Gold Laser Corys / Gold Stripe Corys / Peru Gold Stripe Corys


Fish Fanatic
Jul 17, 2011
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Seen some of these GORGEOUS fish in my LFS for £20 ea. :crazy: They made me :drool: but OMG £20 a fish?!


How come these are so expensive? They were in a tank next to Sterbai and I am torn between the two. I had gone in for the Sterbai which were a more reasonable price of £5.50 ea. but saw the Gold Stripe Corys and walked away empty handed as now I can't decide! :/

Can't seem to find too much on these gold laser cory's - does anyone know the best name to search for info on and does anyone have these? I know the Sterbai can tolerate temperatures ranges between 75 to 84°C (24 to 30°C)
They are gorgeous, unfortunately too expensive though :angry:

I 'think' they`re also called Orange Laser Cory (Corydoras aeneus)?, there is apparently many different variants. There`s some info on them and the bronze corys etc here:
Yep they're :drool: ,i have 6 of them :)

Thats quite cheap for golds,i've seen them for £35 each at MA :rolleyes:

They do hold their price well unfortunately...

Heres info on golds
That's crazy that they're so expensive over there. My lfs sells them for $6.99CAN. I have seen a very yellow bodied variant that was much more expensive though at $35.00CAN.
Its not fair,they're so cheap over there! :unsure:

I was lucky enough to get my 6 golds & 6 blacks all for £20,so well chuffed,the lady was moving on to different species,so bargain buy for me,and they survived the 80 mile trip and 3 hours in the car!! :nod:
Well I went in for Sterbai and came out with Goldline! :D Simply could not resist these little fellas :hyper:
Well I went in for Sterbai and came out with Goldline! :D Simply could not resist these little fellas :hyper:
they're gorgeous, so congrats!

How many did you get? Pictures?! :D

:thanks: :yahoo: i was in there AGES trying to decide between the Sterbai and the Goldline (and trying to justify the price to myself of the Goldline). i got 4 as i'm afraid that's all my funds could stretch to :( Will get some snaps as soon as they've settled a bit -- which if I'm honest appears they already have! They've been scurrying around the tank like mad, exploring the caves, the plants, the bogwood and 3 out of the 4 are already happily schoaling together. mind you, my tank's light is pretty pathetic so can't promise good pictures but will try my best :) Love them to bits already - keeping me thoroughly amused.

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