How Big A Water Change Can I Do?


Fish Fanatic
Jul 17, 2011
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Ok, 54l tank -- water is full of tannins (looks disgusting) - am thinking of NOT putting the wood back in the tank as the neons may like it but i don't. Question is how large a water change can i do to take out as muchh of the tannins as possible without upsetting bacteria and fish?
easilly 80% no problem . you wont be upsetting bacteria as thats in the filter. the tannins from the wood will reduce over time until theres none being leached into the water . i believe running carbon in the filter can remove tannins from the water too altho i may be wrong on that
i personally wouldn't change more than 50% of the water at a time.. and i would give at least 24 hours between water changes, preferably more than 2 days.

you aren't worried about tannins or bacteria when you're doing a water change, you're worried about water chemistry and temperature. some fish are VERY sensitive to major temperature changes. and ALL fish are sensitive to major water chemistry changes.
i personally wouldn't change more than 50% of the water at a time.. and i would give at least 24 hours between water changes, preferably more than 2 days.

you aren't worried about tannins or bacteria when you're doing a water change, you're worried about water chemistry and temperature. some fish are VERY sensitive to major temperature changes. and ALL fish are sensitive to major water chemistry changes.

Which is why you always temp match water before you add to the tank :good:
if the tank has been set up for a while then 80% would be fine, the fish will be used to the changes in chemistry. Also +1 on the carbon :good:

The temp doesn't have to be bang on, but close is fine. Most fish will exibit sporning behavior if the water is a little cooler, this mimics the cooler rain water coming from mountain etc etc.
if the tank has been set up for a while then 80% would be fine, the fish will be used to the changes in chemistry. Also +1 on the carbon :good:

The temp doesn't have to be bang on, but close is fine. Most fish will exibit sporning behavior if the water is a little cooler, this mimics the cooler rain water coming from mountain etc etc.

Yes sorry i should have been more accurate, a small drop in temp can spawn some fish and simulates rain, i normally do a 3-4c temp drop on my 350L tank
I find it quite a good thing to watch as well, you see behaviors that are worth watching. :good:
Yeah, cooler water always triggers lots of spawning behaviour in my tanks. The Cory's go doolaly!!
Unless your water is naturally very soft, those tannins will be good for your Neons, I would just do your standard water change regime whenever it is due.
wow! thanks everyone for your advice - a fab help. i've done a 50% water change and plopped a carbon sponge in there. don't get me wrong i don't mind SOME tannins in my water as like you all say the neons like it and the corys too (didn't know about the corys) but this is ALOT it's practically a very dark pee pee colour actually making it quite difficult to see the colours of the fish or the back of the tank and it's not exactly a very big tank :blink: (yet tee hee)
Carry on doing 50% water changes weekly then if thats working. They do eventually go, i promise :lol:

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