i think i'm going to cry.......


i eat buttons
Feb 5, 2004
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Funk Town
for those that haven't read my ramblings,
we only have 2 pet stores around here, both filled with incompitant, rude people
one of them laid me off for personal reasons, after humiliating me and calling me names the whole time i worked there saying "he has no complaints about me as an employee, i just didn't fit in"
so i am stuck going to petcetera (the only other store) or going 2 towns over which isn't always convenient :/

i went to petcetera to celebrate my new job by buying a new friend
and what do i see?
i have found a crowntail female as a total fluke but they are VERY rare around here and i have never seen a male except one other flukey time (not even 2 towns over)!
well i enthusiastically took him over to the till when i realized that i had left my wallet at home and was 80 cents short in change
so i jokingly asked if the lady would give me a deal since he had a slight bit of fungus

*i have had and cared for fish for years so i know how to treat them with 100% success
in fact, any time you buy them down here they almost ALWAYS have fungus

so yeah back to my story
the girl looked at me and said "we can't sell you a sick fish"
fair enough i thought
but i couln't help but blurt out, then maybe you should keep a closer eye on your bettas, cause by that rule you can't sell any of them
so she put that ONE betta that barely had any fungus in the back and kept all the other bettas that were barely alive up front
so i said,
look you can make it so that i can't return it if it dies
and she was like
and they don't even have proper meds!
they have never successfully treated anything (not even ich)
i was so mad
ALL their fish are sick
she just doesn't care
so i am going back today (after 4 days)
say a little prayer that he is still alive
he would be my first crowntail male ever!
i would hate for him to rot in a tiny cup or vase in some martha stewart home
that will only get him for the decoration
or even worse go home with one of the stupid petcetera women that know nothing of fish or disease
im so scared that they are gunna let him die with all the rest :-(
*Lindsay* said:
Hi ~ did they let you have him in the end ? :-(
no :-(
thats why i'm going in today to see if he is still alive but it has been 4 days so i am very worried :/
It seems like she was going to sell him to you until you were 80 cents short,that's just wrong!

So basically, she refused to sell him to you and prefers to let him tough it out and recover on his own rather than give him a shot at life :angry:

Grrr, reminds me of a terrible,terrible stuation of mine once. When I was around 17 I had community service at a shelter. They decided to "do some" animals, meaning put some to sleep :grr: There was a siamese cat who was on the death list, I begged and begged to let him come home with me and she refused because I didn't have the money to pay his 'fees'. So instead of living a happy,long life with me, they put him to sleep. :-( :grr: :grr: :grr: :angry:

Good luck,PK, I hope he's still there!
wuvmybetta said:
It seems like she was going to sell him to you until you were 80 cents short,that's just wrong!

So basically, she refused to sell him to you and prefers to let him tough it out and recover on his own rather than give him a shot at life :angry:

Grrr, reminds me of a terrible,terrible stuation of mine once. When I was around 17 I had community service at a shelter. They decided to "do some" animals, meaning put some to sleep :grr: There was a siamese cat who was on the death list, I begged and begged to let him come home with me and she refused because I didn't have the money to pay his 'fees'. So instead of living a happy,long life with me, they put him to sleep. :-( :grr: :grr: :grr: :angry:

Good luck,PK, I hope he's still there!
some poeple really don't care and it makes me sick to the stomach
like when people buy cute puppies and the minute they are full grown they will spend the rest of their lives in the yard,
never walked,
never played fetch with

thanx alot for wishing me luck
i just know that i would give him a better home than anyone else
i pamper my fish and babies, and give them a wide variety of foods
i couldn't imagine someone feeding them stale flakes day after day in a teensy little cup :crazy:

EDIT: sorry about the cat :rip:
if you have no luck and are still looking for a CT in a couple of months PM me, i'll set you up ok? ;)
I've heard of stores giving people sick fish for free but never keeping them!!! Makes no sense. Most stores are eager to get rid of sick fish to people who don't know better so they can make money before it dies.

I remember when I went to petco once and a fish had ich and the cleark said "oh thats it's pattern" and sold it to the lady :crazy: :crazy: :crazy:
Hope you manage to sort something out with this fish.
They should let you have it.
I have recently bought a betta, sorry couldn't tell you what breed, and the fish store GAVE me what he thought was a female because of the shape and fins (it turns out that it is a plakat, don't know if it is male or female though). apparently somebody had taken it to him for him to take it off their hands as this person wanted to have different tropicals that wouldn't go with these guys.
This is the one that made a bid for freedom the other day, it is still swimming around the tank and is doing ok.
The pet store should GIVE you this sick fish.
Good luck
Sorry about your misfortune kitty. I hope the little guy's still OK and is still there when you go.
I really get sick of stupid pet stores. I went to one looking for food for my love bird and they only had one kind that was the right size of grains. as I always do, I looked at the ingredients and what did I find? "pork meal" and "animal meal". GROSS! love birds, like most parrots live primarly off of seeds, fruit, nuts, veggies, and an occasional bug.
So then I asked them if they had any food that didn't have animal bi-products in it. so what did they say?
the owner didn't even know so he asked an employee. the employee said "I feed my love birds that food, and they even breed." let me tell you something; love birds are much easier to breed that bettas so diet has nothing to do with breeding. needless to say I've never been back in 4 years.

sorry about the off-topic rant but I just can't stand the incompitence of pet stores. grrr.... :angry:
yeah i think we all have our "stupid pet store" stories, they're definitely out there, sorry about your betta PK, best of luck getting him! :thumbs:
:-( that's so horrible. why are people such jerks? i wonder if you could call the humane society in on them or something... :shifty:
thats not bad...one of my lfs associates prounounced gouramis (go-ram-i). that made me mad. what made me even more mad is that they had out of 10 male bettas...5 were floating dead and hadnt been removed. i went back the next day to find the same five, and 2 more. hope u got there soon enough for the crowntail.
(fireball forms inbetween hands) BBBBBBBBBBBBBBOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!! (big exploson visible from space)
TAKE THAT LPS! :grr: :grr: :grr: :grr: :grr: :grr: :grr: :grr:
I really hope you get that crowntail. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you. Please keep us posted - I'm waiting with bated breath.

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