Securing Lr


Fish Addict
Nov 3, 2010
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Do you guys use reef racks or adhesive or anything similar to hold your rocks in place and to stop a land slide. Or do you just stack them very carefully ? Also is it worth having LR rubble in a refugium. I know large quatities of LR is good but someone here said LR rubble was more trouble than it was worth unless it had loads of flow over it.
Do you guys use reef racks or adhesive or anything similar to hold your rocks in place and to stop a land slide. Or do you just stack them very carefully ?


When placing rock in, make sure there is no sand below as sand movement can cause a mini rockfall.

You can buy a special reef putty [which I think is crap by the way] for sticking rock together or you can use super glue 'GEL'

But you do need to be carefull how you stack them. Stable Equilibrium still applies in tanks!

Word of the day 'Equilibrium' lol!
I have used the DD putty which seems ok but takes a long time to set so won't give an instant hold, most of my rocks are just stacked in a natural position. I think sometimes the problem with stacking using rods or racks is that you can end up with something that looks very unatural. I would always prefer to let the shapes of nature dictate the position they rest in and then just secure them with a bit of putty.
Speed Glue everytime messy to use but sets better than anything else I have used
Im with happy george, put it together like lego and hope for the best, lol i used that putty too, got some coraline coloured stuff blends in well but again takes ages to cure and seperates fairly easy. i like super glue but finding two matching surface to glue together and still look natural is a pain in the A%*!e !! especially when the rock work in your tank needs changing to accomodate the new peice lol. So i stick with my suck it and see method (Disclaimer - if you find that you follow this advice have a landslide and damage anything, it wasnt my fault because im special - the doctor told me so!) :good:

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