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  1. S

    New Corals?

    No pics at the minute, but my tank is due a water change and clean 2mos so im sure the camera will come out then. LOL OH sheffield, i was dead confused, lol well id appreciate whatever whenever pal, tell me if you want anything and i can arrange delivery/ pick up etc
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    Just Thought This Was Funny!

    wow coincidence, i was chatting to a freind at my allotment who was telling me about his dads freind in indonesia who gets a guy in to clean his marine tank, after talking about it he mentioned a swimsuit and kit, i thought a bit excessive to clean a tank? so i asked him he replied... ''no he...
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    Feeding Regime - What, When, How Often.

    lol im sure my overfeeding is purely, well my lack of experience, its my first ever experience with fish so im aware i overfeed but i am getting to a point where i am cutting down feeding to every other day, more to avoid high nitrates though, not that they are anyway, plus i feel guilty when i...
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    New Corals?

    Yeah £50, its strange some here are really expensive and others are dead cheap, i got a huge sun coral for £22 my LFS said it would cost me £70 from him. scolys vary but the last one in my LFS was £90. i trade geckos for corals so it costs me nothing really, id love an elegance. Much...
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    New Corals?

    Ive been keeping my eye on a nice duncan recently, it has 4 heads and is £50, but with my new purchases (and the corals i order last night) my wife will soon have grounds for divorce lol I have ordered a large staghorn and a large 4-6 inch diameter scoly, i love these they are so cool. Hey...
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    Protien Skimmer Death!

    your welcome to the stuff for nothing pal, its growing like wild fire in my tank mate. must like where its at, so i plan on moving the blighter to slow it down haha I cant see the P+p being a great deal, let me know when you want it and i shall check P+P for ya.
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    New Corals?

    This section has seemed a little quiet as of late so i thought id add a little something, has anyone bought any new corals of late? whats the latest 'trend' in coals, i have recently purchased a sun coral (fist sized), a red leather finger cactus, a toadstool coral, a cabbage coral and a brain...
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    Protien Skimmer Death!

    were are you woody? i have some pulsing xenia fragged waiting to go lol, it grows so quickly i put it next to some LR rubble to divide it and donate it to a freind but he doesnt want it as his damsels pick at his atm. Your welcome to it if it saves MY lfs having it for free and making £15 off it lol
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    Feeding Regime - What, When, How Often.

    right time to show how much i over feed lol approx 200ltr tank with 30ltr sump, 1200lph return pump, 1400lph external filter and 3000lph powerhead, Stock - 2x clowm, 2x blue tail damsels, 1 yellow tang (soon to be removed) 2x anthias (soon to be removed) cuc 30-40 snails ceriths, turbos...
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    Securing Lr

    Im with happy george, put it together like lego and hope for the best, lol i used that putty too, got some coraline coloured stuff blends in well but again takes ages to cure and seperates fairly easy. i like super glue but finding two matching surface to glue together and still look natural is...
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    Constant Flow

    yeah my powerheads are on constantly and i was wanting to alter them to avoid dead spots, im not concerned about the noise the kids drown out the sound anyway :lol: mine are currently on 24/7 and have approx 24x turn over i have x2 3000lph powerheads but only have one on at a time, althoughy i...
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    Problems With Water Quality

    Just wonderd seffie are we thinking were overfeeding or the fact theres probably a tunnel full of decaying food? only ask because i though for that amount of stock 1 cube of brine shrimp wasnt bad in fact id probably add a little mysis to 1/2 and 1/2. Not disagreeing just wondering if im over...
  13. S

    Design Help Please..........

    OOH also meant to add, i actually used the corner weir as a support for my reefscaope up one corner, imo it looks really cool, i like the idea of a central weir, leaves the sides of the glass free to cleqan easily too, thats a downside with a corner 3weir as my rock work is close to the glass...
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    Constant Flow

    Do we need a constant flow, i was thinking (before you laugh hear me out lol) of putting my powerheads on timers too vary the flow to mimic the folw in the wild, i assume this wouldnt matter i was planning on randomly turning on/off opposite powerheads to randomise the flow, would this affect my...
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    Design Help Please..........

    I have a corner weir, my reef scape is designed to cover it in the back corner so its unnoticeable, as well as this it leaves the tank open. although im sure you wouldnt notice the full lenght though, it sounds like youve decided to be fair as you dont like the corner weir seems obv to go for...
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    Another Possible Idea?

    Agree, would save me looking silly for asking dumb questions lol
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    Equipment Prices

    Lol i too turn off all return pumps and shut off overflow during feeding as you say happygeorge saves filtering out the food eh, i have to disagree that the brown slimy stuff doesnt show anything though, i mean i have filter media in my overflow chamber before my sump pipes, in 2 baffles in the...
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    Alternating Algae Problems

    Yeah there a pain, i do 20% changes too, but last week did 50 % and the dreaded algae is back, it was at bay un til i got rid of my blue cheek goby (DUMPS sand EVERYWHERE!) now my sand sifter has no chance lol i have a short spined urchin and it strips any sign of ANY algae off my rocks, i dont...
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    Equipment Prices

    I have to admit im a big fan of skimmers, some say they arent necessary, but having seen the amount of dirt in the waste chamber on a WEEKLY basis, regardless of water changes WEEKLY it still remains the same so it must be benefiting the Tank, i agree witht he nanos to be honest woody, they ar...
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    Alternating Algae Problems

    Id love tp woody but i have literally got no time to do it at the minute, got uni hand ins and full time work so really busy, yeah forgot about your problem, how is the green hair algae now? im just struggling with diatoms really, my short spined urchin takes care of EVERYTHING it is by far the...
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    Alternating Algae Problems

    sorry its been a while, yeah currently running a v2500 compact skimmer rated way above my tank size plus a 1400l/h external filter with 9w uv light, i have lots of LR but not enough, lol lots more to come yet. m nitrates tend to be ok just the phosphates really, i tested against a refractometer...
  22. S

    Alternating Algae Problems

    hey thanks for the reply, yeah i had a problem with high levels of phosphates initially, regardless of my RO supply it seemed to creep up staedily so i was advised to use these? is that not right, is there a better way to biologically controll them? i had readings of nitrate 10-20ppm and...
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    Alternating Algae Problems

    Hey guys, i havent asked any silly questions recently so i thought id give it ago tonight lol. can the salinity of the water increase algae growth? I ask because i am having problems with diatoms and green slimy algae on the glass (live rocks are fine though), they alternate every 2 weeks or...
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    Cyano Algea

    yes i have read a few things about algae and apparently phosphates are a big cause for cyano, mine righted itself within a few weeks and then the diatoms took over. lol
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    Shame Faced Crab

    WOW im seriously thinking of a small setup just for one of those, that crab rules!!
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    Thinking Marine....

    great post lewis, hey woody yeah apparently its 30g minimum and mainly for the reasons kj23502 stated but i sometimes think these figures are a little random so always best to get the experiences of others on here.
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    Levels Very Strange

    Agree with seffie, if you didnt take too long and none of the lr dried out you shouldnt have any die off or cycle. this is seffie's job normally but seeing as she has mentioned it ill ask... PICCYS? lol
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    External Filter With Saltwater

    There are lots of opinion on this however, i have run my external filter so far successfully with 5ppm nitrates or less since, i suppose this all depends on the water changes etc but i believe the argument is they hold onto detritus which decays into nitrates although i suppose it would be there...
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    Do I Really Need A Ro Unit?

    i have read others on here stating they never use ro this would of course depednd on your local water parameters, i havent a clue on what they should be though sorry, others maybe able to help. you would have to ensure you use somthing like aqua safe to remove any hint of chlorine though. An ro...
  30. S

    Are These Test Results Ok!

    so in theory if the mixture is clear at 500, then anything above that is clear also? that could mean it could actually higher than that 500, but thats the top end reading? mine runs at that almost constantly with purely water changes i do not add or buffer, i believe the salintity can be...
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    Tiger Pistol Shrimp & Dracula Goby

    I have no idea but that sounds cool, my suggestion would be take a video and post it....pretty please!
  32. S


    sorry to hear but glad im not the only one!! mine are definately particles, sorry to jump on your thread but would an external filter help remove these as im only running a sump at present
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    Hair Algea

    agree completely woody, passed around the place until they die of old age or shock, i would look back at woodys old post on hair algae i think it just about coverd it all really...
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    Inherited Tank

    agree with above however on another note, i spoke to the guys in sixhills yesterday and they said they are just finishing curing ( curing for 4wks now~) there Lr and it will be ready on tue wed if that helps? they restock every tue so wed is a good day (or not if your skint like me) also i know...
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    Inherited Tank

    as for low salinity our LFS(sixhills) keeps theres at about 1.024 so you'll be fine buying mixed, thats handys as you virtually live next door to the LFS then, they dont currently have LR they have the man made stuff but i noticed today it has aiptasia all over it so i wouldnt recommend getting...
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    Inherited Tank

    hey you mentioned sixhills are you in grimsby then? wow what a cool late christmas present, i would say use shop bought ro, its 2.50 unsalted for 25ltr at sixhills (where i am) and about £6 salted for 26 ltrs. I would leave the tank as was setup and check it 2-3 weeks for any spikes (although i...
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    Class Clowns

    Problems with clowns are if they are wild caught, then they are prone to lots of ailments which are worsened by stress, one in particular which causes saws is brookynella... im not saying it sounds like this just that there are lots of things it could be due to stress, a few useful answers would...
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    Help Need Asap,

    I have a 3000 l/h powerhead which is always aimed at surface, i could purchase a air pump tomorrow if that would help, my main concerns were the build up of ammonia and nitrite due to decreased flow and filtration, will i get a spike at all due to the decreased bacteria my sump held? im so...
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    Help Need Asap,

    Hey guys after repairing my skimmer i replaced it on the side of my sump, went to get a jug to prime it and....... POP water all over my floor. ( Sympathy not essential but appreciated lol) :angry: I luckyily fitted a stop valve to my overflow, will my tank be suitable with just powerheads...
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    Bought One, What A Nice Bloke.

    MY BAD lol totally missed that link, thanks.