Search results

  1. L

    Pale Betta

    thanks, but for some reason he seems ok again this morning ~ strange !
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    Pale Betta

    Hello I have a Betta called George, I've had him for probably 5 or 6 months now. I noticed today that he is looking quite pale and is a bit lathargic, any advise would be most appreciated as I love him to bits and obviously don't want him to be sick :-( Oh you should also know that I've just...
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    What to look for?

    You will be lucky to find a pregnant one in a store !! with all the stress they go through there I doubt you will find one.
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    natural platties???

    They sound like mine and mine aren't dyed .. I think they're probably fine !!
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    Unusual Birth of guppies

    My platties once gave birth to 6 "siamese twin" fish, I had to euthanise them :(
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    :thumbs: that's the badger :)
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    What is she doing!

    Is it possible that she can see herself in the glass ? mine do it all the time
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    My Oscar died :(

    :rip: poorl little thing, I guess he just fort off all he could :( that's why ICH is such a nasty disease, you think it's gone then it comes back out of the blue.
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    Take a look at this link it has loads of info on HTH
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    Should i start again ???

    Take a look at it will help you out a lot Linds
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    Should i start again ???

    Hi I'm sorry about your bad luck with this disease try having a read of the following link it explains why if often takes a while to treat ICH and offers some very good idvise. I had the same problem as you about 2 weeks back and this link has...
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    betta with community

    I have a Clown Loach and a Betta together and they seem to get on well :)
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    Sick fish ~ please help

    thanks for all your help !
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    Snail Invasion

    I'm not sure what they are but I can tell you how to get rid of them if that helps .... first you take a camera film case and drill holls in it just big enough for the snails to get in, then put some lettice or cucumber inside the case and shut the cap. Leave over night and loads of snails go...
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    Feeding Clown Loaches advice required

    My clown loach likes banana but he only gets it as a special treat every now & then :)
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    Sick fish ~ please help

    I can't get my camera to work sorry :( yeah it's like grains of sugar but only on 1 fish ? I'm pretty sure it's ICH too but is it unusual to have it on just 1 fish ? thanks for all your help
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    Dovii Sex

    I found this ..... "The adults are quite easy to sex. Juvenile specimens are fairly uninteresting silver fishes, with a broken horizontal stripe running along the flanks. But as they mature, males develop longer, more pointed fins that have lots of spots. Males also have lots of small spots...
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    Strange fish behaviour

    Hello I'm sorry to hear about your fish !! My little Platty had the exact same thing, I asked too but no one knew what it was. If you find out please let me know Linds :rolleyes:
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    Help Please?!.. before this cichlid dies...

    I've just found this have a look it's got quite a lot of info on there
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    Help Please?!.. before this cichlid dies...

    It was very kind of you to rescue the fish but now I think you need to find him a new home. I doubt a pet store will take him but you could give it a try. If they won't take it try isolating it and then advertising it locally. HTH
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    Sick fish ~ please help

    Hello, I need your expert advise !! About a week ago I noticed that my clown loach had a dusting of small white spots on him and that he was rubbing hismelf against the gravel and tank ornaments -_- . I went to the pet store and got some Interpret Anti white spot plus and added it to my tank...
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    My betta doesn't want to eat

    thank you
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    Eggs have hatched!!!!

    Congrats !!!!! do you have any pics ? :D
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    My betta doesn't want to eat

    Hello I've had my Betta (george) for 2 weeks now and he doesn't seem to want to eat what I'm giving him. I currently have the last stages of ICH in my tank but they've been treated and are doing well, could this be why he's not eating ? (he's actually to blame for this outbreak even though he...
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    BREAD in the fishtank

    I agree with Itty Bitty Betta on this one ... it happened to me once before mine were ok after a day or two without food
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    Please help !!

    Thanks for all your help & that link is extremely useful !!! my fish thank you too :)
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    Please help !!

    Thank you will do that now
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    Please help !!

    Hi I really need some help here as I've never had a diseased fish before .... I have a community tank with 2 Platties, 1 clown loach, 4 nean tetra and 1 Betta. Today I've noticed that my Clown loaches has all the signs is White spot and is rubbing himself on anything that stands still. I want...
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    How long to go?

    I'd say that she has about 3 days max, mine got really big when she was pregnant and looked really tiny when she'd had them :)
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    Happy bettas

    Nice one !!! :cool: they must be really happy with you
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    Lights for Bettas

    I have a main light in my tank and my Betta doesn't seem to mind it at all. I do find though that when I switch it on it usually wakes him up and he wants feeding :)
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    Fins damaged

    Wow she's gorgeous !! I'm glad she is with someone who can love and care for her so much :)
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    i think i'm going to cry.......

    :byebye: I'm so sorry !!! you tried your very best for him
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    not enterly sure i agree w/this

    I can totally see your point BUT if you buy them the store will see it's making money off these terrible "orniments" and keep selling them !?!? :unsure:
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    I'm thinking about giving my fish a treat

    I feed my platties, neons, clown loach and betta with them, you should see it they go crazy for it. It's a nice treat and it keeps them occupied for a while. :)
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    Help me identify this fish

    Can you take a pic of it ?
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    i think i'm going to cry.......

    I really hope you get him .. keep me posted !!
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    i think i'm going to cry.......

    Hi ~ did they let you have him in the end ? :-(
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    Help with testing water

    That link was a great help !! It's all very overwhelming when you start and don't know what you're looking for. My tank hasn't been running long and my fish seem happy .. now I just have to make sure they stay healthy ! thanks again guys !
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    Help with testing water

    Thank you both for all your help :thumbs: , I have got my kit and will test first thing tomorrow !! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU !!!