New Clownfish Behaving A Little Strangely


Fish Gatherer
Jun 3, 2005
Reaction score
Tunbridge Wells
Yesterday I bought a small percula clown, beautiful fish, but I'm a little worried about him at the moment. It hasn't really settled in the tank so far, just swimming along the front of the tank. It looks healthy and was behaving normall in the shop. I tried to offer it a couple of mysis but it ignored them although it did have a half hearted look at some slow sinking pellets, but didn't eat. I have seen it eat a couple of pods though.

I did think that it may be due to the powerhead blowing it around, so it's been off for a few hours (sump pump still running) but it's still patrolling the front glass.

Tank stats are all correct and cycling finished 4 weeks ago, shrimp and CC are all fine.

Any thoughts?

Poor pic:

Took some food earlier. Still looking healthy, just behaving strangely...

Anyone got any ideas?
Was it feeding at the LFS? Tried feeding it live Brine Shrimp? Ive never encountered my clown to eat or pay attention to Pods, he just swims by them. Are you sure he ate them? Clowns often swim near the glass. When they see anyone, they come up for food. Is it likely your not observing his "nomal" beaviour by having you presence felt?
My clown hardly ever leaves the area near my front glass. The only time I've seen him go to the back of the tank is when he's looking for some food. Clowns are known to behave oddly and what you're noticing is probably just normal behaviour.
Yeah, mine too love the glass, especially when I'm in the room. When I wake up in the morning, sometimes I see them cruising along the bottom, but as soon as they see me they approach the glass and the surface waiting for food :)
THanks for the info!

He's still looking good this morning, so hopefully it just was to be with me :blush:

Ive never encountered my clown to eat or pay attention to Pods, he just swims by them. Are you sure he ate them?

It certainly took a couple off the glass, will try with some brine shrimp in a minute.
Wow, that is pretty cool. :good: I do spose they are opportunistic, and I guess they wouldnt refuse a meaty meal! :lol:
My new clown is acting strange now, sitting at the back of the tank kinda hovering there. Looks very nervous and kinda hides behind the live rock, his swimming pattern seems strange, looks like its a fake fish.

Is this normal?
My new clown is acting strange now, sitting at the back of the tank kinda hovering there. Looks very nervous and kinda hides behind the live rock, his swimming pattern seems strange, looks like its a fake fish.

Is this normal?

Is it getting bullied by other fish?
It's only been in the tank for 2 days and the only other fish in there (other than a cleaning shrimp) is a yellow tailed damsel (which is why i asked whats wrong with these yesterday) but to be honest they seem to get on well.
I wouldn't be so sure about that... Yellow tail damsels despite their diminutive appearance are some of the meanest fish out there. Hes probably bullying your clown when you're not watching. Try to observe from afar so that the fish aren't aware of your presence and see what happens.
Last night I added two B&W clowns to my tank (24 gallon nano), which already has a Royal Gramma. It seems like the clowns never lost a beat - out exploring the tank, in and out of the rock caves and tunnels, up to the top, down to the sand - they're doing great, and getting along with each other as well. They definately own the tank now though, they've 'charged' the gramma a few times, but all in all I think everyone is happy.

That's it for getting fish, I think I've got a nice assortment of colors.

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