i think i'm going to cry.......

coconutman39 said:
thats not bad...one of my lfs associates prounounced gouramis (go-ram-i). that made me mad. what made me even more mad is that they had out of 10 male bettas...5 were floating dead and hadnt been removed. i went back the next day to find the same five, and 2 more. hope u got there soon enough for the crowntail.
<Looks around nervously> :*) :look: How DO you pronounce Gourami....? (Has pronounced it like gor-a-mi foreva....) It is like "grahmi?" :*) :look: :look:
i thought it was pronunced gor a(a like a r sound)mi
thanx for all of your support :)
even if some of it wasn't the beast advice :blink:

Take a gun, run in there yelling and waving the gun around, and I bet you get your betta REAL quick.

yesterday i was so choked up i could barely talk and i tried really hard not to cry (i'm a little too old to cry when things don't go my way :*) )
i went into the petstore and from the original 30+ bettas they had gotten on saturday only 4 remained on the shelf
all of which were barely clinging to life
so i, in a panic, ran up to the manager and asked her if she had any sick fish in the back,
she said no and i told her that i had watched someone put one back there
so she realized that i wasn't gunna give up and she checked in the back
she said yep, there are 3
so with a gleam of hope i asked her to show me which ones
she showed me the first one clinging to life in a ball of fuzz
the second, a red veil tail completely bloated and pale
the third one she didn't show me and started to close the door so i jumped forward and peeked in while i still had a chance
:-( :-( :-(
my crowntail
you could really tell he suffered
:-( :-( :-(
his entire body was covered in fungus AND he was bloated AND his mouth was bulging out as if he were suffocated
:-( :-( :-(
i stood there in shock and then it hit me
the only meds they have to use for fungus (although they are quite useless) turn the water yellow
all of the sick fish in the back were in clear (but very dirty) water
they had clearly just stuck the worst of them in the back out of customer view and kept the "salvagable" ones up front
they hadn't even attempted to save them
i just turned around, walked out of the store, jumped into my car and drove home
on the way home i started to cry a bit but had to choke back tears so as my eyes wouldn't tear up and prevent me from seeing the road
i couldn't stop picturing the horrific remains of this once magnificent fish
:-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-(
OMG, I am really sorry to hear that. If they had let you have it to start with that fishy would still be alive and swimming around happily in your tank being looked after properly.
Don't be disheartened, you did everything you could to try and save this fish and if it knew this it would have died happy knowing there was someone out there who cared about what it was going through.
God I am soft.
kaz petts said:
OMG, I am really sorry to hear that. If they had let you have it to start with that fishy would still be alive and swimming around happily in your tank being looked after properly.
Don't be disheartened, you did everything you could to try and save this fish and if it knew this it would have died happy knowing there was someone out there who cared about what it was going through.
God I am soft.
awww :wub:
you did sound a little soft ;)
but your words made me feel better
thanks :)
Ohhhhhh this story is sooooo sad! I was scrolling through hoping to hear a happy response!

I am so sorry about that! AWFUL AWFUl fishstore People! :grr:
I'm so sorry kitty. :(

You tried. :)

I wish I knew more people as kind and compassionate as you. ;)

P.S. I'm happy you didnt punch anyone. :flex:
cometcattle said:
I'm so sorry kitty. :(

You tried. :)

I wish I knew more people as kind and compassionate as you. ;)

P.S. I'm happy you didnt punch anyone. :flex:
oh beleive me,
i was mentaly punching them all :angry:
obviously i don't possess the same compation for these people as i do their fish :lol:
i think somebody should open a TFF chain. that way local TFF memebers could be hired and take good care of the fishs. Maybe have a person of specialty for each type of fish. sounds good to me, now who has money to start it up?? srry bout ur loss.
i think somebody should open a TFF chain. that way local TFF memebers could be hired and take good care of the fishs. Maybe have a person of specialty for each type of fish. sounds good to me, now who has money to start it up?? srry bout ur loss

i agree! that'd be great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nina7777 said:
i think somebody should open a TFF chain. that way local TFF memebers could be hired and take good care of the fishs. Maybe have a person of specialty for each type of fish. sounds good to me, now who has money to start it up?? srry bout ur loss

i agree! that'd be great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
see what i mean? not a bad idea

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