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  1. F

    Have You Ever Had Ich

    Make sure what your use is just garlic though. You don't want any nasty ingredients getting into your tank! It if was up to me personally I'd use fresh garlic and prepare it myself just to be safe.
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    Have You Ever Had Ich

    Alage, you can usually buy it in flake form for your fish. As for curing ich, I swear by garlic. Worked for me, I simply soaked whatever food the fish here getting in 'Garlic Guard' for an hour before feeding for 6 weeks. Worked a treat, however I'm not sure how effective it would be with...
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    Stupid Question, But Please Humour Me....

    Perconally I think it's not that much harder, but it is more time consuming and things needs to be done precisely. It really just takes more time, planning and consideration than freshwater. You'll need to do a lot of research before going into it though, make sure you fully understand all...
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    Tank To Hot Need Help

    Put a couple of small fans blowing across the surface of the water. Be careful though as this will make your tank water evaporate faster.
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    Some Awsome Macro

    This is not true. Numerous reefers have kept caulerpra under normal lighting hours (10-14 hours a day) with no problems (myself included). As said before, I've only experienced die off in my taxifolia when I topped the water up to quickly. Sadly for aussies caulerpra is the only macroalgae we...
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    I Need Help

    Just a note, when you add more live rock (depending on the amount) you will start another cycle, and have the same problem all over again.
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    Bad Luck Opcn. That must really be a kick in the groin. What's the futrue for the pistol shrimp :devil:
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    New Oddball Project

    We don't know if they are planning on keeping the shark guys...they might just be hatching it, then giving it to someone else or an LFS or something.
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    I Need Help

    I know when a fish is suffering from ammonia poisening their "face" turns whitish. This might be what your fish is experiencing.
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    Zoo Growth Related To Tank Conditions

    My zoo's grow like wildfire. They are a fairly hardy coral though so I doubt tank conditions needs to be perfect for them to reproduce, however I'm sure that it shows some sign of good conditions.
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    New Oddball Project

    Cool! :thumbs: What type of shark is it?
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    Improving Water Flow

    Yeah I agree with what is already being said. You should look into getting another 1 or 2 powerheads to circulate the water in your tank.
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    Diy Hob Fuge

    C. Taxifolia is a type of macro algae. The full name is Caulerpa Taxifolia. Here's an article of what Miagi was tlaking about
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    New Clownfish Behaving A Little Strangely

    My clown hardly ever leaves the area near my front glass. The only time I've seen him go to the back of the tank is when he's looking for some food. Clowns are known to behave oddly and what you're noticing is probably just normal behaviour.
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    Diy Hob Fuge

    I'm in Queensland Miagi so it's OK! Thanks for the warning though. I haven't seen any cheato around which is a pain, I didn't think you could even get it in Aus? I know quite a few people have been looking for it on RTAW. Thanks for the compliments on my (lack of) DIY skills :lol: .
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    Diy Hob Fuge

    After just finishing my super mini HOB fuge I though I’d do a little post of how it all went together. I know these threads have been done a bazillion times before but I want some feedback on my design as I have never attempted something like this before and I suck at pretty much any type of...
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    Mantis Or No Mantis?

    No worries, It's good new you don't have a mantis :thumbs: . They can be a pain :grr:
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    Could You Make A Needle Wheel?

    Even if you do make a needle wheel impellor you will still need to put air through it somehow. I'm not sure if different skimer types can be changed form one thing to another either.
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    Mantis Or No Mantis?

    At that size, and seeing there are so many of them, then it is more than likley an amphipod. If you plan to eradicate them, then it will take you forever to get rid of them :lol:
  20. F

    What Not To Do

    Ouch! Good to hear nothing too serious happened :thumbs: On a related note a few months ago one of my friends had the tops of 3 of her fingers (half the middle one and the top third of the pinky and ring fingers) cut off by a mower! Sadly they couldn't be re-attached, and it goes to show you...
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    Mantis Or No Mantis?

    Some amphipods have largish claws. How big are all the creatures?
  22. F

    Mantis Or No Mantis?

    :stupid: Yeah I agree with Aqua. Much easier to tell with the clearer pictures :thumbs:
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    Saltwater Pilot Fish!

    Not really too "odd", but puffers are interesting looking fish. Maybe you could consider buying a small one of them? Some species are known to be reef compatible, however it usually depends on the personality of the fish. However if you got one you damsels might harrass it.
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    Power Heads

    From what I've heard they are prety dodgy.
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    Mantis Or No Mantis?

    Might needs some clearer pics than that if you want us to give you a final answer :lol: . From the shape of it though it looks more like a pistol shrimp than a mantis. The large claws would also support this. I found a red pistol shrimp in my tank a few weeks ago. He is cool. Now I feed him...
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    Adding More Live Rock Down The Road...

    Not sure on how things work when you order live rock from somewhere (I've always bought mine from an LFS) but you could put it in another tank/tub with some powerheads until the live rock cycled. Then once this was done you could add it to your tank no worries.
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    Hermit Crab Shells?

    I went and collected a bunch of shells of all different sizes from rock pools and scattered them in my tank. The hermits ended up killing each other the few remaining killed my snails and took their shells. In the end it was a waste of time really :lol: . Make sure if you collect your own shells...
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    Can't add much else to what Aquascaper has said. If the puffer couldn't open his teeth I would assume that they have grown too big. Once they get this big the puffer can no longer eat unless they get their teeth cut some how (like the method Aqua mentioned). It is best not to let them get to...
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    Potter's Angel

    I've read about lots of australian reefers keeping potters angel's successfully, however I really have no idea on how hardy they are. However that could give you some idea on what they are like. As for being reef safe. I am pretty sure they are like any other dwarf angel, most of the time they...
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    My new hammer

    :lol: Lol now I look like an idiot. I didn't take any notice of the dates on the first few posts :X .
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    Look like this? If so it's a dogface puffer.
  32. F

    Plants On My Live Rock

    Sorry mate can't help you. Looks cool though.
  33. F

    Coral Beauty

    When I tried adding C. Taxifolia to my tank the coral beauty would not stop uprooting and eating it (not sure if it would have any bad side effects if I let him consume the whole thing). Besides that he gets feed blended up nori regulary as it's part of my DIY fish food and pecks occasionally at...
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    My new hammer

    Very nice hammer chkltcow, looks like a little underwater tree :lol:
  35. F

    Coralline Algae

    An abundance of coraline doenst necessarily mean your tank is running well, but it can be a good indicator. As said before you can easily remove it from glass (I use a razor blade, works like a charm) or an urchin will get rid of the stuff on the rock (however you may not want this). I only get...
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    Plants On My Live Rock

    Yeah most likely some type of macro algae. Post a pic and we can ID it for you or google "macro algae" and try and find the one you've got.
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    Too Many Fish?

    Welcome to saltwater! You won't regret it (hopefully :unsure: ). I'll help you with what knowledge I have but I'm not the most knowledgeable person aounrd here. However I'm sure others wil help you too. Firstly, from what I've heard Maroon Clowns can be agressive and bully other tankmates. So...
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    The Saltwater Nitrogen Cycle

    Sorry aquascaper, I didn't realise you had created this soley on your own. You can't blame me though, I saw it and it looked very similar to another site I've seen ( and it was only fair that I brought it up (I didn't mean to question your...
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    Putting the tangs in a quarentine tank and treating them would be the most effective method to get rid of the ich. If you are able to od that there are some excellent instructions on this site: However if that is impractical then...
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    The Saltwater Nitrogen Cycle

    Very informative Aquascaper :thumbs: . However I think you should make some reference to the website you got alot of your ideas from or state where the original text was found (it's only fair to the original author) ;) . Nevertheless it contains a fair bit more info than the original and was...