Sad Day


Fish Fanatic
Jul 17, 2011
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It's a sad day :no: Saturday I added some neons to my tank along with a gorgeous Super Delta Fighter (which I named Lumiere) but since Saturday he's killed 3 neons :/ They don't come out, you don't see them, they just stay hidden and he swims around owning the tank. He's a lovely fish but I really wanted the tank to be mainly neons so as heart breaking as it is I've decided back to the fish shop he must go :-( He's now currently in a breeding trap but tries to go for any neon that comes close to him even through the net!

Has anyone else experienced this behaviour towards neons?
and i've only just started :sad: and already had to deal with an outbreak of whitespot :blink: things can only get easier ... right? :huh:
omg that happened to me aswell when i started looll. how long has the tank been runing for and the litres and fish in it. i might be able to help.

fighters are extremely aggressive. you should maybe rear the neons in a different small tank 5-10 gallon will do or get a tank divider
Some Bettas are very fussy with tank mates, i have a few that have to stay seperate then a few that live with select fish. My partners Betta lives happily with neons
omg that happened to me aswell when i started looll. how long has the tank been runing for and the litres and fish in it. i might be able to help.

fighters are extremely aggressive. you should maybe rear the neons in a different small tank 5-10 gallon will do or get a tank divider

rotten luck eh! they say these things are sent to try us and try us and our dedication to fishkeeping they do :blink:

my tank's been running since july (fish-in cycle with tetra safestart and then was lucky enough to bag myself some mature media to help it along very nicely). it's a 54l tank and currently has 15 neons and Lumiere (will be getting some Cory and Otocinclus at a later date). water parameters are ammonia 0, nitrite 0, nitrate 3 (i think the nitrate sponge and 5 marimo moss balls are helping with the nitrate as it's never gone up past 5).

of course any help is always gratefully received :good:
Don't forget, Betta's are territorial fish, and you just put 6 trespassers into his patch! He's bound to protect it, but he's obviously one of the more aggressive boys, so he feels he needs to kill the others.
Sorry for your losses :rip:
omg that happened to me aswell when i started looll. how long has the tank been runing for and the litres and fish in it. i might be able to help.

fighters are extremely aggressive. you should maybe rear the neons in a different small tank 5-10 gallon will do or get a tank divider

rotten luck eh! they say these things are sent to try us and try us and our dedication to fishkeeping they do :blink:

my tank's been running since july (fish-in cycle with tetra safestart and then was lucky enough to bag myself some mature media to help it along very nicely). it's a 54l tank and currently has 15 neons and Lumiere (will be getting some Cory and Otocinclus at a later date). water parameters are ammonia 0, nitrite 0, nitrate 3 (i think the nitrate sponge and 5 marimo moss balls are helping with the nitrate as it's never gone up past 5).

of course any help is always gratefully received :good:
over stocking abit with the cory and octocinclus try not to add many more fish a few corys would be ok imo. bit risky putting too much in though but give it a go for a cuple they help eat left over food to stop ammoniam poisoning :hyper:
omg that happened to me aswell when i started looll. how long has the tank been runing for and the litres and fish in it. i might be able to help.

fighters are extremely aggressive. you should maybe rear the neons in a different small tank 5-10 gallon will do or get a tank divider

rotten luck eh! they say these things are sent to try us and try us and our dedication to fishkeeping they do :blink:

my tank's been running since july (fish-in cycle with tetra safestart and then was lucky enough to bag myself some mature media to help it along very nicely). it's a 54l tank and currently has 15 neons and Lumiere (will be getting some Cory and Otocinclus at a later date). water parameters are ammonia 0, nitrite 0, nitrate 3 (i think the nitrate sponge and 5 marimo moss balls are helping with the nitrate as it's never gone up past 5).

of course any help is always gratefully received :good:
over stocking abit with the cory and octocinclus try not to add many more fish a few corys would be ok imo. bit risky but give it a go they help eat left over food to stop ammoniam poisoning :hyper:
Seriously!!! You have a hard neck telling a newbie they are overstocked when you are overstocked yourself!! Then to contradict things by telling him to add more. I've watched you since you joined and you know nothing that's worth passing on to people who are new to this hobby. IMO you need to stop spamming this site and actually learn from what you've been told to do with your own tank before advising others.
omg that happened to me aswell when i started looll. how long has the tank been runing for and the litres and fish in it. i might be able to help.

fighters are extremely aggressive. you should maybe rear the neons in a different small tank 5-10 gallon will do or get a tank divider

rotten luck eh! they say these things are sent to try us and try us and our dedication to fishkeeping they do :blink:

my tank's been running since july (fish-in cycle with tetra safestart and then was lucky enough to bag myself some mature media to help it along very nicely). it's a 54l tank and currently has 15 neons and Lumiere (will be getting some Cory and Otocinclus at a later date). water parameters are ammonia 0, nitrite 0, nitrate 3 (i think the nitrate sponge and 5 marimo moss balls are helping with the nitrate as it's never gone up past 5).

of course any help is always gratefully received :good:
over stocking abit with the cory and octocinclus try not to add many more fish a few corys would be ok imo. bit risky but give it a go they help eat left over food to stop ammoniam poisoning :hyper:
Seriously!!! You have a hard neck telling a newbie they are overstocked when you are overstocked yourself!! Then to contradict things by telling him to add more. I've watched you since you joined and you know nothing that's worth passing on to people who are new to this hobby. IMO you need to stop spamming this site and actually learn from what you've been told to do with your own tank before advising others.
Whether you've read my other posts i am upgrading to 40gallon soon. and corydoras help clean up the left over foods in the gravel or sand substance.
omg that happened to me aswell when i started looll. how long has the tank been runing for and the litres and fish in it. i might be able to help.

fighters are extremely aggressive. you should maybe rear the neons in a different small tank 5-10 gallon will do or get a tank divider

rotten luck eh! they say these things are sent to try us and try us and our dedication to fishkeeping they do :blink:

my tank's been running since july (fish-in cycle with tetra safestart and then was lucky enough to bag myself some mature media to help it along very nicely). it's a 54l tank and currently has 15 neons and Lumiere (will be getting some Cory and Otocinclus at a later date). water parameters are ammonia 0, nitrite 0, nitrate 3 (i think the nitrate sponge and 5 marimo moss balls are helping with the nitrate as it's never gone up past 5).

of course any help is always gratefully received :good:
over stocking abit with the cory and octocinclus try not to add many more fish a few corys would be ok imo. bit risky but give it a go they help eat left over food to stop ammoniam poisoning :hyper:
Seriously!!! You have a hard neck telling a newbie they are overstocked when you are overstocked yourself!! Then to contradict things by telling him to add more. I've watched you since you joined and you know nothing that's worth passing on to people who are new to this hobby. IMO you need to stop spamming this site and actually learn from what you've been told to do with your own tank before advising others.
Whether you've read my other posts i am upgrading to 40gallon soon. and corydoras help clean up the left over foods in the gravel or sand substance.

You've argued each cause and effect given to you. IMO you are a troll. And it's about time the mods kicked you off here!!
:blink: seems like my post has stirred up some animosity - sorry :no:

i'm aware i'm probably overstocked. at the minute the neons are no larger than 1cm (head to tail), the ottos are dwarf ottos and shouldn't grow larger than the 1" they already are. as for the corydoras, i'm probably looking to get 4 which are currently 1" each head to tail (i appreciate these are best kept in groups of 6 and i would love to make it 6 but i purely won't have the space). i'm also running a 2nd internal filter (fluval u2) to assist with filtration. i do weekly water changes and keep a close eye daily on water parameters. i have a nitrate sponge and 5 marimo moss balls to also help combat the nitrate which i hasten to add has never hit more than 5ppm. i've also got a lovely bubble wall along the back of the tank to make sure there is plenty of oxygen in the water for them. i've tried to mix it that fish have their own swimming space .. the slender fish such as neons are mid to top swimmers, the slender fish ottos will pretty much stay stuck to the glass happily munching away and the more full bodied fish cory i believe are more bottom swimmers / cleaner up'ers so to speak with the occasional mad dash to the surface.

am i incorrect with my method of thinking? also, i hoped the over filtration would of helped with any overstocking? :/
:blink: seems like my post has stirred up some animosity - sorry :no:

No by all means you haven't. But I don't want you listening to someone who has no idea at all!

As for your overstocking, I don't have clue to be able to help you. But at least all your water tests are good, so that must mean you are doing that right.

Good luck with your hobby.
Hi :)

IMO 15 neons is just too many for your tank size, i couldn't imagine my 15 in my 60l, i personally wouldn't add any cories to your tank especially regualr 1s, dwarfs you 'could' get in if you rehome 'most' of your neons
I'm sorry for your losses. I have three bettas, all with different personalities. I have one that is friends with everything, another that is mildly territorial, but he will get up and move rather than fight, and I have a crowntail that flares at everything that goes by his tank. He tried to attack my cat through the glass tank lol

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