dalmation molly fry and guppy fry


Fish Herder
Jun 21, 2004
Reaction score
Port Stanley, Ontario, Canada

My dalmation molly just had fry 3 days ago, i have a guppy in the same tank (15 gallon and divided) and she's about to have babies any day now...i was wonderin, would it be ok to keep guppy fry and dalmation fry together? im sure it would be ok, but i just wanna make sure just incase :nod:
Hey whiskerz. Justin of kentucky here. You can mix the fry together nicely but be careful moving them as they are very delicate. And mollies grow faster than the guppies and if mollies are in small containers while maturing they will not reach full size. In a couple of months the fry will be ready to be with adult ffish. Hope I helped. If you have any questions post them here
Not sure about guppy fry....but we have platies, mollies and 1 swordtail fry.....we have them all together and they are doing fine.....the platy fry are quite a bit older than our newest bunch (think they are mollies) and they still get along fine....I watched very closely when adding the new fry thinking maybe the bigger ones were too big, but they are still all there....all 60 or so fry LOL!

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