BREAD in the fishtank


New Member
Apr 16, 2004
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my dad fed my zebra fish BREAD... he dumped it in while i was sleeping... the fish all look really bloated and fat now... :-( will they be okay? what should i do? you're not supposed to feed any fish bread coz it contains lots of oil right?? what should i do now???? someone help please....
That happened to me, too. 100% water change and don't feed them for a while.
I don't think the bread harmed them. It's just the overeating. They seem to like it or at least they're able to eat it (from experience). Tell your father that he should only feed them when you're present or if you teach him how to dose.

Water change is a must, though not 100%. I didn't read the entire post. :rolleyes:
a 100% water change could kill your fish, dont ever do that.
Bread is harmless i even give it to my oscars when i forget to buy food.
Itty Bitty Betta said:
That happened to me, too. 100% water change and don't feed them for a while.
As Vip stated DON'T DO THIS. If there is some excess food on the bottom then you will want to vacuum it out, but otherwise i'd just let things be.
i did a 50% water change and they seem to be okay now... i thought fishes can't eat bread...
When i had oscars i fed them frozen beef heart and they loved it. Fish are more or less scavengers and will eat just about anything. Remember, they eat bugs and other fish in the wild, bread can't be worse that these things. I think the thing with bread is that it might expand in their stomachs but if they are still kickin i'd say you are in the clear ;)
What fish are we talking about anyway??
Lindsy: How can you agree with a 100% water change? It will do MORE harm than the bread.

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