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  1. robinreliant23

    Please Help! Semi Swollen Tummies

    yep, ammonia 0, nitrite 0, nitrate 0 and it's the liquid api test i use
  2. robinreliant23

    Please Help! Semi Swollen Tummies

    well, definately not full of eggs as came home after work yesterday to find him doing the back stroke, swiftly followed by 4 other cories :byebye: :rip: two cories left and a scattering of neons - not sure what's wrong, have practically emptied the tank of decor, left the bear minimum in...
  3. robinreliant23

    Please Help! Semi Swollen Tummies

    my nitrate has never risen above 5ppm - kinda put it down to the 5 marimo moss balls i have in the tank. would it be so listless though full of eggs? i have 6 cories in total, they are only babes i think as size wise they are head to tail no bigger than 1" (when do they become sexually...
  4. robinreliant23

    Please Help! Semi Swollen Tummies

    Anyone? Pretty please -- am stuck at work with it going round and round in my head :-( Can head to my LFS straight after work if I knew what meds or stuff to get :/
  5. robinreliant23

    Please Help! Semi Swollen Tummies

    Please help! Yesterday I lost 1 neon, today a further 2 - some of their tummies look a little on the big side and now one of my beautiful goldline cories has a swollen abdomen and is pretty listless - so much so I managed to catch him and put him in a breeding net. What is it and what do I...
  6. robinreliant23

    How Big A Water Change Can I Do?

    wow! thanks everyone for your advice - a fab help. i've done a 50% water change and plopped a carbon sponge in there. don't get me wrong i don't mind SOME tannins in my water as like you all say the neons like it and the corys too (didn't know about the corys) but this is ALOT it's practically...
  7. robinreliant23

    How Big A Water Change Can I Do?

    Ok, 54l tank -- water is full of tannins (looks disgusting) - am thinking of NOT putting the wood back in the tank as the neons may like it but i don't. Question is how large a water change can i do to take out as muchh of the tannins as possible without upsetting bacteria and fish?
  8. robinreliant23

    Question About Marimo Moss Balls & Moss

    Cool - what moss is best to spread along the wood and how do i go about attaching it?
  9. robinreliant23

    Question About Marimo Moss Balls & Moss

    I've plonked a couple of Marimo moss balls in my tank - do they need any special care as they are gobbling up my nitrates like they're going out of fashion - nitrates never yet hit 5ppm so want to make sure they are happy marimo moss balls. Also, I'm thinking of some kind of moss to attach to...
  10. robinreliant23

    Upgrading Tank .. Any Suggestions?

    spooky i was just looking at the juwel rio 125. will check out the fluval roma 125 :good:
  11. robinreliant23

    Upgrading Tank .. Any Suggestions?

    Ok fellow fish fanatics .. I think I have it .. the fish bug! :blink: Pretty much what seems only a blink ago I was setting up my 54l tank and I'm already thinking with the stocking I want that I need to get .. wait for it .. yes you got it .. a BIGGER fish tank :blush: Am looking at...
  12. robinreliant23

    Juwel 60 Tank's Lighting - Pathetic!

    well ended up biting the bullet and buying 2 x aquarium 15w T8 tubes: 1 interpet daylight plus and 2 interpet beauty. am hoping between the two it should pick out the blues, reds and yellows and be brighter than the dull juwel t8 tube thank you so much for your advice and patience...
  13. robinreliant23

    123 Aquatics

    Swelluk -- of course! Have already used them once - totally forgot! Thank you :good:
  14. robinreliant23

    123 Aquatics

    Has anyone used 123 Aquatics before and can or cannot recommend them? Ta 123 Aquatics
  15. robinreliant23

    Juwel 60 Tank's Lighting - Pathetic!

    oh, so doesn't mean, peaks in red, blue, green and yellow?
  16. robinreliant23

    Juwel 60 Tank's Lighting - Pathetic!

    if a tube says 4-peak spectrum what does that mean? (sorry if i'm being thick)
  17. robinreliant23

    Juwel 60 Tank's Lighting - Pathetic!

    argh .. if only websites would give the graph i need :blink: you're definately right about the price difference!! do you think this tube will do red, blues and yellows?? do you know if it's any good My link
  18. robinreliant23

    Juwel 60 Tank's Lighting - Pathetic!

    if i were to get 2 x t6 18" 15w tubes (realux tubes) ... has anyone got any idea as to which one's i'd need to get to that peaks at red, blue and yellow? google's making my brain hurt :X
  19. robinreliant23

    Juwel 60 Tank's Lighting - Pathetic!

    cool - off to the hardware store i go - thank you :)
  20. robinreliant23

    Juwel 60 Tank's Lighting - Pathetic!

    so 2 standard T8 tubes from a hardware store for a twin light set up OR 1 x T6 say from Aqua Essentials if a single light bar. what if i run 2 T6 tubes from Aqua Essentials? what will be brighter the 2 hardware store T8 tubes or 2 T6 tubes from AE?
  21. robinreliant23

    Juwel 60 Tank's Lighting - Pathetic!

    sorry if i sound dumb but T6 18" 15w bulbs from a hardware store?? :blink: don't suppose you have a link to something of the kind i should be looking for do you please? this is all quite new to me :blush: also, will i need some kind of adapter?
  22. robinreliant23

    Juwel 60 Tank's Lighting - Pathetic!

    ooh just found one and it even helpfully comes with the t8-t6 fitting adapter :good: was reading someone used a t8 interpet daylight bulb as they couldnt get a t6. do you know the difference between the realux t6 and the t8 interpet. have just fitted an arcadia starter unit to enable 2 bulbs...
  23. robinreliant23

    Juwel 60 Tank's Lighting - Pathetic!

    Both bulbs are new :crazy: I think the trouble is as I have the black substrate, black background and dark bogwood (for the neons) the little T8 daylight bulb even with new reflector just isn't enough :sad:
  24. robinreliant23

    Juwel 60 Tank's Lighting - Pathetic!

    Have added a reflector, didn't seem to make much difference. I've actually got a Rekord 60 not the 600 (the 600 is the upgraded version of the 60). If I was to retrofit a 2nd bulb (don't need it for plants purely for light) what would be the best two bulbs to run to show up the neons and the...
  25. robinreliant23

    Juwel 60 Tank's Lighting - Pathetic!

    Got the Juwel Rekord 60 which has just one T8 light bulb which if I'm honest is pathetic! Ok the black sand substrate probably doesn't help as a lighter colour sand would probably help the light reflect, also the tannins of the bogwood probably doesnt help but surely there is something i can do...
  26. robinreliant23

    Gold Laser Corys / Gold Stripe Corys / Peru Gold Stripe Corys

    :thanks: :yahoo: i was in there AGES trying to decide between the Sterbai and the Goldline (and trying to justify the price to myself of the Goldline). i got 4 as i'm afraid that's all my funds could stretch to :( Will get some snaps as soon as they've settled a bit -- which if I'm honest...
  27. robinreliant23

    Fluval U2 Poly/carbon Pad

    wow the poly pad can last for that long! that's ace :good: as for the carbon side, i thought if left in the tank it will start leaking out the toxins it had absorbed? well ripped mine off anyways but at least i don't have to worry about changing the poly pad for quite a while yet :nod:
  28. robinreliant23

    Fluval U2 Poly/carbon Pad

    Bought a Fluval U2 which comes with integrated poly/carbon pad. I ripped off the carbon bits as don't want to run carbon in my tank (only to get rid of meds) however, when I want to replace the poly part it appears I have to buy the poly/carbon pad refill :unsure: Does anyone know if there is...
  29. robinreliant23

    Gold Laser Corys / Gold Stripe Corys / Peru Gold Stripe Corys

    Well I went in for Sterbai and came out with Goldline! :D Simply could not resist these little fellas :hyper:
  30. robinreliant23

    Stocking Question Please ....

    Me thinks I might need to get a bigger tank ;)
  31. robinreliant23

    Stocking Question Please ....

    i have a 54l tank which is running the internal juwel filter AND a fluval u2 filter. i have extra aeration with a complete across the back bubble wall and the juwel filter gives quite alot of surface agitation too. i do weekly water changes, check my water parameters daily (which are ammonia...
  32. robinreliant23

    Sad Day

    :blink: seems like my post has stirred up some animosity - sorry :no: i'm aware i'm probably overstocked. at the minute the neons are no larger than 1cm (head to tail), the ottos are dwarf ottos and shouldn't grow larger than the 1" they already are. as for the corydoras, i'm probably...
  33. robinreliant23

    Sad Day

    rotten luck eh! they say these things are sent to try us and try us and our dedication to fishkeeping they do :blink: my tank's been running since july (fish-in cycle with tetra safestart and then was lucky enough to bag myself some mature media to help it along very nicely). it's a 54l tank...
  34. robinreliant23

    My Local Fish Shop Should Be Ashamed Of Themselves!

    Lil -- that's some awesome info and some gorgeous Cories you have there! Thank you so much for clearing that all up. Never noticed the rounded nose on Sterbai -- a great way to spot one if you're not sure :good: The Concolour are lovely. Harlequins -- great shot of the Skunk, I can make out...
  35. robinreliant23

    Sad Day

    and i've only just started :sad: and already had to deal with an outbreak of whitespot :blink: things can only get easier ... right? :huh:
  36. robinreliant23

    My Local Fish Shop Should Be Ashamed Of Themselves!

    :hooray: :flowers:
  37. robinreliant23

    My Local Fish Shop Should Be Ashamed Of Themselves!

    cool! panda babies :hyper: - way to go you!
  38. robinreliant23

    Sad Day

    It's a sad day :no: Saturday I added some neons to my tank along with a gorgeous Super Delta Fighter (which I named Lumiere) but since Saturday he's killed 3 neons :/ They don't come out, you don't see them, they just stay hidden and he swims around owning the tank. He's a lovely fish but I...
  39. robinreliant23

    My Local Fish Shop Should Be Ashamed Of Themselves!

    well it seems a unison decision that the picture is sterbai! :good: when i go up on thursday i think i will question how they came about that name -- would be interesting to find out! as for the other cories .. ah bandit cory. haven't heard of those so big oooooh ;) thanks everyone :)
  40. robinreliant23

    My Local Fish Shop Should Be Ashamed Of Themselves!

    Well I'm beginning to see just how knowledgeable my LFS is .. or rather ISN'T! They have a tankful of Cory Panda and a tank of unnamed Cories which are the same body color as the Panda but have a single black stripe along their back -- Cory Skunk right? They tell me they're Cory Panda :blink...