Please Help! Semi Swollen Tummies


Fish Fanatic
Jul 17, 2011
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Please help! Yesterday I lost 1 neon, today a further 2 - some of their tummies look a little on the big side and now one of my beautiful goldline cories has a swollen abdomen and is pretty listless - so much so I managed to catch him and put him in a breeding net. What is it and what do I do?


Current tank run down, 54l running internal juwel filter and fluval u2. Water parameters are ammonia 0, nitrite 0, nitrate 0, ph 8, tank temp between 26 and 27.
Did a re-aqua scape on Saturday of wood and plants on Saturday with approx. a 40% water change and monthly clean of filters. Added carbon to the juwel filter to help with removing the bogwood tannins.

Please any help / advice -- no idea what's going on!
Anyone? Pretty please -- am stuck at work with it going round and round in my head :-( Can head to my LFS straight after work if I knew what meds or stuff to get :/
the water is perhaps a little on the hot side for corys, i might be tempted to knock it down to 25 and at the sme time do a 50% water change. Not really sure what else to suggest at this stage. odd that you have no nitrate with a 40% change previously....

That cory looks like its holding eggs rather than being many do you have? With the water change you did there is a good chance you sparked of breeding mode and the best place for it is in the tank with its buddies.

how many neons did you have in total?
my nitrate has never risen above 5ppm - kinda put it down to the 5 marimo moss balls i have in the tank.

would it be so listless though full of eggs? i have 6 cories in total, they are only babes i think as size wise they are head to tail no bigger than 1" (when do they become sexually mature?). that would be cool if she is full of eggs and not poorly! but doesn't explain my loss of 3 neons :sad: had 15 in total.

i know the tank is on the small side but am currently waiting on a juwel rio 125 to rehome them
well, definately not full of eggs as came home after work yesterday to find him doing the back stroke, swiftly followed by 4 other cories :byebye: :rip:

two cories left and a scattering of neons - not sure what's wrong, have practically emptied the tank of decor, left the bear minimum in there and just dosing with pimafix and melafix. could easily just give up. :(

no reply needed guys, just wanted to get stuff off my chest -_-
tested the water again? liquid test kit i presume? not useless strips?
yep, ammonia 0, nitrite 0, nitrate 0 and it's the liquid api test i use
0 for nitrate means your tank is not cycled - - Neons are not meant for newer tanks and if you do not have a cycled filter with higher than recommended temperatures I am going to say that their environment is what is killing them.
0 for nitrate means your tank is not cycled - - Neons are not meant for newer tanks and if you do not have a cycled filter with higher than recommended temperatures I am going to say that their environment is what is killing them.

It's possible to have 0 or very low nitrates with large weekly water changes and many plants in the tank. Although if it's a new set up, I'd guess the tank is un-cycled.

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