope someone else who knows more can help u out better and good luck! :D
hi shygirl0787:

I would not recommend adding any more fish. You are already close to being overstocked :)

Add some live plants to give cover and help improve water conditions.
This is completely off subject. But if anybody needs any fish info or wants to talk about fish or something else, email me at [email protected] and give me your email. I have 2 bettas,1 striped rapheal catfish,19 guppies,3 balloon mollies, a greenpuffer,2 green barbs, a sword tail male,pleco, and plenty of fish experience.
vetra70 said:
Hey Whiskerz. you have some inpresive bettas.Have you ever considered breeding? I myself own two males and used to have three females.
hi vetra
well thank u, they are very nice looking..I have a very nice looking one, he's awesome, he's in pic #4, the pic isnt too good, but his body is like a baby blue, and half of his fins are baby blue with pink at the tips of his fins. I have thought about breeding mine but that'd be alot of work and i'd have to get alot of stuff before-hand and make plans what i'd do with the babies.
I have 7 male betta's and 1 female, i will be taking pictures of the rest of my betta's some time soon hopefully :nod:

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