The Saltwater Nitrogen Cycle

Very informative Aquascaper :thumbs: .

However I think you should make some reference to the website you got alot of your ideas from or state where the original text was found (it's only fair to the original author) ;) .

Nevertheless it contains a fair bit more info than the original and was an enjoyable read. I'll be looking forward to you writing some more on different aspects of marine tanks.
Agreed, on one point! Looking forward to reading more form you. I think that article rocks, and could do with a pinning. Could save alot of repeat questions! :p

On the other hand, I wouldnt put it past aquascaper to have been the original auothor of the whole thing fish_fingers! :thumbs:
This is the 4th time i've posted this thread for a forum and it's origins stem from the authors of every website i've ever looked at, every person i've ever talked to, every TV program i've ever watched and ever book i've ever read. I have read, understood and collated the data and presented it in what is hopefully an easy to understand format. I have seen sections of my text used on various sites just as I have used sections from others and I certainly have no problem with the sharing of the information, the information is all out there on the internet in one format or another if you search for it.

Over the last 3 years I have done masses of research on hundreds of different websites regarding most aspects of the hobby so to list them all for credit would be impossible. However, there is a few main sites that have helped me over the years,,, along with varoius other forums (which I will not mention).
Sorry aquascaper, I didn't realise you had created this soley on your own. You can't blame me though, I saw it and it looked very similar to another site I've seen ( and it was only fair that I brought it up (I didn't mean to question your knowledge). Anyway as I said before, it was very imformative and I'm looking forward to more.
Part of my original post actually pre-dates that webpage which is why I have no issue with the whole sharing information thing. I did come across that site whilst typing this one out and changed the format of mine slightly towards theirs as it's slightly easier to read than some of my originals (My original is slightly more scientific and its about twice the size of this one).

Congratulations on being able to use the internet to search for things, something a few others could learn to do, let's hope you use your skills on all aspects of the hobby and produce a lovely tank.
Thanks - this is helpful. Will send it home and study. Just completed my 3rd week of waiting for mine to start its cycle, but only added some LR (20KG) about 6 days ago... Thanks again, Al.
Hi .. i have also found this very helpfull .. i have just started my first salt tank .. and know nothing about the technical side .
my tank is 34L with 7.7kg of live rock and i also have live sand to put in as soon as i get the rods for my rock.
so this will help

Thanks Yuma for the link
Great post, full of what newbies need to know, having kept marines previously i did not really need this, but read through it anyway just to refresh my memory, Well written and i can see why it has been pinned,
Fantastic post,
John :good:

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